Millennium History

Ancient history

  • Christian Ethiopia crushes Islam:Victory over Somalis and Turks

    Ethiopia, known for centuries as Abyssinia, is one of the oldest states in Africa. With a strong Christian element, in the 16th century it found itself fighting for survival against the Muslims of Ahmad Gran (Ahmed the Left-Handed), who were supported by Sultan Suleiman the so-called The Magnificent

  • Men and beasts in Dachau, 75 years after the great crime

    We are looking for the traces of Heinrich Schitz just outside the city of Munich in Feldaffing. A former SS doctor who lived here after his trial. He was sentenced to ten years in prison for complicity in the murder of 11 people. Only these could be proved. But his victims were much more – mostly pr

  • Οι πρώτοι Δανοί &Νορβηγοί του Χίτλερ:Σώμα “Δανία”, Λεγεώνα “Νορβηγία”

    Μετά την κατάληψη της Δανίας και της Νορβηγίας οι Γερμανοί αναζήτησαν εθελοντές για τη μάχη τους κατά της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης. Στις 28 Ιουνίου 1941 συγκρότησαν το εθελοντικό «Ελεύθερο Σώμα Δανία». Στο σώμα κατατάχθηκαν αρχικά 480 Δανοί. Οι άνδρες αυτοί έλαβαν στολές των SS και στάλθηκαν στο Αμβούργο γ

  • Επιχείρηση “Garibaldi”:Η Μοσάντ συλλαμβάνει τον εγκληματία Άϊχμαν…

    Στις 11 Μαΐου 1960, ο εγκληματίας πολέμου Αντολφ Άιχμαν, που είχε καταφύγει με πλαστή ταυτότητα στην Αργεντινή, απάγεται από ομάδα των ισραηλινών μυστικών υπηρεσιών έπειτα από πολυετή επιχείρηση αναζήτησης. Δέκα ημέρες αργότερα, ναρκωμένος και ντυμένος με στολή της αεροπορικής εταιρείας El Al μεταφέ

  • The French Cavalry in the Ardennes in 1940... Battle with a Wave of Steel

    In 1940 the French army extended five Cavalry Divisions. Of these four were in the Ardennes sector when the Germans attacked on 10 May. The French 2nd Army of General Huntziger and the 9th Army of General Cora had been deployed in this sector. The first had the 2nd and 5th Light Cavalry Divisions (L

  • The sinking of a “giant”… The last moments of HMS “Barham” – VIDEO

    The British battleship HMS “Barham” was one of the five ships of the Queen Elizabeth class. It was put into service in 1915 and took part in the eponymous and pivotal naval battle of Jutland, in 1916, which decided the sea struggle in the First World War. The ships of the class were the most powerfu

  • De Folard... The "prophet" of martial art and the aggressive "piston"

    Jean Charles chevalier (knight) de Folard is a completely unique figure in military history and the art of war. He was born in 1669 in Avignon, France. In adolescence, only 16 years old, having read Julius Caesars On the Galatians and On the Civil War, he ran away from home and enlisted in the Frenc

  • Propaganda! Zhukov in the trash, Stalin earthly "god", hallelujah (vid.)

    The cult of personality of Stalin, one of the greatest murderers in human history, had reached unbelievable levels. In fact, Stalin was worshiped by the Soviets and other communists around the world as an earthly god, or at least thats what they had to show. Everything went through him, everythi

  • “NEVADA”:At a depth of 4,693 m. the American battleship was found – PHOTO

    Two private companies have announced that they have discovered the wreck of the battleship USS Nevada about 65 nautical miles southwest of Pearl Harbor. The photos of the remains, in fact, show that parts of the ship remain intact. The search for the remains of the American warship was also made pos

  • Οι έσχατοι Κροάτες του Χίτλερ… Η “Μπλε” μεραρχία και οι παρτιζάνοι

    Η Κροατία ήταν ένα κράτος δορυφόρος Ιταλών και Γερμανών που δημιουργήθηκε μετά τη διάλυση της Γιουγκοσλαβίας τον Απρίλιο του 1941. Ο φασίστας φονιάς επικεφαλής του Άντε Πάβελιτς διέταξε την συγκρότηση κροατικών ενόπλων δυνάμεων προς ενίσχυση των αξονικών του συμμάχων και επικυρίαρχων. Η τελευταία κρ

  • Τα θωρηκτά του Μουσολίνι στη μάχη:Σπάνιο ΒΙΝΤΕΟ με ολίγη προπαγάνδα

    Η φασιστική Ιταλία διέθετε, θεωρητικά, ένα πανίσχυρο ναυτικό στον πρώτη φάση του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, ικανό να αντιμετωπίσει μεμονωμένα το αντίστοιχο γαλλικό ή τον βρετανικό Στόλο Μεσογείου, σε συνεργασία με την ιταλική αεροπορία που θα εξορμούσε από τα “αβύθιστα αεροπλανοφόρα”, την Σικελία και τη

  • The UNKNOWN Egypt-Libya war in 1977... Sadat Vs Gaddafi (vid.)

    The brief Egypt-Libya war is one of the relatively unknown chapters of Arab history and relates to the attitude of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat towards Israel after his countrys heavy defeat in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Gaddafi, appearing as the most fanatical defender of Arab rights, after the co

  • German Pansters invaded Greece with gasoline from Stalin...

    Nazi Germanys economic relations with the Soviet Union dated shortly after Hitlers rise to power. However, they intensified after the signing of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pacts and supplementary secret protocols in 1939 and a subsequent agreement in 1940. The great socialist fatherland, based on th

  • MiG-21 in the Middle East... The "Soviet fighter" against Israel

    The MiG-21 was perhaps the hallmark of Soviet aviation during the Cold War. His appearance caused concern in the West, which was soon overcome as the lessons learned from the militants action against Israel began to be learned. The Soviet fighter was for years the backbone of the Egyptian, Iraqi and

  • Grenadier Division “Scharnhorst” 1945:Elites of the last 30 days

    The Grenadier Division (MG) Scharnhorst began to be formed on March 30, 1945, a few days before the end of the Second World War in Europe. Nevertheless it proved to be one of the elite large units of the German army in this final phase of the war fighting heroically, as if Germany were not losing th

  • The unknown massacre of Ethiopians &Greeks by the "good" Italians (hard images)

    Italian Marshal Rodolfo Graziani was one of the greatest war criminals in history. However he never paid for his crimes staying in prison for just 4 months. Graziani distinguished himself in Italys war against Ethiopia in 1936. He himself was a fanatical fascist, suspicious bordering on paranoia and

  • Μάχη Σταβουτσάνι:Η μεγάλη ντροπή των Τούρκων… μόλις 13 Ρώσοι νεκροί!

    Το 1735 οι Τάταροι της Κριμαίας σύμμαχοι των Τούρκων πραγματοποίησαν μια από ακόμα καταστροφική επιδρομή στα εδάφη της ρωσικής αυτοκρατορίας. Αυτή ήταν η αφορμή κηρύξεως του πολέμου από τους Ρώσους σε Τάταρους και Τούρκους. Το 1739 ο πόλεμος είχε περάσει από διάφορα στάδια. Το 1739 η ρωσική στρατιά

  • Πεζικό Περού, “Πόλεμος Ειρηνικού”… Ένας αξιωματικός ανά 1,4 στρατιώτες!

    Το Περού ήταν μια από τις σημαντικότερες χώρες που προέκυψαν από τη διάλυση της ισπανικής αποικιακής αυτοκρατορίας στη νότια Αμερική. Θεωρητικά θα έπρεπε να παρατάσσει και έναν από τους ισχυρότερους στρατούς. Το πολιτικό παιχνίδι εξουσίας όμως δεν επέτρεψε κάτι τέτοιο και όταν προέκυψε ανάγκη ο στρα

  • Rommel and Afrika Korps at their best...victorious surrounded

    In May 1942 the situation in North Africa was favorable for the Axis powers. So General Rommel was ordered from Berlin and Rome to continue his attack. After the decision was taken, the drawing up of plans for its implementation began. The German services did not manage this time to gather enough in

  • When the earth was torn apart... Two German army corps are thrown into the air!

    The German inlet of Messines was an obvious target of the British since 1915 already. The capture of Messines Ridge was vital as its possession by the Germans afforded the latter an absolute view of the British positions at great depth. In the case of Messines, the term ridge seems overly generous a

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