Millennium History

Ancient history

  • Using HUNGER as a weapon, Stalin kills millions of Soviets

    In Ukraine it has not been forgotten. It is also one of the reasons why the inhabitants of the country treated the Germans more friendly and still have anti-Russian feelings. Golotomor... Only one word that hides all the horror. In Ukrainian it is a corruption of the phrase murder by hunger. It was

  • Rookie “Joke”… Deadly, one-of-a-kind duel in the air

    On May 22, 1942 the Japanese dominated from Indias borders almost to the Pacific Ocean and they had every right to be optimistic. But war and confidence rarely go together. This lesson was learned, in the worst way for them, by Japanese ace pilots from a lone enemy aircraft that, in theory, was an e

  • Wretched Turkey... The "ally" that wanted everything to fight Hitler

    Turkey was linked to Britain and France by an alliance treaty when World War II broke out, but on June 26, 1940, it preferred to declare its neutrality. Hitler, before the invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia, declared in Ankara that he would respect Turkish neutrality. This declaration resulted in

  • Αληθινές οι Αμαζόνες; Ταυτοποιήθηκε μούμια πολεμίστριας του 600 π.Χ. (vid.)

    Μια ομάδα Ρώσων ερευνητών πραγματοποίησε γενετική ανάλυση σε μια μούμια που ετάφη 2.600 χρόνια πριν και βρέθηκε το 1988 σε αρχαιολογικό χώρο στη Δημοκρατία της Τουβά, στην Ρωσία.Σύμφωνα με τους ερευνητές, τα λείψανα ανήκουν σε μια 13χρονη πολεμίστρια από τη Σκυθία, όπως αναφέρεται στην έρευνα που δη

  • Σοβιετική Ένωση, Β’ Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος και Στάλιν:Μερικές πικρές αλήθειες

    Η 75η επέτειος της σοβιετικής νίκης κατά της ναζιστικής Γερμανίας κατά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο θα γιορτασθεί την Τετάρτη 24 Ιουνίου με την παρέλαση χιλιάδων στρατιωτών στην Κόκκινη Πλατεία παρά την επιδημία COVID-19. Η σοβιετική νίκη γιορτάζεται την 9η Μαΐου, ημέρα εθνικής γιορτής στην Ρωσία και είν

  • Εκπληκτική ανακάλυψη! Ρίχνει φως στο μυστήριο του Στόουνχεντζ;

    «Μοναδική» προϊστορική δομή από βαθιά πηγάδια που σχηματίζουν έναν τεράστιο κύκλο διαμέτρου δύο χιλιομέτρων γύρω από αρχαίο οικισμό κοντά στο Στόουνχεντζ (Stonehenge) ανοίγει νέους δρόμους έρευνας για την προέλευση και το νόημα του μυστηριώδους προϊστορικού μνημείου, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα το πανεπιστήμι

  • Resili! To excel, but to shake the opponent and put him on his feet...

    The Battle of Clausen in 1735 (War of the Polish Succession) is a typical example of a conflict where the superior side displays tragic audacity and refuses, in effect, to seriously engage the enemy. On the contrary, it seems to be shaken by a bold counterattack. In 1735 a powerful French army ha

  • Battle of Jenin 1982:Tanks on foot fight and defeat Syrian commandos

    The First Lebanon War began on June 6, 1982 when Israeli forces invaded that country following repeated attacks by the Palestinians there against military targets and civilians inside Israel. The reason was the attempted assassination of the Israeli ambassador to Britain by a Palestinian terrorist.

  • An unsolved historical mystery... The mutiny on the Dutch battleship in 1933

    One of the most paradoxical incidents in world naval history concerns the mutiny on the Dutch battleship De Zeven Provinciën (The Seven Provinces =which made up the Netherlands). The vessel, a small coastal defense battleship in the terminology of the time, joined the fleet in 1910. She was 101.5m l

  • Concer Briquet, the first humiliation of the European superpower...

    In 1675 the war that had started in 1672 as a military campaign of the then European superpower against the small Netherlands had changed course. The Dutch War which started as a limited scale conflict had developed into a pan-European war involving both the Habsburg Empire and the Holy Roman Empire

  • Όταν ο ποταμός “πνίγηκε” στο αίμα των Τούρκων απ’ το χριστιανικό ξίφος

    Την 27η Ιουλίου 1697 ο Ευγένιος της Σαβοΐας βρισκόταν μπροστά από το οχυρό του Πετροβαράντιν στη βόρεια όχθη του Δούναβη. Περίπου 30.000 Αυστριακοί, Σάξωνες και Πρώσοι στρατιώτες είχαν παραταχθεί έξω από το οχυρό περιμένοντας να τους επιθεωρήσει ο νέος τους διοικητής στο τουρκικό μέτωπο. Μόλις ο Ευγ

  • No mercy to the Turks... battle of revenge and extermination of barbarians

    In 1715 the Turkish danger again began to be felt on the eastern borders of the Habsburg Empire. Turkish ambitions had been revived since 1711, when Mehmet Pasha with 260,000 men defeated Peter the Greats 40,000 men at the Battle of Prutus. Always following the same expansionist policy, the Turks, i

  • Battle of annihilation... Trapping the Turkish killers and killing them

    After his defeat before Vienna, Suleiman the so-called magnificent did not give up his plans to conquer the Golden Apple and bring Islam to the heart of Europe. Suleiman, in 1532 set out at the head of a large army of 120,000 men. After crossing the Dravo River in Croatia, instead of following th

  • Has one of the mysteries of Stonehenge been solved? Where are the megaliths?

    British scientists have solved one of the mysteries of Stonehenge, determining the origin of many of the megaliths that make up the famous Neolithic monument in Wiltshire, England, thanks to a sample that had been stored for decades in the US. The geochemical study found that 50 of Stonehenges 52 gr

  • World War II:"Gideon's Force", an unorthodox war against the Italians

    The “Gideon Force” was a special unit formed by a specialist in… special operations, then Major Ordy Charles Wingate, later father of the famous “Chidits”. This special unit operated against the Italians in East Africa and its men were mainly Ethiopian guerrillas. The Italians occupied Ethiopia in 1

  • The Fierce Battle of Hushine... A Dragon of Heroes Battles a Division

    The battle in the village of Husine was one of the last in 1939 in long-suffering Poland. From September 17, 1939, the country had also received the Soviet attack while fighting for survival against Hitlers Nazi hordes. The village in question is located 7 km north-east of Hrubiezów in the province

  • «Ναυμαχία» Σπλιτ 1991… Η μεγάλη ντροπή του γιουγκοσλαβικού ναυτικού

    Η «ναυμαχία» των δαλματικών διαύλων υπήρξε μια από τις λίγες συγκρούσεις στο θαλασσινό στοιχείο κατά τη διάρκεια του πολέμου Σέρβων και Κροατών. Η σύγκρουση διήρκεσε τρεις ημέρες και έλαβε χώρα στις 14-16 Νοεμβρίου 1991. Η σύγκρουση Σέρβων – Κροατών κρατά από τον πρώιμο Μεσαίωνα. Κορυφώθηκε πριν και

  • Πετρικόφκα 1941… Ίσως η μεγαλύτερη ιταλική νίκη στον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο

    Ο ιταλικός στρατός ήταν ο, κατά τεκμήριο, χειρότερος από αυτούς των λεγομένων μεγάλων δυνάμεων κατά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Αν και το έμψυχο υλικό ήταν καλό το τακτικό δόγμα, αλλά κυρίως το επίπεδο εκπαίδευσης αξιωματικών και οπλιτών τα όπλα και το πολεμικό του υλικό ήταν κατώτερα της περίστασης. Ω

  • Dachau Camp:When the Liberators Faced the Absolute Horror

    Soldiers of the US 7th Armys Rainbow Division advance from Wurzburg into the German south. On the morning of April 29, 1945, they arrive at the closed gates of a concentration camp near Munich, Dachau. The Wehrmacht men have long since retreated, the SS have put it to rest. This was the situation wh

  • Germany – World War II:A nation in shame, 75 years on

    On the afternoon of April 30, 1945, the Red Army was already in the center of Berlin, very close to the chancellery. Hitler determined not to fall into the hands of the Soviets turns the revolver on him. Remaining loyalists burn the bodies of the Führer and his wife Eva Braun and bury them near the

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