Millennium History

Ancient history

  • May 68

    General de Gaulle was put on the ballot in the 1965 elections:he had to face the candidate François Mitterrand in the second round of the presidential election. Its prestige is affected, while the opposition regains some credibility. The Gaullist party, renamed Union of Democrats for the Vth Républi

  • Lois Ferry

    In 1833, a law initiated by François Guizot (the Guizot law) laid the foundations for the supervision and development of primary education. Public education is organized by the municipalities with the support of the State and the Church. Under the Second Empire, schools were created by Victor Duruy:

  • Nuremberg Laws

    In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany. From this year, boycotts of Jewish shops are organized. Later, Jews were banned from public office by the Civil Service Restoration Law, since they were not considered Aryans. Other professions are affected such as doctors, artists and lawyers. Public places

  • Constitutional laws of the Third Republic

    September 2, 1870:Napoleon III is taken prisoner by the Prussians at Sedan. September 4:Gambetta proclaims the IIIth Republic. Its the end of the Second Empire. In 1871, legislative elections took place. They are won by the royalists. However, they cannot agree on the pretender to the throne and the

  • Veil Law

    In 1967, the Neuwirth law legalized contraception, but access to it remained difficult. On 27 May 1974, Valéry Giscard dEstaing was elected President of the Republic. From the start of his mandate, he wanted to carry out societal reforms. Abortion is illegal in France. Women who terminate pregnancy

  • Freedom of the Press Act

    The writers and philosophers of the Enlightenment were the first to defend the principle of freedom of expression, but it was during the French Revolution that it was affirmed in article 11 of the Declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen :every citizen can speak, write, print freely. Aft

  • Child Labor Law

    Since Antiquity, child labor has been an accepted social fact. They help their parents with agricultural tasks in the fields or are employed as apprentices by a craftsman. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution increased labor activity. This is the beginning of a very strong

  • Law of Separation of Church and State

    Established on April 8, 1802, the Concordat signed between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII recognizes the Catholic Church as the religion of the greatest majority of French people. France undertakes to contribute financially to the exercise of worship. Tension between the French Republic and the Catholic

  • The Parisiennes will look for the king in Versailles

    Following the failure of the Estates General convened by King Louis XVI in May 1789, the Constituent Assembly swore not to separate before the drafting of a constitution (Oath of the Jeu de Paume, June 20, 1789). In the general enthusiasm, they proclaim the abolition of feudal rights and privileges

  • The Estates General, May 4-5, 1789

    The Estates General are an extraordinary Assembly which only meets, convened by the King, in the event of a crisis. Founded by Philippe le Bel in 1302, they bring together the three orders in force, the clergy, the nobility and the third estate, from all over the kingdom of France. In May 1789, Fran

  • The reign of Justinian

    Justinian, of low birth, was not at all appointed to the throne. His uncle, a peasant like him, joined the corps of Excubites (personal guard of the Byzantine Emperor) in Constantinople. He calls his nephew Justinien in order to offer him an education. And because the Emperor Anastasius had hardly p

  • Christianity becomes the religion of the Roman Empire

    In the first centuries of our era, Christians suffered great persecution because of their faith. In 311, the Emperor Galerius promulgates, on his deathbed and after having himself condemned them, an edict of tolerance towards this religion. The prohibition of persecutions and the freedom of worship

  • Terror

    France is in the throes of major political upheavals. The king, guardian of the absolute monarchy, gradually becomes the symbol of a dying world. On August 10, 1792, the sans-culottes marched on the Tuileries Palace and took Louis XVI prisoner. This day marks the end of an era because the monarchy i

  • The Neolithic Revolution

    During prehistory, man lived on gathering, fishing and the product of his hunt. He most often lives in a tent made of animal skin or a hut made of branches. He sets out to hunt game, moving his dwelling according to the route of the animals. Prehistoric man was therefore nomadic, with no fixed habit

  • Restoration

    On the death of Robespierre, who buried the Terror, France acquired collegial power with the Directory. But this government is constantly weakened by the royalist threat, and the lack of ascendancy of one of the Councils creates blocking situations. The conditions are ideal for a coup, organized by

  • Kristallnacht

    Jews are rejected by the German Reich. They are stigmatized by the Civil Service Restoration Act of 1933, which prohibits them from exercising in the civil service and even more so by the Nuremberg Laws, which deprive them of German nationality, prohibit them from marital and extramarital relations.

  • Greek colonization

    After experiencing a first prelude with invasions that allowed the Greek world to extend its borders to the other continent – ​​the western shores of Asia – Greek colonization proper stretched for nearly three centuries, from VIIIe at VIth century BC. VIII-VI century BC Procedure Various reason

  • The Battle of the Marne

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand – heir to the Austro-Hungarian imperial crown – on June 28, 1914, in an explosive international context, served as a pretext for the belligerents (those taking part in the war) to start the First World War. world (1914-1918). Very quickly, the Triple Ent

  • Emperor Claudius grants citizenship to all Gallic nobles

    Following the assassination of Emperor Caligula in 41, the Roman Emperor Claudius (10 BC – 54 AD) ascended the throne. Unprepared, he nevertheless gradually imposed himself, strengthening the imperial powers in the face of the Senate. He led an active foreign policy and thus conquered many countries

  • Jesus is arrested, condemned and crucified

    Palestine was then under Roman occupation. When King Herod the Great dies, his kingdom is divided among his three heirs. Herod Antipas notably inherits Judea. Power is thus in the hands of three authorities:Rome for political power, which is superior to the local political power held by the various

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