Millennium History

History quiz

  • Exercises on racial democracy

    question 1 (UENP) From a sociological point of view, Brazil was built on the myth of racial democracy, especially after the publication of Casa Grande e Senzala by Gilberto Freyre (2003). According to Florestan Fernandes (1965), the ideal of miscegenation had been disseminated as a mechanism for the

  • Exercises on Social Darwinism

    question 1 (UNESP) At the end of the last century, domination and dispossession took on new characteristics in shared and neo-colonized areas. Belief in progress, social Darwinism and the alleged superiority of the white man marked the height of European hegemony. Mark the alternative that contains,

  • Exercises on New Christians

    question 1 Read the text and then mark the correct alternative: “The Dutch invasion of Brazil, in 1630, changed the social and religious framework of the colony and the life of the New Christians. A policy of relative religious tolerance on the part of the invader gave the New Christians a nod of fr

  • Exercises on creationism

    question 1 It can be said that creationism is characterized by the defense of the following argument: a) all species of living beings have evolved over time, following the laws of natural selection. b) life, the universe and all existing beings did not come into existence from nothing without a supe

  • Exercises on National Convention in the French Revolution

    question 1 One ​​of the main features of the so-called National Convention, which followed the first moments of the French Revolution, which began in 1789, was: a) the easing of political and social tensions. b) complete dominance of the political process by the Girondins. c) the political articulat

  • Exercises on the aftermath of the First World War

    question 1 (PUC-RS) Among the immediate political-economic developments in the international order produced by the First World War (1914-1918), it is correct to point out: the end of Frances customs privileges in trade with Germany. the emergence of the United Nations, through the Treaty of Sevres.

  • Exercises on the Council of Trent

    question 1 The so-called Council of Trent, which took place between the 1540s and 1560s, had as its main objective to reaffirm Catholic dogmas. This objective came from a need within the Catholic Church, which resulted from the impact exerted: a) for Pelagianism b) by the French Revolution c) for th

  • Exercises on concentration of industrial capital

    question 1 The lack of commercial competition between different companies in a given branch of the economy characterizes what we call: Oligopoly. Trust. Monopoly. Cartel. question 2 There are several denominations for the mergers of companies, such as monopolies and oligopolies. There are still

  • Exercises on Phoenician Civilization

    question 1 (FGV-SP) Of the alternatives below, the one that best characterizes Phoenician society is: the existence of a centralized state and monotheism; monotheism and agriculture; trade and polytheism; city-states and monotheism; agriculture and the form of centralized state. question 2 (UCS-

  • Exercises on Greek cities

    question 1 (UEL-PR) With the new division of society, any citizen could participate in the decisions of power. Only slaves and metics (foreigners) did not participate in political decisions, as they did not have the right to citizenship. The text can be associated: Dracon and colonial expansion t

  • Exercises on Fencing and the English Industrial Revolution

    question 1 For the Industrial Revolution to occur in England (and not in another country), many political, economic and social factors had to occur. Among these factors, we can point out: a) the fencing of the fields and the mass migration of peasants to urban centers. b) the mechanization of agricu

  • Medieval cavalry drills

    question 1 Among the main knightly orders of the Middle Ages, we can highlight: a) Order of Dominicans and Order of Salesians. b) Order of Malta and Order of Jacobins. c) Order of Teutonic Knights and Order of Salesians. d) Order of the Templars and Order of Franciscans. e) Order of Malta and Order

  • Exercises on Catherine the Great

    question 1 With the accession to the throne of the Russian Empire in the 1760s, the main actions of Tsarina Catherine the Great were: a) limiting the political influence of the Bolsheviks and arresting Stalin. b) the division of Russian territory and promulgation of the Charter of Nobility. c) the

  • Exercises on Magna Carta

    question 1 (Mackenzie) About the English Magna Carta of 1215, it is correct to say that: a) was signed by King João Sem Terra, consolidating the separation between England and the Pope, making him head of the Church. b) determined that the Churchs assets would pass into the hands of the English nobi

  • Exercises on Belle Époque

    question 1 (FUVEST) Lamps are going out all over Europe. We wont see them shine again in our lifetime. About this sentence, uttered by Edward Grey, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, in August 1914, it can be said that it expresses: a) the realization that the war, which was starting at

  • Exercises on the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

    question 1 Among the Seven Wonders of the World produced during the Ancient Age, is the Statue of Zeus, the main Greek god. This monument, which was about 10 to 15 meters high, all carved in ivory and gold, had a peculiar fate. About this destination, it is possible to say that the monument: a) was

  • Exercises on Medieval Peasant Revolts

    question 1 (Unifor-CE) The situation of extreme poverty in the countryside, due to natural calamities, combined with the oppression of servile obligations, led the peasants of medieval Europe to revolt against the nobility. Of these insurrections, the most significant were: The Struggles at Poitie

  • Exercises on Feudal Obligations

    question 1 In what way can we see that the relations of serfdom would be marked by the exploitation of the peasants labor force. question 2 How were feudal obligations justified by the actions of clerics? question 3 Based on your knowledge of feudal obligations, explain what it was: a) The corve

  • Exercises on the Norman Invasions

    question 1 Throughout the 9th century, the Franks were constantly attacked by the Normans, who invaded Frankish territory from the north coast. The records made by the Franks referred to the peoples who attacked them as nortmanni , term translated into Portuguese as Normans. When we refer to the Nor

  • Exercises on the Barbarian Invasions

    question 1 “They all have compact, firm limbs, thick necks, and are prodigiously misshapen and ugly that we might mistake them for bipedal animals or for the thinned logs they wear on the sides of bridges. [...] But having the appearance of men, though disagreeable, they are rude in their way of li

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