(PUC-RS) Among the immediate political-economic developments in the international order produced by the First World War (1914-1918), it is correct to point out:
- the end of France's customs privileges in trade with Germany.
- the emergence of the United Nations, through the Treaty of Sevres.
- the creation of Yugoslavia, as a result of political issues in the Balkans.
- the annexation of Palestine, Syria, and Iraq to the Ottoman Empire.
- the incorporation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia into the Austrian domains.
(Ufpel 2008) Articles of the Treaty of Versailles (20th century):
Art. 45 - Germany cedes to France absolute ownership [...], with full right of exploitation, of the coal mines located in the Saar river basin.
Art. 119 - Germany renounces, in favor of the Allied Powers, all rights over the overseas colonies.
Art. 171 - The manufacture and importation of armored cars, tanks, or any other instrument that serves war objectives are prohibited in Germany.
Art. 232 - Germany undertakes to repair all damage caused to the civilian population of the Allied Powers and to their property.
MARQUES, Adhemar Martins et all. "Contemporary History Texts and Documents". São Paulo:Context, 1999.
According to the text and to your knowledge, it is correct to say that the Treaty of Versailles:
a) It ended World War II, causing Germany to lose its overseas colonies to the Allied countries.
b) It extinguished the League of Nations, proposing the creation of the United Nations (UN) in 1945, with the aim of preserving world peace .
c) It stimulated economic and colonial competition between European countries, culminating in World War I.
d) It allowed the Allied powers to divide Germany at the end of World War II into four zones of occupation:French, British, American and Soviet.
e) It imposed harsh sanctions on Germany at the end of World War I, causing a resurgence of nationalism and reorganizing the country's political forces.
question 3Read the excerpt below:
The war interrupted a revolution of values, aspirations and behaviors that began in the late 19th century. In a quick synthesis, she put a stop to the expansion of the European labor movement, the aspirations of young people, women and the intellectual and artistic avant-gardes.
BRAICK. P.R.; MOTA, M. B. History of caves in the third millennium . São Paulo:Moderna, 2007. p. 540.
One of the consequences of World War I was the emergence of movements of a nationalist and conservative nature, which were opposed in the political domain to the liberalism developed in the 19th century.
Indicate the alternative below that correctly exposes two of the countries that developed these characteristics:
- Sweden and Denmark.
- Germany and Italy.
- Norway and Russia.
- Germany and Denmark.
- Italy and Sweden.
Read the text below:
The First World War, announced as the “war to end wars”, in addition to preparing even more serious later conflicts, left fixed the image of devastation and slaughter. Close to thirteen million were killed and twenty million wounded. War expenses are not comparable with those of previous wars and the devastation inflicted on the countries in whose territories operations were carried out or due to the submarine campaign reached vertiginous numbers. Taking into account the rise in prices, the total cost of the conflict represents 30% of the French national wealth, 22% of the German, 32% of the British, 26% of the Italian and 9% of the North American.
CROUZET, Maurice. General history of civilizations . v. 15, p. 45.
Despite the attempt to put the First World War as the “war to end wars”, what was seen was the outbreak of countless other conflicts , some even larger. From the alternatives below, indicate a conflict that did not occur as a result of the First World War:
- Russian Revolution.
- Franco-Prussian War.
- Spanish Civil War.
- World War II.
Letter C . The formation of Yugoslavia was one of the results of the First World War, configuring the formation of a new country in the Balkans. This union of several states would result decades later, during the 1990s, in a bloody war between the states that were part of the country.
question 2Letter E . The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 and imposed harsh sanctions on Germany, such as costly reparations and the loss of important territories, as well as re-fostering nationalism through Nazism.
Question 3Letter B . The rise of Nazism and Fascism in the two countries illustrates the two characteristics exposed above, imposing limits on the developments pointed out in the excerpt of the text after the rise to power of these two types of regime.
question 4Letter B . The Franco-Prussian War took place in 1870-1871, so it took place before World War I, but it was a conflict that led to World War I.