Among the Seven Wonders of the World produced during the Ancient Age, is the Statue of Zeus, the main Greek god. This monument, which was about 10 to 15 meters high, all carved in ivory and gold, had a peculiar fate. About this destination, it is possible to say that the monument:
a) was imploded by Greek Orthodox Christians in the 5th century AD, who reacted violently against pagan cults.
b) originally located in the city of Olympia, it was transported to Constantinople, where it was destroyed.
c) was transported, in the 19th century, to Paris by the soldiers of the Napoleonic troops who had invaded Greece.
d) was replaced by a statue of Stalin during the period of influence of the Soviet Union on the Balkan Peninsula, where Greece is located.
e) it was destroyed by Renaissance sculptors who did not agree with the ancient classical sculpture pattern.
question 2The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are characterized by their magnificence and sculptural and/or architectural sumptuousness. We can say that, among them, the only ones that are not works by Hellenic (Greek) artists are:
a) the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Colossus of Rhodes.
b) the pyramid of Cheops, from the Valley of Giza, Egypt, and the Mausoleum at Helicarnassus.
c) the Mausoleum of Helicarnassus and the Statue of Zeus.
d) the Pyramid of Cheops, from the Valley of Giza, Egypt, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
e) the pyramid of Cheops, from the Valley of Giza, in Egypt, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, on the island of Pharos, also in Egypt.
question 3The statue known as the Colossus of Rhodes, which was erected on the Greek island of the same name, paid homage to which Greek god?
a) to the god Rhodes, god of islands and archipelagos.
b) to Zeus, head of the Greek Pantheon.
c) to the god Helios, god of the Sun.
d) to Apollo, the messenger god.
e) Poseidon, god of the seas, as the colossus was on an island.
question 4About the Lighthouse of Alexandria, it is possible to say, correctly, that:
a) was built with Muslim resources, which dominated North Africa at that time.
b) had its structure made entirely of bronze and adorned with gold.
c) was built at the request of Alexander the Great's father, Philip of Macedon.
d) was used by almost all dynasties of pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, when the seat of empires was located in Alexandria.
e) was the result of an architectural project conceived by the Greek Sostratus of Cnidus.
answers Question 1Letter B
The Statue of Zeus was erected in Olympia, a city dedicated to sports that would become known as the Olympics. These games were performed as a form of ritualistic homage to the god Zeus, father of the hero Hercules, who, according to Greek mythology, would have inaugurated these games. In the 4th century AD, the statue was transported to the seat of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople. There, in the midst of the great fire of 470 AD, it was destroyed.
Question 2Letter D
With the exception of the pyramid built for Pharaoh Cheops in the Valley of Giza, Egypt, which was designed by engineers and artists from the Egyptian civilization itself, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, also built by engineers, architects and artists of the Babylonian civilization itself, all the others were made by Greek artists, including the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which is in Egypt, and the Mausoleum of Helicarnassus, in Turkey, commissioned by a satrap of the Persian Empire.
Question 3Letter C
The statue known as the Colossus of Rhodes was a representation of the Greek god Helios, god of the Sun, regarded as the personification of this celestial star. The statue dedicated to Helios stood at the entrance to the channel on the island of Rhodes. Each leg of the statue stood on a stone column, located on either side of the channel, so anyone entering the island had to pass under it.
Question 4Letter E
The Greek engineer and architect Sostratus of Cnidus, born in the 3rd century BC, was responsible for the design and execution of the construction project for the Lighthouse of Alexandria, located on the island of Phoros, near the coastal city of Alexandria, Egypt.