Question 02 - CEDAF – UFV 2018 - Read the text below:
The Fascist
I- thanks God for being born Italian
II- believes in the religion of martyrs and heroes
III- aspires to the homeland as a reward to merit
IV- believes in the universality of the fascist idea
V- detests the happiness of the womb and disdains comfortable life
VI- disregards danger and seeks struggle
VII- considers work, duty and duty a law
VIII- considers sacrifice a necessity and obedience a joy
IX- conceives life as a continuous effort to overcome and conquer
X- is ready for every sacrifice, even the supreme sacrifice, as long as the DUCE triumphs
Decalogue by Benito Mussolini. Apud:GALEOTTI, Carlo. Mussolini has always ragione. Milano:Garzenti Libri, 2000. p. 217 The above commandments circulated on Italian postcards in the 1930s. The principle of fascist doctrine that best fits these commandments is:a) The valorization of individuals who unquestionably submit to the rules of the State and its leader.
b) The State's commitment to structuring pacification measures in Europe and the devaluation of formal work.
c) The defense of international capitalism and free market practices to solve Europe's financial crisis.
d ) The belief in the revolution of the working classes as a way of solving the conflicts that destroyed Italy.
Question 03 - UERJ 2003 - Qualification Exam -
What exactly is fascism that you founded?
Fascism is first and foremost a faith. Fascism is a great mobilization of moral and material forces.
What is more important, the plow or the sword? The plow plows the furrow, but it is the sword that protects it.
When the masses think, are they not opposed to imperialist policies?
Reason will never be the motor of the multitudes. The crowd loves strong men. The crowd is female.
What do fascists think about violence?
Violence is immoral when it is cold and calculated, but not when it is instinctive and impulsive.
So fascist violence must not be planned? Fascist violence must be thoughtful, rational, surgical.
It doesn't seem very coherent to me, but let's go ahead. Doesn't capitalism in Italy need democracy?
It is possible that in the 19th century capitalism needed democracy. Today, it may well do without it.
(Adapted from KONDER, Leandro. Jornal do Brasil, May 2003.) In the above text, Brazilian philosopher Leandro Konder produced a fictional interview with Mussolini. He invented the questions, but the answers were taken from the writings of this Italian fascist leader. From the excerpt of the “interview”, fascism can be characterized by the following trait:
(A) support for militarist expansionism
(B) stimulus to reflexive political participation
(C) disbelief in the capitalist system of production
(D) valorization of the interests of the popular masses
Question 04 - UFT 2018.1 - Transfer - In 1922, they organized the march of the “black shirts”, demanding power, with their leader obtaining concessions from King Victor Emanuel III, and going on to organize the government cabinet. In 1924, they won a parliamentary majority. In 1929, they gained the support of the clergy. Such facts refer to:
(A) Hitler and German Nazism.
(B) Stalin and Soviet communism.
(C) Churchill and English liberalism.
(D) Lenin and Russian socialism.
(E) Mussolini and Italian fascism.
Question 05 - FUVEST 2018 - 1st Phase - Marinetti's futurism and Benito Mussolini's fascism have in common
(A) the realization of the cultural bankruptcy of Italy, which clung to the Roman past and ignored the great advances of the First Industrial Revolution.
( B) the desire to provide Italian citizens with access to consumer goods and the implementation of the Welfare State.
(C) the effort of cultural modernization and the attempt to demolish the buildings that remained from the Roman past .
(D) the appreciation and adoption of the bases and principles of anarchist and socialist revolutionary theories.
(E) the glorification of the ideology of war and the speed provided by technical and military advances
Question 06 - FATEC - 2007/2 - “I could have turned this room into an armed camp of 'black shirts', a camp for corpses. I could have sewed the doors of Parliament together.”
(Benito Mussolini, 11/16/1922) This speech a) established a national socialist and democratic government in Italy, in opposition to the fascist government of King Victor Emmanuel III. b) attacked the ineffectiveness of the Italian Socialist Parliament, which hindered the political and social reforms proposed by the Italian Social Democratic Fascist Party. c) marked the departure from the position of deputy held by Mussolini, who, from that moment on, began to fight in the Piedmont region to overthrow the King. d) defended the end of the absolutist government of King Victor Emanuel III and the creation of a Parliamentary Monarchy along the lines of the French Republic. e) established a new government, the majority of which belonged to the Italian Fascist Party, which brought about the end of parliamentary democracy and the formation of a fascist dictatorship.
Question 07 - UNICAMP 2019 - 1st phase -

*si – means “yes” in Italian.
Bella Ciao
Honey, goodbye
This morning, I woke up
Darling, goodbye! Darling, goodbye! Darling, goodbye, goodbye,
This morning, I woke up
And found an invader
Oh, Resistance member, take me away
Darling, goodbye ! Darling, goodbye! Baby, goodbye, goodbye,
Oh, Resistance member, take me away
Because I feel like I'm going to die
What if I die as a Resistance member
/>Honey, goodbye! Darling, goodbye! Darling, goodbye, goodbye,
And if I die a member of the Resistance
You must bury me
And bury me high on the mountain
Darling, bye! Darling, goodbye! Darling, goodbye, goodbye,
And bury me high on the mountain
Under the shade of a beautiful flower. (...).
The previous photograph records the facade of Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party in 1934. The song Bella Ciao was an anthem sung against Mussolini's fascism and Nazi troops during World War II. On April 25, 2018, when Italy celebrated 73 years of its liberation from Nazi-fascism, the song was sung in various parts of the country. About the uses of image and music, tick the correct alternative.
a) Through various mechanisms of ideological propaganda and physical coercion, Italians were forced to sing the song Bella Ciao in order to publicly demonstrate their adherence to fascism. This umbilical character of the mass relationship with the leader is shown in the photograph.
b) As it is a product of the cultural industry with a commercial appeal, the circulation and consumption of this music on a global level and in various media (musical concerts) is understood. , soap operas and series). In this sense, the image is a poster characterized by political neutrality.
c) It is a song of international scope sung in various parts of the world, in different contexts of political resistance against fascism, a regime characterized by mass adherence to its leader, as the photograph explains.
d) The gesture that this song recovers in 2018 suggests a similarity between the time before (of fascism) and today, bringing Silvio Berlusconi closer to Mussolini, the leader portrayed in the photograph. Before, as now, Bella Ciao exalts resistance, identifying herself as a nationalist song.
01 - B
02 - A
03 - A
04 - E
05 - E
06 - E
07 - C