I. The Tenentista Movement (1922-1927) obtained, throughout its march from the south to the north of the country, broad popular support, highlighting the adhesion of anarchist and socialist workers to the march.
II. The only survivors of the Forte de Copacabana Levante (1922) were Lieutenants Antônio Siqueira Campos and Eduardo Gomes, who became, decades later, Minister of Aeronautics of the Military Dictatorship.
III. Tenentismo represented the discontent of the urban middle classes with the exclusionary policy of the coffee oligarchies.
IV. It is in the field of the so-called Tenentista Movement that the myth of the Knight of Hope emerges, attributed to Luís Carlos Prestes, commander of an important column that traveled 25 thousand kilometers through 13 states of the country.
V. The lieutenants had a clear and objective plan for the seizure of power and the establishment of a new social order with broad popular participation.
a) Only statements I, III and V are correct;
b) Only statements II, III and IV are correct;
c) Only statements II, III and V are correct;
d) Only statements I, III and IV are correct;
e) Only statements III, IV and V are correct
Question 02 - IFS 2018.1 - Subsequent - About the Tenentismo that took place in Brazil during the Old Republic (1889-1930) it is correct to say:
a) It was a paramilitary movement that had an eminently communist ideology.
b) It was a political- military of the young officers of the Brazilian Army who rebelled against the economic, social, political and institutional conditions then prevailing in the country.
c) It constituted a group of young anarchists who proposed a society without classes or any type of power. dominator.
d) It represented a rebellion that took place among young Brazilian Navy officers against corporal punishment and the terrible working conditions on ships of the Brazilian fleet.
Question 03 - UTFPR 2007 - Winter - The name “Tenentismo” is given to the political movement unleashed during the 1920s by young officers, mostly lieutenants and captains, in opposition to the government and high officials, who defended the interests of the oligarchy. About Tenentismo it can be said that, in general terms:
A) the lieutenants wanted economic and social reforms of a socialist nature that would lead to the overcoming of the oligarchic and elitist Republic.
B) the lieutenants supported the leaders workers and peasants against the violence practiced by the republican governments controlled by the São Paulo and Minas Gerais oligarchies.
C) the lieutenants supported the Epitácio Pessoa government, whose repressive policy triggered the movement of federal intervention in the opposition states.
D) the lieutenants demanded greater centralization of the state, standardization of legislation and the tax system, and implementation of the secret ballot.
E) the lieutenants took part in the struggle to overcome the plundering and dependent nature of the Brazilian economy, in order to obtain greater prestige in the international scenario.
Question 04 - COLÉGIO NAVAL 2011 - Tenentismo was a movement to contest the political regime in force during the Old Republic (1889-1930). Despite being carriers of a diffuse ideology based on a vague reformism, according to the words of historian Boris Fausto, the lieutenants proposed as changes
(A) the moralization of the country, through the secret vote and greater political centralization.
(B) the fight against electoral corruption and the end of the republican regime, in order to eliminate the excessive power of the oligarchies.
(C) the party reform, eliminating the multi-party system and the defense of open voting, as a form of expression of popular will.
(D) the implementation of democracy and federalism as a way of fighting the electoral machine of the "colonels".
(E) the defense and creation of compulsory education and the privatization of national subsoil wealth as a way to achieve progress.
Question 05 - CEFET-MG - 2005-2 - External Concomitance Technician - The movement called “Tenentismo” was organized by low-ranking military personnel at the beginning of the 20th century. Its objective was
a) to defend the Federalism implemented by the Constitution of 1891.
b) to explain the political discontent of the urban middle class.
c) to prevent the formation of political groupings that defended liberal principles.
d) strengthen republican action against the political attacks carried out by monarchists.
Question 06 - PUCRS 2002.1 - The so-called tenentista movement, in the 1920s, was an important expression of the crisis that was going through the Old Brazilian Republic. In general, the tenentistas' claims had a predominantly
A) economic character, demanding the expansion of defense mechanisms for the agro-export sector.
B) political, denouncing the vices of the representative system and demanding a electoral reform, with an independent electoral justice and secret ballot.
C) social, defending the extension, to rural workers, of labor rights guaranteed in the constitution.
D) cultural, attacking the penetration of North-American values Americans and Europeans in the arts and in the mass media.
E) military, seeking the end of official privileges to the Navy, an aristocratic weapon, to the detriment of the Army.
Question 07 - UNIFOR - 2007.1 - Consider the excerpt from a Manifesto published in Brazil, in the 1920s. This is the moment when the Armed Forces performed a high and sacred duty to sponsor the rights of the people, taking up arms to reestablish the rule of law and decorum of justice, limiting the authority of the Executive within an orbit compatible with the republican regime. Revolutionaries want nothing for themselves but to show the people the way forward and provide them with the means to claim their rights by replacing the current powers with a form and organization more in line with general interests. (In:Antonio Carlos Meira. Brasil:recovering our history. São Paulo:FTD, 1998. p. 195)
Considering the historical context and the ideas of the text, it can be said that the Manifesto was
(A) the tenentista movement.
(B) the workers' confederation.
(C) the agricultural oligarchy.
(D) the opposition governors.
(E) the anarcho-syndicalist union.
Question 08 - Souza Marques 2006 - The head of Coluna Prestes was suspicious of his liberal allies in the 1920s. The Liberal Alliance brought together old enemies of the lieutenants:oligarchs such as Artur Bernardes and Epitácio Pessoa, supporters of the old system of governors' politics.
(Our Century, April)

Tenentismo was not a uniform movement, neither ideologically nor politically. ideological nuances of tenentism.
(A) The replacement of the positivist orientation in military education and the evidence of crisis in society and within the Army brought to the fore the salvationist and anti-oligarchic sentiment that had manifested itself in the time of Hermes.
( B) The petty-bourgeois origin of the Army, therefore moralist and conservative, explains the extraordinary support received from the masses by the Liberal Alliance, after the accession of the lieutenants.
(C) Tenentismo hesitated to accept the support of the working class, but consented in being the spokesperson for the urban middle class because it did not have any political organization to represent it.
(D) The tenentista movement acquired importance for incorporating the support of workers' organizations that, before the foundation of the Communist Party, they were just welfare entities.
(E) Politically supported by tenentism, the petty bourgeoisie launched, in 1930, the victorious offensive against the upper bourgeoisie and the agrarian oligarchies.
01 - B
02 - B
03 - D
04 - A
05 - B
06 - B
07 - A
08 - C