History quiz

Exercises on Coronelismo - with feedback

Question 01 - ENEM 2011 - Completely illiterate, or almost, without medical assistance, not reading newspapers or magazines, in which he is limited to seeing the figures, the rural worker, except in sporadic cases, has the boss in the account of benefactor. On the political level, he fights with the “colonel” and for the “colonel”. Here are the halter votes, which are largely the result of our rural economic organization.
LEAL, V. N. Coronelismo, hoe and vote. São Paulo:Alfa-Omega, 1978 (adapted). Coronelismo, a political phenomenon of the First Republic (1889-1930), had as one of its main characteristics the control of the vote, which limited, therefore, the exercise of citizenship. In that period, this practice was linked to a social structure
A) egalitarian, with a satisfactory level of income distribution.
B) stagnant, with a relative harmony between the classes.
C) tradition, with the maintenance of slavery on the plantations as a typical form of production.
D) dictatorial, disturbed by a constant climate of oppression maintained by the army and police.
E) agrarian, marked by the concentration of land and local and regional political power.

Question 02 - POLYTECHNIC - UFSM 2011 - Coronelismo has as its fundamental characteristics the concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few people and the control of votes during electoral periods. This system, although it insists on remaining in the course of Brazilian history, had its vigor:
a. in the Old Republic
b. in the Estado Novo
c. in the Military Regime
d. in the Imperial Period
e. in Colonial Brazil

Question 03 - FCC - 2018 - TRT - 15th Region (SP) - Coronelismo in the First Republic was a political system based on
(A) appointment of military ranks among local potentates, subordinated to superior generals who held posts in national politics.
(B) exchange of political favors between local representatives and dominant oligarchic groups at the state and national levels, at whose center was the control of the vote and of public positions in the municipalities.
(C) appointment of Municipal Interventors by the state government, who gained military patents to exercise functions of police.
(D) exchange of political favors between the state government and local landowners, forming an oligarchic group that was against municipal elections.
(E) appointment of municipal interventors, the coroneis, by determined time, while the state and presidential elections lasted.

Question 04 - UEL - Coronelismo, a social and political phenomenon typical of the Old Republic, although its roots can be found in the Empire, was due to:
a) promulgation of the Republican Constitution that institutes administrative centralization, favoring electoral fraud in the States.
/>b) political supremacy of the states of the southern region - holders of greater economic power - whose strength came from greater popular participation in elections.
c) assembly of modern institutions - state autonomy, universal vote - on archaic structures, based on in large rural properties and in private interests.
d) institution of the Verification Commission of Powers that had the autonomy to determine who should be appointed deputy - recognizing the victors in the elections.
e) predominance of federal power over the state, which allowed the government to manipulate the local population and guarantee the oligarchy the elaboration of laws.

Question 05 - Instituto Machado de Assis 2016 - Municipality of Passagem Franca - MA -
Coronelismo was an important part of the perverse mechanism that prevented the political representation of the majority of the population, especially the poorest part of society. On this matter, all of the statements below are correct, EXCEPT.
(A) Coronelismo was a system of power based on the colonel, the local political leader, a large landowner who used jagunços to form the electoral corrals, through practices of intimidation to the voter.
(B) Coronelismo, a social and political phenomenon typical of the Old Republic, although its roots can be found in the Empire, resulted from the assembly of modern institutions - state autonomy, universal vote - on archaic structures, based on in large rural properties and in private interests.
(C) Electoral fraud is one of the characteristics of coronelismo occurring when coronels tend to alter votes, disappear with ballot boxes and even sponsor the practice of ghost voting. The latter consisted of falsifying documents so that people could vote several times or even use the name of the deceased in the polls.
(D) Cabresto's vote:in the Old Republic, despite the name, the electoral system was very difficult to be manipulated. The colonels only made agreements in certain regions known as electoral strongholds.

Question 06 - Instituto Machado de Assis 2016 - City Hall of Uruçui - PI -
Coronelismo was a period in the history of Brazil, more precisely in the republican period between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, where a policy was in force in the country controlled and commanded by wealthy farmers, owners of large swaths of land called coronels, hence the use of the term. All of the following are characteristics of Coronelismo, EXCEPT.
(A) Cabresto's vote:The coronels negotiated votes, taking advantage of a fragile electoral system to manipulate the choice of their candidates. The regions controlled by the colonels received the title of electoral corral
(B) Electoral fraud:To obtain their objectives, it was common to disappear ballot boxes, change votes or use the well-known phantom vote, which was when the colonels acquired falsified documents so that people could vote several times, even using the names of deceased people.
(C) Café au lait policy:At the beginning of the 20th century, São Paulo and Minas were the richest states in the country. The first profited from coffee, and the second made his biggest profit in the production of milk and dairy products. The politicians of these two places made agreements with each other to continue to remain in power.
(D) Senators' Policy:The President of the Senate made political agreements with the governors who supported the president based on the exchange of votes, so that they would be reelected and could always remain in the Senate, like that. They helped the president and governors by facilitating the release of federal funds.

01 - E
02 - A
03 - B
04 - C
05 - D
06 - D