Millennium History

History quiz

  • Exercises on the Byzantine Empire

    question 1 (FUVEST-SP) Throughout the Middle Ages, Western Europe coexisted with two civilizations, to which much is owed in the most varied fields. These two civilizations, quite different from the West, contributed significantly to the development experienced by the West, from the 11th century on

  • Exercises on Enlightenment

    question 1 Try to briefly explain why the 18th century came to be known as the “Century of Enlightenment”? question 2 How did Enlightenment thinkers think about the relationship between the State and the Church? question 3 From a scientific point of view, how did the Enlightenment believe it poss

  • Exercises on Renaissance Humanism

    question 1 (UEL-PR) The Renaissance, a broad artistic, literary and scientific movement, expanded from the Italian Peninsula to almost all of Europe, causing changes in society. On the subject, it is correct to say: Renaissance rationalism reinforced the principle of authority of theological scien

  • Exercises on the Holocaust

    question 1 The Holocaust committed by the Nazis during World War II was based on pseudoscientific beliefs that pointed to Germans (Germans in particular) as: A people of Indo-European origin, like all other peoples in the world. A people of Aryan origin, equal to all other European and Asian peopl

  • Exercises on the Stalin government

    question 1 (PUC-SP) The Soviet State, formed after the Russian Revolution, took care of purging from the culture of this country any and all artistic manifestations that were, in the opinion of the authorities, associated with the so-called “bourgeois spirit”. A cultural policy was then created tha

  • Exercises on the Lenin government

    question 1 (Cesgranrio-RJ) In March 1921, Lenin stated:“It is necessary to abandon the immediate construction of socialism to turn, in many economic sectors, in the direction of state capitalism.” In view of the stages of the Russian Revolution, we can interpret this statement as: represent the ab

  • Exercises on the Cambodian Genocide

    question 1 The leader of the Khmer Rouge, or Communist Party of Cambodia, who ruled the country in a tyrannical manner between 1975 and 1979, became known by the pseudonym: a) Vietminh b) Ho Chi Minh c) Pol Pot d) Vo Nguyen Giap e) Nuon Chea question 2 The Cambodian genocide was a consequence of the

  • Exercises about the end of the USSR

    question 1 (FGV) “... with Gorbachevs rise to power, in 1985, the Soviet Union began to renew its leadership and put into practice the reformulation of electoral legislation, popular and economic... Glasnost emerged from the reforms referred to in the text: a) a bold plan to restructure politics and

  • Exercises on Fascism

    question 1 Did support for the Triple Entente in World War I bring good results for the Italians? Justify your answer. question 2 Point out two situations that indicated the rise of the fascist movement among Italians. question 3 Highlight some of the key actions of Italian foreign policy in the

  • Exercises on the State of Israel

    question 1 (Enem-MEC) In 1947, the United Nations (UN) approved a plan for the partition of Palestine that foresaw the creation of two states:one Jewish and the other Palestinian. The Arab refusal to accept the decision led to the first conflict between Israel and Arab countries. The second war (S

  • Exercises on Ancient Egypt

    question 1 Within a certain view of history (called historical materialism), mode of production it meant the way in which a society is organized according to the set of economic, but also political and cultural relations, intimately linked to each other and interfering with each other. (Vicentino,

  • Exercises on the Directory of the French Revolution

    question 1 (UFRGS) After the Revolution of 1789, France experienced a period of great instability, marked by radicalism and constant external threat. Mark the correct alternative in relation to this period. a) With the fall of the Bastille, symbol of royal authoritarianism, the deputies of the Const

  • D-Day Exercises

    question 1 The so-called D-Day landings in Normandy were part of a planned operation by the Allies that was put into practice in 1944 because of: a) strengthening of German positions in the struggle against the Soviet Union. b) expansion of the Axis in the Balkans in partnership with the far-right U

  • Exercises on Enlightened Despotism

    question 1 Explain how we can recognize a despotic government. question 2 What is enlightened despotism? question 3 In what aspect were absolute monarchies not influenced by the Enlightenment? question 4 Name some kings considered enlightened despots. question 5 On enlightened despotism in Braz

  • Exercises on the Consulate in the French Revolution

    question 1 Upon coming to power through the coup of 18 Brumaire, which put an end to the Directory phase in the French Revolution, Napoleon became consul of France, along with two other consuls, who were : a) San Martin and Danton. b) Marat and Saint-Juste c) Robespierre and Marat. d) Sieyès and Rog

  • Exercises on the Congress of Vienna

    question 1 What was the political situation in Europe once Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by the monarchical forces of the Old World? question 2 Cite and explain the two fundamental principles that guided the organization of the Congress of Vienna. question 3 What were the major powers that took

  • Exercises on the Code of Hammurabi

    question 1 (UCS – RS) “ The Hammurabi Code, a block of stones 2.25 meters high, is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Of the many articles of law engraved on it, about 250 have already been deciphered. With that, information about Mesopotamian society could be revealed.” (FIGUEIRA, D. História. São

  • Exercises on the Eastern Schism

    question 1 (Fuvest) From the Great Schism suffered by Christianity in the 11th century, resulted: a) the establishment of the courts of the Inquisition by the Catholic Church. b) the Protestant Reformation, which led to the breakdown of the unity of the Catholic Church in Western Europe. c) the here

  • Exercises on the siege of Leningrad

    question 1 The siege of the Soviet city of Leningrad, which began in September 1941, was one of the episodes of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, which began in: a) Himmler operation. b) Citadel Operation. c) Braunschweig Operation. d) Operation Barbarossa. e) Operation Tannenberg. Quest

  • Exercises on Chartism

    question 1 (Mossoró - RN) The Chartist Movement, in the first half of the 19th century, in England, had among its objectives the: a) limitation of real rights by a free parliament. b) elimination of the monarchy, with the organization of a republic. c) promoting the unification of nations in a B

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