The leader of the Khmer Rouge, or Communist Party of Cambodia, who ruled the country in a tyrannical manner between 1975 and 1979, became known by the pseudonym:
a) Vietminh
b) Ho Chi Minh
c) Pol Pot
d) Vo Nguyen Giap
e) Nuon Chea
question 2The Cambodian genocide was a consequence of the utopia implemented by the Khmer Rouge in 1975. This party took power in the country after winning the civil war, which began in response to the coup d'état led by Lon Nol. Cambodia's civil war was a direct offshoot of a parallel conflict taking place at that time. We're talking about:
a) War in Indochina
b) War in Afghanistan
c) Vietnam War
d) Korean War
e) Six Day War
question 3As soon as Pol Pot took power in Cambodia, Pol Pot put in place a utopian model of government that was inspired by Maoist communism and was carried out in a tyrannical way. The main element of this model applied by Pol Pot consisted of:
a) promote the emptying of cities and compulsorily migrate the population to collective labor farms.
b) impose a socializing educational model that would promote communism and the teaching of Russian in the country.
c) form nuclei of workers workers along the lines of the Russian soviets to organize the invasion of Vietnam.
d) implement a socialist regime exalting the different nationalities existing in the country.
e) base the country's educational model on Western models, especially French models.
question 4Which of the measures below not were applied by the Khmer Rouge in the period when it controlled Cambodia:
a) formation of educational centers that promoted studies of Marxism for the population.
b) closing borders.
c) abolition of the banking and payment system.
d) abolition of private property.
e) prohibition of any religion existing in the country.
answers Question 1Letter C
Pol Pot (his birth name was Saloth Sar) had been the leader of the Khmer Rouge, or Cambodian Communist Party, since the 1960s. With the victory in the Cambodian civil war, Pol Pot took power and put into practice his agrarian utopia inspired by Chinese Maoism and which was responsible for the death of at least 1.5 million people between 1975 and 1979.
Question 2Letter C
Cambodia's civil war began after the military coup led by Lon Nol, which removed Norodom Sihanouk from power. The military coup in Cambodia was supported by the United States and was an offshoot of the Vietnam War. The American interest was to have an allied regime in the neighboring country of Vietnam to be able to fight the Vietnamese during the war.
Question 3Letter A
Pol Pot carried out the emptying of Cambodian cities and the compulsory migration of the population to collective forced labor farms. The intention of the Khmer Rouge was to develop in Cambodia a society without social classes, in which the population would be organized in agricultural communes. On these forced labor farms, the population was subjected to all kinds of mistreatment and an exhausting working day.
Question 4Letter A
The Khmer Rouge did not promote the formation of educational centers, as, in fact, it did the opposite. All schools in Cambodia were closed and teaching was banned. In addition, intense persecution was instituted against the country's intellectualized class, such as university professors and students.