History quiz

Exercises on the Munich Conference

question 1

The Munich Conference took place in September 1938 and brought together representatives from Italy, France, Great Britain and Germany. During this conference, the ambitions of the Germans about which region were discussed:

a) Danzig (Poland)

b) Alsace (France)

c) Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia)

d) Schleswig-Holstein (Denmark)

e) Austria

question 2

The intentions of territorial expansion of the Germans over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia were part of an ideology that was very common in Germany since the 19th century and that Nazism had inherited. We're talking about:

a) Reichstag

b) Wehrmacht

c) Schwerpunkt

d) Lebensraum

e) Blitzkrieg

question 3

The Munich Conference was organized by Hermann Göring and was attended by the British Prime Minister in order to reach a consensus on the annexation of the Sudetenland. The policy put in place by the British Prime Minister was called:

a) Diplomacy Policy

b) Negotiation Policy for Peace

c) Territorial negotiation policy

d) Peacemaking Policy

e) Appeasement Policy

question 4

The Munich Conference had representatives from different nations. Which alternative features a personality that WAS NOT at this conference in 1938:

a) Paul Reynaud

b) Édouard Daladier

c) Adolf Hitler

d) Benito Mussolini

e) Neville Chamberlain

answers Question 1


The Munich Conference met to discuss the diplomatic crisis caused by Germany's interest in occupying and annexing the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. The region had a large population of German ethnic origin (known as Sudeten Germans) and this was used as an argument by Hitler to defend his annexation to German territory. At the end of the conference, the Germans were given the right to occupy the Sudetenland.

Question 2


The territorial expansionism advocated by Adolf Hitler was ideologically justified from a concept known as Lebensraum (“vital space”, in the Portuguese translation). This concept defended that the Germans, because they were “a “superior” people, had the right to constitute an empire that incorporated vast amounts of territories that had historically been occupied by peoples of Germanic origin.

Immerse yourself in the theme :What was the Nazi “Living Space”?

Question 3


The policy imposed by Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier became known as the “policy of appeasement”. The idea was to make as many concessions to the Germans as possible (but within a reasonable limit) to prevent a new generalized war from starting on the European continent. During the Munich Conference, the British ceded the Sudetenland to the Germans with the promise that they would not make new territorial demands.

Question 4


Paul Reynaud was not at the Munich Conference, as he was Finance Minister under Édouard Daladier, the French prime minister at the time. Unlike Daladier, Reynaud did not advocate the idea of ​​“appealing” things by ceding the Sudetenland to the Germans. In fact, he advocated a policy of confrontation against the threat of the Nazis. He was French Prime Minister for a period of three months in 1940.

Drill into this content: Nazism