History quiz

Exercises on the Russian Revolution

question 1

(AMEOSC - adapted) The Bolshevik party, before the fall of the Tsar, was led by:

a) Kerenski.

b) Trotsky.

c) Lenin.

d) Stalin.

e) Lvov.

question 2

(AGIRH - adapted) Between the years of 1904 and 1905, a series of military defeats of the Russian Empire in the war against Japan shook the already fragile base of the tsarist government of Nicholas II. These defeats further worsened the living conditions of the majority of the poor and miserable population. On January 22, 1905, Russian workers organized a peaceful demonstration to demand better wages and shorter working hours. The tsar ordered imperial guards to repress the protesters, killing hundreds of men, women and children. This episode became known as:

a) Bloody Sunday.

b) Red Revolution.

c) White Revolution.

d) Soviet Revolution.

e) Menshevik Revolution.

question 3

(Fundep - adapted) Analyze the following excerpt.

“The Russian Revolution of 1917 represented for millions of people the beginning of a new ‘historical era’. From this revolution the Soviet Union was born, which became one of the greatest powers of the 20th century, rivaling the United States […].”

COTRIN, Gilberto. Global History Brazil and General. Sao Paulo:Ed. Saraiva, 2008. p. 425.

After the civil war, the situation in Russia could not get any worse and the general crisis made Lenin adopt the NEP (New Economic Policy), which aimed to rebuild the economy. .

Among the measures adopted by Lenin, it is correct to say that the NEP:

a) nationalized all businesses, and agriculture was collectivized.

b) authorized the presence of a private sector that would act in the retail trade.

c) prioritized heavy industry, being the fastest way to make the USSR a powerhouse.

d) built the Gúlags, a system of labor camps with an initial proposal to educate the bourgeoisie through the pedagogy of work.

e) none of the above.

question 4

(Idecan - adapted) “Stalin's rise to power marked the beginning of an economic policy proposal based on the abandonment of the NEP and the implementation of the five-year plans. This plan was organized by Gosplan (the sector responsible for establishing the Soviet Five Year Plans) which had the mission of economic planning, with the objective of converting the Soviet Union into a modern and industrialized socialist nation.”

(Available at:http://www.portaleducacao.com.br/pedagogia/artigos/64916/planos-quinquenais-sovieticos#ixzz3unP8Fuqh.)

On measures to implement the Five Year Plans in Russia, consider the following statements.

I. There was the development of the basic industry, to the detriment of the light industry, of consumer goods.

II. The forced collectivization of agriculture was implemented.

III. The Kulaks, middle peasants, maintained private ownership in the countryside and control of production.

IV. Russia's exit from World War I was decreed through the Treaty of Brest-Litovsky.

The statement(s) are correct

a) I, II, III and IV.

b) I and II only.

c) II and III only.

d) III and IV only.

e) III, only.

question 5

Between 1904 and 1905, Russia was involved in a conflict considered disastrous and that contributed to increase the picture of economic crisis and misery of the population. This conflict was a:

a) Russian Civil War

b) Crimean War

c) World War I

d) Ukrainian War

e) Russo-Japanese War

question 6

Like Lenin's death, the struggle for power in the Soviet Union was intense. Which of the following names did not vie for Soviet power in the 1920s:

a) Leonid Brezhnev

b) Josef Stalin

c) Lev Kamenev

d) Leon Trotsky

e) Grigori Zinoviev

question 7

After the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, a counterrevolutionary movement was organized that fought the revolution during the Russian Civil War. One of the main forces was the whites, who represented, in the majority:

a) peasants, opposed to agrarian reform.

b) anarchists, who wish to defend the soviets in Russia.

c) Mensheviks, who wanted to regain power.

d) nostalgic for the tsarist monarchy, which sought to put the Romanovs back in power.

e) none of the above groups

question 8

On the Bolshevik takeover, historian Daniel T. Orlovsky mentions:

“Little by little, the Bolshevik bodies marginalized the soviets, in whose name the revolution was made; they also eliminated all business bodies and social organizations that could diminish ministerial power.”

ORLOVSKY, Daniel T. Russia in War and Revolution. In:FREEZE, Gregory L. (org.). History of Russia . Lisbon:Editions 70, 2017. p. 317-318.

About the excerpt, we can conclude:

a) the Bolsheviks fought to maintain the structures that guaranteed popular participation in the political process.

b) the Bolsheviks organized changes that weakened the soviets, centralizing power in the party bureaucracy.

c) the Bolsheviks initiated a political reform to establish a popular democratic regime.

d) the Bolsheviks persecuted the royalists, leading them to popular trials.

e) the Bolsheviks weakened the tsarist bureaucracy.

question 9

The Brest-Litovsk Treaty, signed shortly after the Bolsheviks came to power, decreed:

a) the death sentence of Nicholas II.

b) carrying out agrarian reform.

c) Russia's exit from World War I.

d) the creation of the Soviet Union.

d) the formation of the Red Army.

question 10

The Red Army was the military force formed by the Bolsheviks to defend their position in power. The first great leader of this army was:

a) Josef Lenin

b) Nicholas II

c) Georgy Lvov

d) Alexander Kerensky

e) Leon Trotsky

question 11

Russian dynasty that was overthrown with the Russian Revolution:

a) Romanov

b) Rurik

c) Duma

d) Petrograd

e) Kulak

question 12

The Revolution of 1905 was recognized by Lenin as:

a) Raise the People

b) Twilight of the Czars

c) Dress Rehearsal

d) Awareness

e) Resounding Failure

answers Question 1


The Bolsheviks were a group that emerged within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903. They defended a more revolutionary position of Marxists in the Russian political context and had as their great leader Vladimir Lenin.

Question 2


Bloody Sunday took place on January 9, 1905, in the Julian calendar, and on January 22, in the Gregorian calendar. On that day, a peaceful popular protest, which had a large number of supporters of the tsar, was attacked by the forces of Nicholas II, causing the death of hundreds of people.

Question 3


The New Economic Policy, or NEP, was an economic policy applied in the Soviet Union after the civil war. In it, Lenin authorized the country's economy to temporarily function as a market economy (in capitalist fashion), as a way of initiating the country's reconstruction.

Question 4


The Five Year Plans were imposed by Stalin from 1929 and replaced the NEP. This economic plan aimed at the industrialization of the country, stipulating goals that should be reached every five years. The areas that developed the most during this period were those linked to heavy industry. Agriculture, in turn, underwent the process of collectivization.

Question 5


The Russo-Japanese War was a conflict that took place between 1904 and 1905, motivated by the dispute between the Russians and Japanese for control of Manchuria and Korea, in Asia. The conflict was seen by Tsarism as a good way to increase support for Nicholas II, but the result was the opposite. The war damaged the economy, and the defeat shattered the tsar's image.

Question 6


Of the names mentioned, the only one not involved in the struggle for Soviet power in the 1920s was Leonid Brezhnev. This is because, in that decade, Brezhnev was only a member of youth organizations of the Communist Party. Leonid Brezhnev became Soviet president in 1964, remaining in power until 1982.

Question 7


During the Russian Civil War, whites were a counterrevolutionary group fighting the revolution of the Bolsheviks. In general, the whites were formed by defenders of the restoration of the tsarist monarchy, but this group had members of other ideological hues, such as Socialist-Revolutionaries (Mensheviks).

Question 8


In the passage, it is understood that, shortly after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks acted to neutralize the power of action of the workers' nuclei, the soviets. The purpose of this was to centralize power in the Bolsheviks, especially in the leader, Vladimir Lenin.

Question 9


The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed shortly after the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. In that treaty, Russia negotiated its exit from World War I with the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire).

Question 10


The Red Army was the military force created by the Bolsheviks to defend the country during the Russian Civil War. This army was created and organized by one of the most important members of the party, Leon Trotsky. The Red Army has become one of the greatest military forces in the world.

Question 11


The Russian Revolution of 1917 overthrew the Romanov dynasty, which had ruled Russia since the 17th century. The last emperor of this dynasty was Nicholas II, and he and all his descendants were executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Question 12


The Revolution of 1905 was a spontaneous movement that began in Russia in 1905, as a result of popular dissatisfaction with the reign of Nicholas II. Lenin, leader of the Bolsheviks, called this event a Dress Rehearsal, defining it as a demonstration of what was to come in Russia.