One of the reasons that led to the overthrow of tsarism in 1917, initiating the Russian Revolution, was related to the clandestine political organization that took place throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. On the formation of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) and its internal division, answer:
a) Which two main groups were formed within the party?
b) What is the main divergence between these groups?
question 2During the last decades of the 19th century, the Russian State promoted a rapid process of industrialization in some parts of the country. About the origin of these investments is correct state that:
a) They were investments from the wealth accumulated by the nobility;
b) They were investments made by the Russian bourgeoisie;
c) They were investments made by foreign companies;
d) They were investments coming from the State itself.
question 3In 1860, Tsar Alexander II carried out a measure that altered the social situation experienced for several centuries by a large part of the Russian population. Indicate below what this measure was:
a) Abolition of the servitude system;
b) Distribution of Orthodox Church lands;
c) Freedom to organize political parties;
d) Creation of the Russian Parliament, the Duma.
question 4(UFJF-MG) About the social context of Russia, before the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, it is incorrect say that:
a) the great mass of the population was peasant, a reflection of the previous economic and social conditions, with great concentration of land in the hands of a few.
b) industrialization was restricted to a few cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, and was largely financed by western European capital.
c) presented a strong and organized bourgeoisie, with a mature revolutionary project, which defended, among other aspects, the creation of a Republic in place of the tsarist government.
d) the proletariat faced terrible living conditions in the cities, as a result of low wages, but it had a certain degree of political organization, which enabled its mobilization.
e) after the end of serfdom, there was an intense migration from the countryside towards the city, contributing to the increase of available labor, which would be directed, in large part, to industry.
answers Question 1a) Formed in 1898, the RSDLP was divided from 1903 onwards into two main groups:the Mensheviks, led by philosopher Georgi Plekhanov and Yuly Martov; and the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin.
b) The main divergence concerned the form of government to be adopted after the fall of tsarism. The Mensheviks defended the formation of a bourgeois-democratic government, arguing that this form of government would create the conditions for overcoming the economic backwardness experienced by the country and that only later would the proletarian revolution take place. The Bolsheviks, on the contrary, were in favor of an immediate proletarian revolution to overthrow the Tsar's government, since a bourgeois government would be incapable of carrying out the necessary changes to modify the political, economic and social situation experienced by the Russians.
question 2Letter c. The investments that financed Russian industrialization at the end of the 19th century came from foreign companies, mainly companies from Western Europe.
question 3Letter a . In 1860, Tsar Alexander II emancipated the serfs, ending a situation of domination and exploitation carried out by the nobility over this social class for centuries.
question 4
Letter c . There was no strong and organized bourgeoisie in Russia. Due to the lack of a revolutionary political project of its own, developed by the bourgeois class, the popular parties (representatives of workers and peasants) proposed that they should carry out the overthrow of the tsarist government and establish a Republic, as the bourgeoisie was incapable of this. P>