(Fatec- SP) William of Orange was proclaimed king with the name of William III, after having signed the Bill of Rights, with the limitations imposed by Parliament on the monarchy. About these limitations it is correct to say that:
instituted a ministry composed of the landed nobility and the urban bourgeoisie.
instituted the Anglicanism as the official religion of England and the tolerance of all cults, which was confirmed by the king, although he was an extreme Catholic.
fighted the freedom of the press, individual liberty and private property.
approval of the Houses for the increase in taxes.
set up a set of measures that ended up replacing the current absolute monarchy with a constitutional monarchy.
(UFRJ) Read the following text about some of the reasons that led to the so-called Glorious Revolution and answer the following question:
“ Satisfied with Charles II's policy against Holland, the English capitalists were not, however, happy with their attitude, and even less with that of James II, towards France, which had become England's most fearsome competitor. in commerce and the colonies. (...) The economic struggle against France, the struggle for a religion more adapted to the capitalist spirit, provoked the revolution of 1688.”
MOUSNIER, R. General History of Civilizations . The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. São Paulo:Difel, 1973. v. 9, p. 324.
About the Glorious Revolution of 1688/1689, it can be said that it:
represented the victory of reactionary sectors in the English spectrum and the return to the decentralization typical of the medieval world.
mean, after the temporary affirmation of Protestant governments, a return to the British tradition of Catholic governments.
was the moment in which Anglicanism definitively asserted itself as a state religion in England.
represented a defeat of the theory of divine right and the triumph of the theory of the contract between the sovereign and the people.
represented the victory of the theory of the separation of the three powers and of a democratic state based on suffrage.
Read the text below and answer the following question:
The Glorious Revolution:The Bill of Rights
“Whereas James II having abdicated and the throne being vacant, His Highness the Prince of Orange ordered the election of deputies to Parliament, these now assembled as full and free representatives of this nation, declare:
1 - That the alleged power to suspend laws, or the execution of laws, by the royal authority, without the consent of Parliament is illegal. [...]
4 – That the right to levy taxes for the use of the crown, on the pretext of privilege, without a grant from Parliament, is illegal.
5 – That it is the right of the subjects to appeal to the King and all obstacles placed upon him are illegal.
6 – That the recruitment and maintenance of an army, in time of peace, is illegal without the consent of Parliament. [...]
8 – That the election of members of Parliament should be free.
9 – That freedom of speech in debates and acts of Parliament should not be questioned in any court or place outside Parliament.
Declaration of Rights, 1689”
Collection of historical documents for the 1st grade . São Paulo:Cenp/SE-SP, 1980.
The above document, also known as the Bill of Rights, consolidated in England a political regime known as:
Participatory Democracy .
Constitutional Monarchy .
Federal Republic .
Constitutional tyranny .
About the Revolution Gloriosa (1688/1689) it is incorrect to state that:
o Toleration The Act of Tolerance established religious freedom for all Christian citizens, including Catholics.
the Bill of Rights consisted of a set of laws that provided for a series of liberal changes.
ascension of William of Orange, governor of the United Provinces (Holland), the English throne took place without any kind of violence.
a new episode in British political history was inaugurated, and Parliament made room for the introduction of a bourgeois liberal order.
through Bill of Rights all citizens accused of some infraction would be entitled to a trial with the presence of a jury.
The Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Rights, was a set of laws accepted by William of Orange to assume the English throne after the Glorious Revolution. Among his determinations is not contained:
the formation of a standing army without authorization from Parliament.
the superiority of Parliament's authority over that of the king.
freedom of the press and individual freedom
freedom religious service to Christians, except Catholics.
face protection private property and the autonomy of the judiciary to act.
Letter E . The coming to power of William III represented the consolidation of the parliamentary monarchy system in England, with the king being subject to the power of parliament.
Question 2Letter D . The Glorious Revolution consolidated the strengthening of parliamentary power over the monarch in England. The people would be present in Parliament through their representatives.
Question 3Letter B . With the Bill of Rights, the English Parliament guaranteed the separation of power from the monarch, who was still subject to constitutional laws that limited his power.
Question 4Letter A . The Toleration Act did not extend to Catholics, only to Protestant Christians.
Question 5Letter D . Religious freedom was not stipulated in the Bill of Rights, but in the Toleration Act.