Explain how we can recognize a despotic government.
question 2What is enlightened despotism?
question 3In what aspect were absolute monarchies not influenced by the Enlightenment?
question 4Name some kings considered enlightened despots.
question 5On enlightened despotism in Brazil, answer:
a) Who was the Marquis of Pombal?
b) What are your main actions taken in relation to the Brazilian colonial space?
answers Question 1Despotism can be observed in any and all government where a person or group has broad political power in their hands. In general, despotic governments go against the freedom of opinion of the general population and impose laws without any kind of vote or consultation of any other political institution.
question 2Enlightened despotism is a political experience that emerged in 18th century Europe. At that time, aiming to improve and strengthen their powers, the despots used the principles of some Enlightenment thinkers to improve the development of the national economy and the functionality of political institutions. In this way, several European monarchies modernized their collection systems and favored the employment of educated men to occupy strategic positions.
question 3Although several kings of Europe adopted some values of the Enlightenment, we observed that they all refuted political ideas that criticized royal power. For several illuminists, the government controlled by a king did not add the necessary conditions for the development of a political regime based on the equality and freedom of the citizens.
question 4Among other enlightened despots we can mention Catherine II (Russia), Frederick II (Prussia) and Dom José II (Austria).
question 5a) Marquês de Pombal was a minister of the Portuguese king Dom José I who took measures to remedy the Lusitanian state's expenses and increase government revenue from colonial exploitation.
b) Among other measures, the Marquis of Pombal reinforced the inspection mechanisms that controlled the collection of taxes in Brazil; he imposed the expulsion of the Jesuits on account of their various confrontations with the colonizers; and determined that the Jews were no longer recognized by the nickname of New Christians.