(PUC-SP) Diaspora is the term that designates the dispersion of the Hebrews in various regions of the world, after being expelled from their territory in the 2nd century. It was only after 1948, with the creation of the State of Israel, that this people could come together again in the same country. However, this reconquest has been, for almost half a century, a reason for contention between the Israelis and the occupying people of that region. The year of 1995, perhaps, is the mark of the appeasement of these conflicts, since agreements have been carried out by their leaders, under the seal of international diplomacy – which, unfortunately, did not prevent the assassination of the Prime Minister of Israel. The people who caused the dispersion of the Hebrews in the second century and the people who maintained the confrontation with the Israelis since 1948 are, respectively:
- Egyptians and Iranians.
- the Romans and the Palestinians.
- Palestinians and Egyptians
- Romans and Iranians
- Egyptians and Palestinians.
The history of Hebrew civilization is marked by several migratory movements, as well as internal and external conflicts to its own people in the Middle East region. Based on your knowledge of the history of the Hebrews, indicate the alternative that correctly relates the statements below with the events presented:
- Glorious departure of the Hebrews from Egypt, led by Moses.
- Dispersion of the Hebrew people caused by the Romans.
- Division of the Hebrew tribes into two kingdoms:Israel and Judah.
- Movement made by Jews scattered around the world to return to the Promised Land.
- Diaspora – Exodus – Schism – Zionism.
- Exodus – Diaspora – Schism – Zionism.
- Schism – Diaspora – Exodus – Zionism.
- Exodus – Schism – Diaspora – Zionism.
The political organization of the Hebrew civilization went into decline from the 10th century onwards, when deep crises and invasions devastated the Hebrew territories. Such a situation occurred after the death of which Hebrew king, in the year 935 BC?
- David
- Saul
- Jeroboam.
- Solomon.
- Rehoboam.
The Jews were dominated by various peoples of antiquity, after their establishment in the region of Palestine, in the Middle East. Which of the alternatives below does NOT correspond to a people who dominated the Jews:
- Phoenicians.
- Macedonians.
- Romans.
- Assyrians.
- Babylonians.
Analyze the statements below:
I - The political crisis reached its peak in 935 BC, when King Solomon died, a situation that caused the separation of the Hebrews into two different states:the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel.
II - In the 1st century BC, the Romans dominated the Jews after subjugating the territories previously controlled by the Macedonians.
III - The well-known Babylonian Captivity, which lasted half a century, was interrupted when the Persian king Cyrus I conquered Babylon and freed the Jews.
IV - Intense conflicts between Jews and Romans resulted in the violent destruction of the city of Jerusalem in the year 70 AD. C. After destroying the Jewish capital, the Jewish people were forbidden to return to Palestine, in the episode known as the Diaspora.
Indicate the correct alternative :
- Neither statement is correct.
- Only statements I, II and IV are correct.
- Only statements III and IV are correct.
- All alternatives are correct.
- Only alternatives I, III and IV are correct.
Letter B . Expelled from Palestine by the Romans, the Jews were dispersed throughout various regions of the world until the beginning of the 20th century, when the Zionist movement began the campaign to reconquer the Palestinian region, the scene of intense military conflicts to this day.
question 2Letter B .
question 3Letter D . During Solomon's reign, the Hebrew kingdom knew its zenith of wealth and plenty. However, after his death, the infighting formed two kingdoms, that of Judah and that of Israel.
question 4Letter A . Despite living in nearby areas, the Phoenicians did not dominate the Hebrews.
question 5Letter D .