In Indian civilization, the social structure came to be organized through the caste system. About this system, it is correct to say that:
a) individuals began to belong to a certain caste from the moment they were initiated into religious purification rituals.
b) individuals were associated with castes according to their birth.
c) castes were defined according to military performance.
d) castes had nothing to do with the Hindu religious system.
e) no caste considered itself superior to the other.
question 2Indian civilization, around the 6th century BC, underwent a great spiritual revolution, which produced two great thinkers and religious leaders. They were:
a) Socrates and Plato
b) Rumi and Averroes
c) Rousseau and Diderot
d) Siddhartha Gautama and Mahavira
e) Moses and Solomon
question 3During the 5th century BC, India was under the domination of the Persians, especially after vast areas of its territory had been conquered by Kings Cyrus I and Darius I. In the following century, the Persians left to have dominion over the Indians. This happened because of:
a) major epidemics that ravaged Asia in the 4th century BC
b) great Portuguese navigations, which led the Portuguese expansion to India, making Persian trade unfeasible.
c) defeat the Persians suffered for the armies of Alexander the Great at the Battle of Gaugamela.
d) conquest of India by the Muslims, who subjugated the Persians.
e) defeat that the Persians suffered for the Roman armies, led by Julius Caesar.
question 4What was the main feature of the Mauria Empire in Ancient India?
a) The development of irrigation and agriculture techniques.
b) The development of the weaving industry.
c) The creation of an overseas trade system, which established connections with the American continent.
d) The creation of laboratories to develop antidotes against snake venoms.
e) The development of nuclear technology.
answers Question 1Letter B
The idea of caste already suggests a fixed model of social organization, without mobility, and is, in the case of India, directly associated with birth, with families. Each family belonged to a different caste, guided by the conceptions of the Hindu religion.
Question 2Letter D
The 6th century BC in India was known as the Vedic Period. It was in this period that figures such as Siddharta Gautama and Mahavira appeared, founders of Buddhism and Jainism, respectively, that is, two spiritual segments of Hinduism.
Question 3Letter C
Alexander the Great was responsible for defeating the Persians at the Battle of Gaugamela, which gave him the opening to dominate India.
Question 4Letter A
The Mauria empire was characterized by a great economic transformation in the field of agriculture, provided, above all, by the advanced irrigation systems used during his government.