(UFPE 98) In the following question(s), mark the correct items and the wrong items:
After the Versailles meeting in 1919 and the signing of the Treaties of Saint Germain, Trianon, Neully and Sevres, the European political map underwent the following changes:
(0) The break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire resulted in the formation of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania.
(1) By the Treaty of Saint Germain, Serbia and Montenegro were united to form Yugoslavia, which, through the Treaty of Neully, also integrated western Macedonia, formerly belonging to Bulgaria.
(2) Poland was rebuilt with part of the territories of Russia, Austria and Germany.
(3) With the Treaty of Serves, the Turkish Empire lost territories to the formation of Iraq, Armenia and Yemen.
(4) By the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary lost Slovakia to Czechoslovakia, Croatia to Yugoslavia, and Transylvania to Romania.
question 2(UFJF-MG) Regarding the conflicts that affected the former Yugoslavia, mark the wrong alternative:
a) it is one of the oldest European conflicts, whose roots, among others, lie in the ethnic diversity of the peoples who inhabit the various political units of the region.
b) one of the significant moments of conflicts in the region occurred on the eve of World War I, with the so-called Balkan Wars.
c) the crisis in Eastern Europe favored the fragmentation of the region, leading to the outbreak of national rivalries.
d) after World War II, under the leadership of Tito, Yugoslavia remained united under a capitalist economy.
e) a striking feature of the conflict is the religious diversity that generally opposes Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Muslims.
question 3After the disputes between monarchists and communists, which occurred with the Nazi defeat in 1944, Yugoslavia was refounded, under the leadership of Josip Broz, also known as Marshal Tito. At that time, the republics that made up Yugoslavia were:
a) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovakia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bulgaria.
b) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
c) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Slovenia, Macedonia, Albania and Serbia.
d) Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
e) Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Macedonia, Albania and Serbia.
question 4Marshal Tito, when he was in command of Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1980, managed to maintain the country's territorial unity. However, after his death in 1980, the country entered an escalation of conflicts whose motives were mainly related:
a) whether or not to maintain a relationship with the USSR.
b) with the political disputes over the occupation of the country's leadership by its children.
c) with the ethnic, religious and nationalist conflicts of the various republics.
d) with the imperialist action of the US and Western European countries in the region.
answers Question 1F V V F V. Statement 0 is false because Romania did not emerge from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, only its territorial expansion. The 3 is false because Mesopotamia, where Iraq is located, was under British rule.
question 2Letter D. Under Tito's leadership, after the Second World War, Yugoslavia remained united, but not under a classical capitalist economy, but under a Soviet-like economic system, which is generally referred to as communism.
question 3Letter B. The first formation of Yugoslavia had as components the kingdoms of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, but after the Nazi defeat, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro were added.
question 4Letter C. The great ethnic, national and religious diversity of the populations that inhabited the Balkans returned to conflict during the 1980s, erupting into a bloody civil war in the following decade.