History quiz

Exercises on Hittite Civilization

question 1

The Hittites had a great empire, between 1700 BC. and 1200 BC, and their trajectory ended when they were conquered by the Assyrians. The Hittites settled in which region?

a) Mesopotamia

b) Peloponnese

c) Lazio

d) Anatolia

e) Crete

question 2

Some studies by archaeologists and historians hypothesize that, around the 14th century BC, the Hittites may have been involved in the following conflict:

a) Samnite Wars

b) Punic Wars

c) Trojan War

d) Peloponnesian War

e) Pyrrhic War

question 3

Which of the names below does not refer to a Hittite king:

a) Hatusil I

b) Assuruballit II

c) Supiluliuma I

d) Mursili II

e) Arnuwanda

question 4

Concerning the Hittite civilization, find the false alternative:

a) The first evidence of the Hittites was discovered in the 19th century.

b) To this day, the language of the Hittites has not been deciphered by linguists.

c) The Hittite Empire was founded under the leadership of King Hattusil I.

d) One of the best known battles in Hittite history is the Battle of Kadesh, fought against the Egyptians.

e) His empire came to an end through the conquest by the Assyrians.

answers Question 1


The Hittites settled in Anatolia, located in Asia Minor, present-day Turkey, around 2000 BC. It is not known for sure where the Hittites came from, but it is believed that they arrived in Anatolia via the Caucasus. They formed a great empire that existed until the 12th century BC.

Question 2


There is a theory, emerging through manuscript analysis, that the Hittites went to war against a people called the Ahhiyawa, who may have been formed by the Mycenaeans. Many believe that this war between the Hittites and Mycenaeans may have been the Trojan War, a famous conflict in Greek history that still lacks historical proof.

Question 3


In the matter, the only non-Hittite king was Ashuruballit II, the last king of the Assyrians. Ashuruballit II ruled the Assyrians for a very short period in the 7th century and was the last king before the Assyrian Empire succumbed to the Chaldeans. It is not known for certain if Ashuruballit II was killed or if he survived during the war against the Chaldeans.

Question 4


False:The first evidence for the existence of the Hittites dates back to the 19th century.

In 1906, more than ten tablets written in the Hittite language were discovered, and they were deciphered due to the work of the Czech linguist Bedrich Hrozny, who, in 1916, deciphered the Hittite language, stating that it is an Indo-European language.