For the Industrial Revolution to occur in England (and not in another country), many political, economic and social factors had to occur. Among these factors, we can point out:
a) the fencing of the fields and the mass migration of peasants to urban centers.
b) the mechanization of agriculture and the permanence of peasants in their lands of origin.
c) the socialization of the means of production in the English countryside.
d) the fall of the British parliamentary regime.
e) the mass migration of urban workers to rural areas.
question 2(Cesgranrio) The consolidation of the industrialization process in England, which took place in the first half of the 19th century, correctly relates to (o):
a) extinction of the process of fencing the fields ("enclousures").
b) supremacy of liberal ideology.
c) strengthening of production through craft corporations.
d) emergence of financial and oligopolistic capitalism.
e) exodus of skilled labor from cities to the countryside.
question 3Read the text:
“The enactment of the law of enclosures in 1710, by the English Parliament, established itself as one of the first forms of exclusion in the countryside provided by the State, during the 16th century. The peasants who lived on the leases were forced to work for miserable wages on the land of the lords or migrate to the cities .” (OLIVEIRA, Renata Sibéria de; SANTOS, Josefa de Lisboa. From the nature of the state to the status of provider state:logic of the reproduction of agrarian space in Brazil. GEONORDESTE Magazine, São Cristóvão (SE) Year XXII, n.1, p. 193).
Based on the information in the text above, we can say that the enactment of the Enclosure Act in England in the early 18th century:
a) enabled the purchase of land by poor peasants.
b) pressured peasants to migrate to urban centers, where industry developed.
c) made the development of the industry unfeasible.
d) attracted people who lived in cities to the countryside.
e) discredited the English Parliament with the population.
question 4The Fencing Law increased agricultural productivity in the fields. This factor contributed decisively to:
a) food shortages across Europe.
b) the shortage of labor in cities.
c) a food overproduction crisis.
d) supplying the urban population.
e) infeasibility of grain flow.
answers Question 1Letter A
One of the effects of the law of enclosures in England was the mobilization of a great mass of peasants towards the industrial centers. This ended up forming the contingent of people that would become the English working class, which was decisive for the development of the industry.
Question 2Letter B
With the advance of technological transformations provoked by the Industrial Revolution, the organization of the capitalist system needed a theoretical legitimation. The birth of modern economics and, with it, of liberalism was a theoretical foundation for understanding and legitimizing the advent of industrialization.
Question 3Letter B
The enclosures contributed to the English rural exodus, as populations with less possessions and wealth were no longer able to maintain their businesses in the countryside and compete with the agricultural modernization of large landowners.
Question 4Letter D
The agricultural modernization in England, made possible by the Law of Fences, provided a great increase in the production of grains and other products. This productive expansion was decisive to meet the food needs of the growing urban population (especially in industrial areas).