History quiz

History Exercises about the Kingdom of Ghana - with answers

Question 01 - Mackenzie 2017/2 - Read the following texts:“From Tarkala to the city of Ghana, it takes three months to walk through an arid desert. In the country of Ghana, gold grows like plants in the sand, just like carrots. It is harvested at sunrise.” Ibn al-Fakih. Cited in:Alberto da Costa e Silva. Images of Africa:from Antiquity to the 19th century. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 2012, p.32 “[Ghana] is the land of gold.
(...) Everyone in the Maghreb knows, and no one disagrees, that the King of Ghana has in his palace a block of gold weighing 30 arratels (about 14 kg). This block of gold was created by God, without being melted in fire or worked with an instrument. But it was pierced from one side to the other, so that the king's horse could be tied to it. It is a curious thing that is not found anywhere else in the world and that no one has except the king, who boasts of it before all the sovereigns of Sudan”. Al-Idrisi. Cited in:Alberto da Costa e Silva. Images of Africa:from Antiquity to the 19th century. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 2012, p.37
The texts were written by Arab travelers observing aspects of the Kingdom of Ghana, in Africa, during the European Middle Ages. From the analysis of the excerpts, it is correct to say that this Kingdom a) caused astonishment and admiration, both for its economic development and for the polytheistic theocratic power of ruler. b) caused strangeness in its visitors, both because of the exaggerated amount of precious metals available and because of the authoritarian power of the ruler. c) caused perplexity in travelers, as they did not understand its development in the midst of a continent marked by the inexistence of civilizations. d) it developed supported by the wealth of gold and by the monotheistic belief, a factor that disqualified it from the travelers who passed there. e) impressed its visitors, both for the opulence brought by the gold and for its complex political and social organization.

Question 02 - Instituto Machado de Assis - 2018 - City Hall of Luís Correia - PI - Professor of History -
The Kingdom of Ghana stood out for the production of a product that supplied the African and European Mediterranean regions for a long time. This product was:
(A) Diamonds.
(B) Gold.
(C) Copper.
(D) Iron.

Question 03 - GROW - 2018 - São Domingos do Azeitão City Hall - MA - History Teacher -
Ghana's commercial economy reached its peak in the 18th century, two products were fundamental to the economic expansion of the Kingdom of Ghana. These products are:
(A) Wheat and cloth.
(B) Horses and wheat.
(C) Beans and slaves.
(D) Gold and slaves.
Question 04 - GROW - 2017 - City Hall of Chaval - Human Sciences -
The Empire of Ghana, with its capital KumbiSaleh, was one of the richest and most prosperous empires in Africa, both for its positioning that it did not receive constant interventions from foreigners, such as the peoples of North Africa, so they were able to live long periods of prosperity and protection between the 9th and 10th centuries. Its fall and weakening occurred, among many reasons, for reasons of faith and religion:
A) Because the majority population believed in Yoruba deities, while the leaders had their beliefs closed and focused on the entities of Soninkee nature.
B) Catholic missionaries created ties with Ghanaian leaders enabling their conversions, but resistance from the population caused the kingdom to lose its inhabitants to neighboring kingdoms , of traditional faith.
C) As the commercial relationship of the Berbers – Islamic – with the population and traders was strong and influential, a large part of the Ghanaian population converted to Islam even against the will of the Ghanaian leaders.
D) North Africa was going through a strong process of Islamization, and resistance to the faith of Islam in Ghana caused the kingdom to lose commercial strength, culminating in the weakening of its capital, opening the possibility of invasion by the Berbers – Islamic people.

Read the text below and answer QUESTIONS 05 and 06.
“From Tarkala to the city of Ghana, it takes three months to walk through an arid desert. In the country of Ghana, gold grows like plants in the sand, just like carrots. It is harvested at sunrise.” Ibn Al-Fakih. “The gold of Ghana.” In:SILVA, Alberto da Costa. Images from Africa. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 2012, p.32.

Question 05 - Palmas City Hall- SEMED - (History) - 2013 -
The city of Ghana was an important supplier of goods for the Islamic trans-Saharan trade that linked the south of the Sahara with southern Europe and the Middle East. It is CORRECT to say that what guaranteed the economic and political growth of the Kingdom was the export of
(A) gold and silver.
(B) gold and fabrics.
(C) gold and salt .
(D) gold and dates.

Question 06- Palmas City Hall- SEMED - (History) - 2013 -
When it gained independence in 1957, the English Colony of the Gold Coast took its current name, Ghana, in reference to the
(The) Soninqué Kingdom located in the south of present-day Mauritania.
>(B) Hausa Empire located in the south of present-day Nigeria.
(C) Kingdom of Congo located in the north of present-day Angola.
(D) Kingdom of Ghana located in the north of its present territory.
(D) Kingdom of Ghana located in the north of its present territory.
01 - E
02 - B
03 - D
04 - D
05 - C
06 - A
Justification :The Kingdom of Ghana, whose capital was also called Ghana, and which had its imperial apogee between the 9th and 10th centuries. It was geographically located in present-day Mauritania. The Soninquê people were responsible for the foundation of the Kingdom/Empire of Ghana. For this reason, this political entity, as the relevant historiography shows, was also known as the Soniquê Kingdom.