b) Increase in slavery due to the arrival of new prisoners of war from conquered regions; c) Formation of large estates causing a large rural exodus;
d) The first Roman diaspora began, due to the scarcity of fertile lands and leading the Latins to flee to Asia Minor;
e) There was the formation of a new social group:the knights.
Question 02 - UNIFOR 2004.1 - In antiquity, Roman expansionism engendered great social and economic transformations and provided conditions for the “greatness” of Rome, but at the same time, it made possible the outbreak of social struggles that shook the Roman Republic. The origins of these social struggles were related, among others, to
(A) the expansion of democratic mechanisms of power, with the extension of the right to vote to foreigners, a measure that contradicted the interests of the Roman plebs.
(B) ) to the ruin of a large part of the peasants, due to the process of land concentration in the hands of the aristocracy and sectors that became rich with wars.
(C) to the laws created by the brothers Tibério and Caio Graco, which reduced the possibilities of access of the popular layers to land, since they were representatives of the landed nobility.
(D) occupation of peasant lands by military families, who aimed for social ascension through property titles.
(E) at insurrections stimulated by Spartacus, who was a gladiator who defended the interests of the army and the dominant layers of the Roman territory.
Question 03 - PUCRS 2005.2 - Answer based on the statements below, about the relations between patricians and plebeians, in republican Rome.
I. With the increase in the expansionist tendency and the expansion of public lands, the patricians increased their properties, as they took political advantages over the plebeians in the appropriation of those lands.
II. The creation of the Tribunes of the Plebs, at the beginning of the 5th century BC, did not change the political position of the plebeians vis-à-vis the patricians, as the office did not have any effective power and the tribunes did not enjoy personal and residential inviolability.
III. From the permission of marriages between patricians and plebeians, there was an association between the richest plebeian families and patricians, giving rise to a new aristocracy.
The analysis of the statements allows us to conclude that
A) only I is correct.
B) only II is correct.
C) only III is correct.
D) only I and III are correct.
E) I, II and III are correct.
Question 04 - PUCRS 2004.1 - Answer question 4 based on the statements below, about the beginning of the Roman Republic.
I. The main social classes were composed of patricians (large landowners descended from the first families that inhabited Rome), plebeians (generally small farmers, artisans and merchants), clients and slaves.
II. The political institutions of the Republic were the Consulate, the Senate, the Comitia and the Judiciary, and their members were chosen by election.
III. Through a series of wars, Rome expanded its domination over the Mediterranean Sea, as the Italian Peninsula had already been conquered by the Romans under the Monarchy.
IV. The conflicts between patricians and plebeians gradually generated political and social achievements for the latter, such as the elaboration of written legislation (12 Tables) and the institution of a Plebeian Tribune.
By analyzing the statements, it is concluded which are only correct
A) I and II
B) I, II and IV
C) I and III
D) II, III and IV
E) III and IV
Question 05 - FMABC 2017 - “The Roman citizen was one who had political, economic and military rights and obligations. He was to attend assemblies, pay taxes and go to war to fully exercise his citizenship.” Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Machado. Rome and its empire. São Paulo:Saraiva, 2004, p. 20. Adapted.
From the above statement about the Roman Republic, it is correct to say that citizenship
(A) was primarily associated with agricultural and commercial activities.
(B) implied participation in military, productive and political activities.
(C) was performed by men who lived in the city, free or slaves.
(D) depended on the voluntary participation of peasants in the army.
Question 06 - UNIFOR 2002.2 - In the period of the ancient Roman Republic, social and political struggles were intense. One can identify as an example of these struggles
(A) the insurrection of slaves, led by Spartacus, between 73 and 71 BC, which represented a great advance for society as, from that moment, they were voted several abolitionist laws.
(B) the disputes between patricians and plebeians, for the control of political power, which hindered expansion and Roman territorial conquests, which could only be made possible after the establishment of the Empire.
( C) the mobilizations of the patricians for the institution of the democratic system in Rome and for the implementation of land laws, as a way of guaranteeing, to all citizens, the right to property.
(D) the constant pressures of the plebeians for social reforms , especially after Roman expansion led them to ruin due to the impossibility of their products competing with those of the slave latifundia.
(And) the conflicts that were established between slaves and commoners, since they did not agree with the realization He gave an agrarian reform that would benefit former slaves.
Question 07 - FGV-SP 2008 - Economy - 1st phase - Read the statements about the Roman Republic (509-27 BC).
I. In the early days of the Republic, society was composed of only two sectors:patricians and slaves.
II. The slaves, few in number at the beginning of the Republic, grew numerically with the wars of conquest.
III. Among the public functions in Rome, there were the consuls, praetors and tribunes of the plebs.
IV. In 494 BC, rebellious commoners retreat to the Holy Mount, threatening to found another city if they did not have, among other claims, the right to elect their own magistrates.
V. With Roman expansionism and its territorial conquests, there was a group that especially benefited:the commoners, who began to sell wheat to the dominated peoples.
The statements are correct
a) I, II and III, only .
b) II, III and IV, only.
c) II, III, IV and V, only.
d) III, IV and V, only.
e ) I, II, III, IV, V
Question 08 - UNIFOR - 2007.1 - In the ancient Roman Republic, the conquests caused major economic and social transformations, among which stands out
(A) the increase in prisoners, resulting from wars, which led the enslaved labor to constitute the main workforce.
(B) the weakening of the State due to the redistribution of power in the hands of the political leaders of the annexed regions.
(C) the formation of small land ownership, which resolved the problems of peasants and urban proletarians.
/>(D) the harmony between patricians and plebeians, since the latter benefited from the riches from the conquests.
(E) the development of an economy based on agriculture, due to the large amount of fertile land conquered.
Question 09 - UNIFOR 2009.1 - Medicine - Consider the historical document.
The beasts that roam the woods of Italy each have their shelter and those who die for the defense of Italy have only the light and air they breathe. Homeless, they roam with their wives and children. Generals deceive them when they exhort them to fight for the temples of their gods, for the graves of their fathers. This is because of a large number of Romans there is not a single one who has his domestic altar, his family tomb. They fight and die to feed the opulence and luxury of others. They say they are lords of the universe, but they don't even own a piece of land.
(Plutarch. Parallel lives. In:Luiz Koshiba and Denise M. F.Pereira. General and Brazilian History. São Paulo:Atual, 2004. p.54) The ideas in the document are attributed to a plebeian tribune who acted in the political life of the ancient Roman Republic in the 2nd century BC. Based on historical knowledge, it is possible to consider that these ideas justified (A) the implementation of a policy of importing slaves to the properties of patricians, as a way of freeing peasants from manual labor.
(B) the policy of "bread and circus" adopted by the Roman emperors with the objective of containing the revolts of the plebs and clients in the great urban centers.
(C) the establishment of the colony system in the large estates that lost their slaves due to the slavery crisis, which hit the empire Roman.
(D) the approval of an urban law that stimulated the distribution of land in the city of Rome to the impoverished layers of the Roman population.
(E) the proposal of a project that foresaw the expropriation of part of and distribution of small plots to peasant families.
Question 10 - UVA 2012.2 - CG - On the banks of the Tiber River in central Italy, Rome emerged. It grew, expanded and became the seat of a mighty empire. Rome imposed its dominion in several parts of the West and East and passed through the following forms of government:royalty, republic and empire. />( ) During the period of crisis of the Roman Republic, Rome had two triumvirates:the first, formed by Caesar, Pompey and Crassus; and the second, formed by Otávio, Marco Antônio and Lépidus.
( ) As a consequence of the Roman expansion during the republican period, we can mention the strengthening of small agricultural landowners, the decline of the economic power of the new men and the great political stability.
( ) The first written law of Roman history, product of the class struggle between patricians and plebeians, during the republican period, was the Law of the XII Tables.
( ) During the republican period, Rome, of simple city-state, gradually turned into a great empire.
The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is:
A. F-V-V-F.
B. T-V-V-F.
C. F-V-F-F.
D. T-F-V-V.
Question 11 - FGV-SP 2004 - 1st phase - 1st day - “From then on, consuls were elected in number of two, instead of a single king, with the purpose that, if one of them had the intention of acting badly, the other, invested with equal authority, would restrain him. .”
Flávio Eutrópio, Summary of Roman History, in Historiadoreslatinos, NOVAK, G., M and others (orgs.), trans., São Paulo, MartinsFontes, 1999, p. 259.
The above passage refers to the period in the history of Rome known as:
a) Diarchy, instituted shortly after the imperial era.
b) Democracy, organized after the revolt of the plebeians of the slaves.
c) Consulate, created to diminish the power of the tyrants.
d) Republic, established by the patrician aristocracy.
e) Pax Romana, imposed by the senators as a way to limit the power of the patricians.
Question 12 - UFPel Summer 2009 - Political organization - 6th B.C. to I B.C.

BONIFAZI, Elio et al. Discovering History:Ancient and Medieval Ages. São Paulo:Ática, 2002 [adapted]. The scheme represents (a) (a) Roman monarchy.
(b) Roman Empire.
(c) Athenian Hellenistic period.
(d) Athenian Senate.
(e) ) Roman Republic.
(f) I.R.
01 - D02 - B03 - D04 - B05 - B06 - D
07 - B
08 - A
09 - E
10 - D
11 - D
12 - I