History quiz

History Exercises on Feudalism - With Answers

Question 01 - IFS 2018.1 - Subsequent - It cannot be considered as a generating factor for the formation of Feudalism in Western Europe:a) The urbanization generated by the barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire from the 5th century BC. b) Social, political and economic disintegration of the Western Roman Empire with the invasions of the Germanic peoples on its territory. Roman power in the West.d) The crisis of commerce and the decrease of economic, social and cultural activities carried out in the cities.
Question 02 - FUVEST 2010 - 1st Phase - “The institution of corveas varied according to the manorial domains, and, within each one, according to the legal status of the peasants, or their meek [plots of land].”
Marc Bloch. The original characters of rural France, 1952. This sentence about feudalism deals with a) vassalage. b) colonato. c) comitatus. d) serfdom. e) from the guild.
Question 03 - FUVEST 2012 - 1st Phase - The word “feudalism” carries with it several meanings. Among them, one can point out those linked to a) societies marked by mutual and asymmetrical dependencies between lords and vassals. b) kinship relationships determined by place of birth, especially when urban.c) regimes entirely dominated by religious faith, whether Christian or Muslim.d) high land and capitalist concentrations.e) forms of pre-agricultural subsistence economies.
Question 04 - IFS 2014.1 - Subsequent - Among the characteristics of Feudalism, a Structured Mode of Production in Western Europe during the Middle Ages, we can consider. I - The existence of great political decentralization. II - Emergence of political and social theories of defense and criticism of the bourgeoisie. III - Division social status in three estates:clergy, nobility and servants.IV – Suzerainty and vassalage relationships, the result of the understanding between nobles who established interdependent relationships with each other. Items.a) I and II.b) II and IV.c are correct ) I, II and III.d) I, III and IV e) I, II, III and IV.
Question 05 - Summer Entrance Exam 2019 – UPF -“Since the last decades of the 13th century, there has been a loss of the vitality that characterized Feudalism... profound transformations were taking place, which were revealed with full force from the beginning of the 14th century. This crisis was global, with all feudal structures being hit hard.” (FRANCO JR, Hilário. O Feudalismo. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1993, p. 78) Of the following alternatives, only one does not explain the fundamental reasons for the crisis mentioned in the text. What? a) The exaggerated exploitation by the nobles of the manpower of the serfs, demanding more and more from them a longer working time. b) The discovery of new gold and silver mines in Polish territories, which generated a violent dispute between several nations for their exploitation. c) Peasant and urban revolts resulting from the misery that came to characterize the life of this part of the population. d) The exhaustion of production forces accentuated by the demographic crisis, a result of the Black Death, and) The failure of the production model based on the countryside and large areas of land controlled by feudal lords.

Question 06 - UNIOESTE 2009 - 2nd Stage - Regarding feudalism, the system of economic, social and political organization in force in Medieval Europe, it is correct to say that
(A) romanticism attributed a negative character to the medieval period, associating it with retrogression and the “darkness ”.
(B) the military strength of the great feudal lords contributed to a political centralization, which was important for the formation of European National States.
(C) the corvée meant a good or right ceded to someone in exchange for allegiance and various obligations, especially military
(D) different from the slave in Antiquity, the peasant of the High Middle Ages could not be sold and remained in the manor when it was transferred to another master, a regime known as servitude of the land.
(And) the great discoveries in America caused a decisive rupture in the feudal remnants of western Europe.

Question 07 - UNIFOR 2011.1 - In Europe, the medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th century and was divided into two great moments:the High and Low Middle Ages. Among the items below, identify the mode of production that replaced Roman slavery and whose organization was based on serfdom:
(A) Toyotismo.
(B) Mercantilism
(C) Feudalism.
(B) Mercantilism.
(C) Feudalism.
br />(D) Capitalism.
(E) Socialism.

Question 08 - UVA 2010.2 - From the 11th century onwards, Europe underwent profound economic, political and social transformations, which led to the disintegration of feudalism and the birth of a new mode of production. The military success of the Crusades II- The Black Death, which reduced the supply of manpower, which became salaried workers
III- The commercial and urban renaissance
IV- The military incapacity of the cavalry in the face of firearms of the bourgeois mercenary armies
V- The rise of the church as a political power
Check the correct alternative, according to the template below:
A. if only alternatives I and V are correct
B. if only alternatives I and II are correct
C. if only alternatives II, III and IV are correct
D. if only alternatives III, IV and V are correct

Question 09 - UVA 2012.2 - CG - According to traditional historiography, the Middle Ages extends from the 5th century, when the Western Roman Empire fell into the hands of the Heruli (barbarians), until the 15th century, when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks. The period known as the High Middle Ages corresponds, in general terms, to the formation and apogee of the feudal mode of production. About feudalism it is correct to say:
I - The feudal economy was one of consumption, agrarian and self-sufficient.
II - Feudal society was characterized by social immobility. For this reason, and for the fact that each group had a specific social honor, society was based on status.
III - As feudal production was production for consumption, the Church prohibited profit and ausury. Everything in feudalism was related to God. Theocentrism dominated all medieval culture.
They are correct:
A. only item I
C. only item III.
B. only items II and III.
D. items l, II and III.

Question 10 - UERR 2019 - “The house of God, which is believed to be one, is therefore divided into three:some pray, others fight and others work. These three parts that coexist cannot bear to be separated; the services rendered by one are the condition of the works of the other two.”
ADALBERÓN, Bishop of Laon. I sing to King Robert. 10th Century. In:PEDRERO-SÁNCHEZ. History of the Middle Ages:texts and texts. São Paulo:Unesp, 2000. p. 91.
Choose the alternative that best represents the typical social classes of Feudalism described in the text from the following alternatives:
A) suzerains, vassals and serfs.
B) patricians, clients and plebeians.
B) br />C) priests, pharaoh and fellah.
D) church, bourgeoisie and proletariat.
E) clergy, nobility and servants.

Question 11 - FUVEST 2018/19 - Transfer - 1st Phase - Since the last decades of the thirteenth century, there was a loss of vitality that characterized Feudalism in the previous two hundred years. The origin of this was in its dynamics, which had led Feudalism to reach the possible limits of the functioning of its structure. In other words, the crisis resulted from the characteristics of Feudalism itself.
Hilário Franco Jr. Feudalism. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1986, p. 78. Among the factors that led to the crisis mentioned in the text, it is correct to mention:(A) the national wars and the reduction of the political and religious influence of the Catholic Church.
(B) the predatory exploitation of the lands and the alterations in the relations between the social strata.
(C) the armed invasions of Eurasian peoples and the political fragmentation of European kingdoms.
(D) the rise of the political power of the aristocracy and the financial decline of the bourgeoisie.
( E) monarchical decentralization and the outbreak of peasant revolts in France

Question 12 - FUVEST 2017 - Transfer – The trend of economic and territorial expansion of Western European Christianity, verified between the 11th and 13th centuries, reversed throughout the 14th century, a historical situation called by many historians as the crisis of feudalism. In this regard, it is correct to say:
a) The population decline, intensified by the Black Death, and the depletion of agricultural land caused a drastic decrease in labor and affected the feudal economy.
b) The lack of coins and Monetary means marked the limit of commercial transactions and led to the collapse of economic development from the 14th century onwards.
c) The economic downturn was caused by the Islamic advance in the Iberian Peninsula, one of the main areas of economic development in the medieval period.
d) The process of monarchical centralization, weakening the nobility and the clergy, caused the dissolution of the social hierarchy and unleashed several urban and peasant revolts in the 14th century.
e) The fall in the prices of luxury products and the struggle for control of mercantile routes of spices stimulated internecine wars within the nobility, which ended up affecting the feudal order.

01 - A
02 - D
03 - A
04 - D
05 - B
06 - D
07 - C
08 - C
09 - D
10 - E
11 - B
12 - A