History quiz

History Exercises on Islam - With Answers

Question 01 - UVA 2011.1 - CE - In the Asian and African regions where Islam is expressed, fundamentalist movements have grown a lot. The receptivity of these movements is based, on the one hand, on the criticism of the nature of political regimes, the performance and policy of national governments. On the other hand, it is based on advocating both the rigorous application of the laws of the Koran in Muslim societies and the political unification of the entire Islamic world. Islam, a religion founded by Mohammed and of great importance in Arab unity, is based on:A) monotheism, the influence of Christianity and Judaism, observed by Mohammed among peoples who followed these regions. B) the cult of saints and prophets, through images and idols. C) the polythem, that is, the child in many gods, of which the main one is Allah. D) the principle of acceptance of Allah's designs and the denial of an afterlife.
Question 02 - UTFPR 2013-2 - Integrated/Winter - The characteristics of the Muslim religion, expressed in the Koran, are:A) monotheism and the expectation of a Messiah. B) monotheism and the pilgrimage to Mecca. C) Polytheism and the expectation of a Messiah.D) Polytheism and the fasting of Ramadan.E) Polytheism and the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Question 03 - UNIFOR - 2002.1 - Islam, a religion of great importance in the Unification of the Arabs, is based on (A) polytheism, that is, the belief in many gods, of which the main one is Allah. (B) the fact that its conception is exclusively linked to the Arabs , and therefore cannot be professed by inferior peoples. (C) principle of acceptance of Allah's designs in life and the denial of an afterlife. (D) monotheism, influence of Christianity and Judaism, observed by Muhammad among people who followed these religions. (E) worship of the gods of the Arab tribes and the acceptance of the idea that political and religious power should be concentrated in the hands of a single person, a descendant of the Abbasid dynasty.
Question 04 - UFPR 2010 - Regarding Islam and predominantly Islamic countries, consider the statements below. 1. The Islamic world, in addition to the Arab peoples, is also made up of African, Central Asian and Southeast Asian societies. 2. The Shia revolution of 1979, which deposed dictator Reza Pahlavi, took place in Iran. 3. In the Iran-Iraq war, the dictator Saddam Hussein had the support of the United States and the Soviet Union. 4. Due to the universalism of Islam, there are no longer ethnic or religious differences within the Muslim community.
Check the correct alternative. a) Only statement 3 is true. b) Only statements 1 and 2 are true. c) Only statements 2 and 4 are true. d) Only statements 2, 3 and 4 are true. e) Only statements 1, 2 and 3 are true.

Question 05 - UNIOESTE 2008 - Considered the fastest growing religion in the world, predominating in some of the countries with the largest oil reserves in the world, Islam has gained greater visibility in the West since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Of the statements below, mark the INCORRECT one:(A) The birthplace of Islam is Saudi Arabia, which houses the cities of Mecca and Medina.
(B) The persecution suffered by Muhammad and his followers, when formulating religious principles, led them to migrate from Mecca to Medina. This migration, called the Hegira, defines the beginning of the Muslim calendar.
(C) In the Palestinian territories, the state of war with Israel has strengthened radical religious groups (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades), as well as the influence of Islam in politics.
(D) Iran became an Islamic republic from 1979, with the deposition of the Shah and the installation of a theocratic state with power in the hands of the ayatollahs.
(E) Islam is a polytheistic religion and, therefore, is restricted to Arab territories today.

Question 06 - IFS 2014.1 - Subsequent - Islam, a religion created by Muhammad in the Middle East, is characterized by
a) polytheism and image worship;
b) paganism and idolatry of gods in the Kaaba;
c) deistic conception, similar to Eastern Buddhism;
d) transcendental orientation of heaven and hell in the Persian religion;
e) belief in one God and jihad.
Question 07 - UTFPR 2008 - Summer - 2nd test/Group 4 - “Initially, Muhammad did not intend to found a religion. He simply wanted to “awake” his fellow citizens, convince them to worship only Allah, for they already recognized him as the creator of heaven and earth, and responsible for fertility; they evoked him on occasions of crises and great dangers and swore “by God in their most solemn vows”. Allah was, moreover, the lord of the ka'ba (Kabah). In one of the oldest suras, Muhammad asks members of his own tribe, the Quraysh, to “worship the lord of this House; he fed them in the days of famine and freed them from fear.” However, the opposition did not take long to manifest”.
(ELIADE, Mircea. History of religious beliefs and ideas. Rio de Janeiro:Zahar, 1984, tome 3, page 89) Based on the above text, we can mark it as INCORRECT with regard to Islam:A) Recitation of the Islamic creed, “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad, his prophet.”
B) Daily prayers, called slãts, made five times a day , towards Mecca.
C) Observation of the month of Ramadan, in which the faithful fast from sunrise to sunset.
D) Pilgrimage to Mecca, or Hajj, to the birthplace of Mohammed and seat of the Kaaba, at least once in a lifetime by every Muslim endowed with physical and economic conditions.
E) Peaceful propagation of Islam, or Jihad, by which it must be taken to other peoples in a cordial way, through catechesis and voluntary conversion.
Question 08 - UNESP - 2018.2. - 1st phase - The immigration of Muslims to different countries of the world has generated a phenomenon known as Islamophobia, that is, a feeling of aversion to the faithful to Islam. This feeling of aversion is legitimized a) by the UN resolutions, which encumber the countries responsible for humanitarian aid. b) by the old world order, whose origin is related to the Cold War. c) by the war on terror, whose origin goes back to the Bush Doctrine. d) by the archaic labor laws, which prevent the immigrant from working legally. e) by the immigration quotas, whose origin goes back to the Treaty of Rome.
BACKGROUND 01 - A02 - B03 - D04 - E05 - E06 - E07 - E08 - C