b>Question 02 - IFS 2013.2 - Subsequent - Read the following text:“Brazil, in order to be and exist, still needed a lot to happen:hard struggles, some wars, here and there a betrayal; defeats; epics and exploits; invention, creativity and work, a lot of work. None of this was there in April 1500” (Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva, In:História Geral do Brasil.Maria Yedda Linhares (org.) 9th ed. SP:1990 – p.33-34 )On the formation of Portuguese America and Brazil in the Colonial Period, analyze the propositions:I. Portugal sought to explore the newly conquered territory with the greater objective of colonizing and transferring the administrative structure to Brazil.II. The compulsory labor regime implemented by the Portuguese in Brazil was part of the economic project of Lusitano Mercantilism.III. The Jesuits were responsible only for the religious contact with the Indians and the blacks, to win more followers for Christianity.IV. Colonialism, Favorable Trade Balance, Metalism and Commercial Monopolies were some of the mercantilist practices that Portugal used and benefited from Brazil.a) only I and IV are correctb) only II and III are correctc) only III and IV are correct d) only II and IV are correct and) only IV is correct
Question 03 - FUVEST 2015 - Transfer – In the history of the territorial occupation of Portuguese America, there are some factors responsible for the current configuration of the Brazilian national territory. Among these factors, one can correctly mention a) the foundation of São Paulo de Piratininga in the 16th century, which would soon become the main focus of the population of Portuguese America. b) the presence of French and Dutch in various parts of the sertão , where they administered captaincies and founded cities that still exist today.c) the foundation of the Quilombo de Palmares, which, in the 18th century, leveraged the occupation of the current Northeast region.d) the expulsion of religious orders from the Northeast and Amazon, to which stable colonization and a friendly border policy with Spain followed. e) the discovery of gold in Minas Gerais in the late 17th century and its subsequent commercial integration established with other parts of the colony.
/b> Question 04 - UFPR 2016 - In Portuguese America, brotherhoods were spaces for:a) assistance to blacks who fled from their masters, providing accommodation and solidarity ties to raise funds for their manumission, through celebrations of devotion to their patron saints. b) congregation of poor blacks, indigenous and whites, constituting mutual aid societies to guarantee a dignified burial to their members and families, in addition to protecting their members from the Inquisition's visitations.c) resistance to the Catholicism of the patronage regime, allowing blacks to maintain their African original cults after conquering their manumission, prohibiting the entry of white and indigenous members. d) mutual aid, in case of illness, burial and assistance to orphans and widows, and fundraising for manumission, also serving to maintain traces of cultures African women as a form of resistance to slave society. e) sociability of enslaved and freed blacks, comprising political debates of resistance to enslavement, through the preservation of African cultures and devotions, which generated the first abolitionist ideology.
Question 05 - UFPR 2015 - “(...) the village is a space chosen and organized by the Indian himself, and 'the village is the result of a policy made by the will of Europeans to concentrate indigenous communities'." (Villages that are not on the map. Interview with to Prof. Dr. Nanci Vieira de Oliveira by Maria Alice Cruz, Jornal da Unicamp. 197, November 2002, p.5.) The above statement refers to the missionary villages and the transformations they brought to the lives of the indigenous people in the colonial period of Portuguese America. The objectives of the Jesuit missions were a) the catechesis and the slavery of the indigenous people as labor for monoculture, which implied for the Indians the miscegenation with the black slaves and the modification of the work system and social organization.b) the acculturation, religious conversion and enslavement of the indigenous people for the extraction of pau-brasil, which implied for the Indians the miscegenation with European whites and the modification of their social organization.c) catechesis, isolation political and cultural heritage of the Jesuits and the control of the border areas with the Spanish colonies, which implied a great mortality for the Indians due to the confrontations with the Spaniards. religious conversion and the formation of clerics and novices for the Society of Jesus. work system and housing organization.
Question 06 - IFS 2013.2 - Subsequent - About the work in Portuguese America and its consequences for Brazil Today, read the text below and then mark the incorrect alternative. The Africans who came to Brazil as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries did not only work on sugarcane plantations. [...] many slaves worked (mainly in Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and other coastal cities) as stevedores, boatmen, sellers, apprentices, masters in handicrafts and domestic services. [...] From the 18th and 19th centuries, with the rise of mining in Minas Gerais and Goiás, thousands of slaves went to work in mines and other activities (such as agriculture) that drove the economy in the gold-bearing regions. In the cities, the forms of slave labor varied greatly. There were service-providing slaves, that is, slaves for gain, carpenters, barbers, shoemakers, tailors, blacksmiths, carpenters, among others. Women also worked as slaves:generally they worked as wet nurses, confectioners and street vendors. [...] Leandro Carvalho. Master in History (adapted from:www.brasilescola.com)a) slavery left marks of social inequality in Brazil, which to date have not yet been repaired for Afro-descendants, who still suffer from social injustices. b) according to the text, it can be inferred that the slaves who lived in the city had a much better life than those in the countryside, because they did not suffer physical punishment. c) regardless of the type of work performed by the slave, its owner was always what he exercised, in addition to the domain of freedom, the total or partial appropriation of the product of his work. d) according to the text, we can infer that there could be a division of the nature of work based on gender. e) with historical, ethnic and social differences; unfortunately, forms of slave labor still persist in Brazil today.
Question 07 - FUVEST 2017 - Transfer – Throughout the 17th century, there was a series of tensions and conflicts involving Jesuits and pioneers in Portuguese America. Such clashes occurred due to a) political problems regarding the Bragança dynasty, established in Portugal in 1640.b) internal political disputes involving the appointment of bishops and parish priests in colonial territory.c) control over indigenous peoples and the regulation of slavery of the natives in the Portuguese domains. d) the persecution of Jews and New-Christians refugees in Pernambuco and São Paulo. e) the Jesuits' campaign to end African slavery in Portuguese America.
Question 08 - UFT 2016 - Rural Education Entrance Exam - In order to transform Portuguese America into an empire of Brazil, it was not enough to maintain the unity of the territory and its order. It was also necessary to build a:(A) Imperial State.(B) Rule of Law.(C) National Identity. (D) Imperial Democracy.(E) Luso-Brazilian Identity.
Question 09 - UFPR 2010 - From the 16th century onwards, Catholicism constituted one of the fundamental pillars of Portuguese colonization in Brazil. Regarding the spread of the Catholic religion in Portuguese America, it is correct to say that it:1. relied on the institution of a royal patronage, according to which it was up to Portuguese monarchs to propagate the Catholic faith in conquered lands.
2. it could count on the intense activity of the Jesuit religious already in the first processes of settlement that took place under the aegis of the hereditary captaincies.
3. it was supported by the Holy Office, which sent visitors to Bahia and Pernambuco.
4. had to face religious expressions that mixed aspects of the Tupi religious imagery with traces of Catholic hierarchies, titles and rituals.
Check the correct alternative.
a) Only statement 3 is true.
b) Only statements 2 and 4 are true.
c) Only statements 1, 3 and 4 are true.
d) Only statements 3 and 4 are true.
e) Only statements 1, 2 and 3 are true.
Question 10 - UniCesumar 2017 - “Obey your masters in everything, not serving them only to the eyes, and when they see you, as one who serves men; but much from the heart, and when ye are not seen as serving God. Whatever you do, do not be by force, but by will:warning again, that you serve God. Do not serve as captives, but as free; for God will pay you for your work, and you do not obey as slaves, but as children; for God, with which you are satisfied in this fortune, which he has given you, will make you his heirs.” Antonio Vieira. Sermons. Porto:Lello &Irmão, 1959. Adapted.
The text, written in the 17th century, can be associated with
(The) defense and justification, made by a representative of the Catholic Church, of the enslavement of Africans in Portuguese America.
(B) appreciation of work as a personal achievement, which allows all men to reach the kingdom of God.
(C) perception of work as a right for all, which must be assured by all religious and political leaders.
(D) characterization of slave labor, made by a Calvinist, as an adequate form of administration of God's goods on Earth.
(E) criticism and rejection , developed by a representative of the Portuguese Crown in Brazil, to attempts to enslave indigenous people.
Question 11 - UFPR 2013 - Mark the correct alternative about the social and economic role of cities in the colonial period of Portuguese America. a) Cities never played a significant role in the colonial economy, as all the wealth that interested Portuguese commerce was of agrarian origin. In this way, the cities were administrative centers without any significant settlement, which only became the target of investments after the arrival of the Portuguese Royal Family. b) Cities began to play a key economic role in the colony after the foundation of São Paulo, which became a major trading post. Later, with the gold cycle, the cities of Minas Gerais became a radiating center of economic progress, overcoming the importance of rural areas in the colonial economy. This spurred further urban development, bringing material and cultural progress to the whole of society. c) Even with a secondary economic role, from the 17th and 18th centuries, some cities were valued with the increase in the colony's participation in overseas trade, especially after the Pombaline policies to encourage Commerce Companies. In addition to having administrative and political bodies, the cities added a good part of the social elements of the colony, defining in their spaces the differences of gender, race and social status. d) In addition to being administrative centers, the cities formed small educational centers for the catechesis of the indigenous people and for the evangelization of the settlers, adding a mostly male population. Because they were very poor, the cities were incipient villages, which generated a population and economic concentration in rural areas. e) The cities were important administrative centers for the economic and social development of the colony, as they concentrated schools, botanical gardens and medical and legal assistance to the population. Slaves often ran away to try to make a better life in the cities, which created a rivalry between urban centers and rural areas.
Question 12 - FUVEST 2002 - Transfer – During the 18th century, the success of mining in Minas Gerais caused a major change in the economic organization of Portuguese America because
a) it relegated subsistence agriculture to a secondary role;
b) it brought with it the emergence of a manufacturing middle class;
c) it strengthened the role of religious orders in the management of slave labor;
d) it brought about the emergence of an internal market of previously unknown proportions;
e) stimulated the modernization of the financial system of the Colony.
Question 13 - FUVEST 2005 - 1st phase - The exploitation of precious metals found in Portuguese America, at the end of the 17th century, had important consequences for both the colony and the metropolis. Among them,
a) the metropolitan regulatory interventionism in the Minas region, the disappearance of sugar production in the northeast and the installation of the Inquisition Court in the captaincy.
b) the temporary solution of financial problems in Portugal, some articulation between distant areas of the colony and the displacement of its administrative axis to the center-south.
c) the separation and autonomy of the captaincy of Minas Gerais, the concession of the monopoly of the extraction of metals to the paulistas and the proliferation of the profession of goldsmith.
d) the prohibition of the entrance of religious orders in Minas Gerais, the general enrichment of the population and the success in the control of contraband.
e) the incentive of the Crown to the production of the arts, the relaxation of the tax collection system and the importation of products for subsistence directly from the metropolis.
Question 14 - FUVEST 2007 - Transfer - The crisis of the sugar agroindustry, faced by Portuguese America in the 2nd half of the 17th century, was related
a) to the growth of sugar production in the Spanish colony of Cuba.
b) to the discovery of gold and diamonds in the region of Minas Gerais.
c) the beginning of sugar production in the English and French colonies.
d) the conquest of Angola by the Dutch West India Company.
e) the slave resistance in the quilombo of Palmares.
Question 15 - FUVEST 2007 - Transfer - About the occupation of the interior of Portuguese America, in the 1st half of the 18th century, it is correct to say that the
a) hunting of Indian slaves, by the bandeirantes, constituted the main factor of exploration of the territory.
b ) cattle ranching in the São Francisco River valley sought to meet, in particular, the sugar mills of Bahia and Pernambuco.
c) economic exploitation of the Amazon River valley was based on the extraction of rubber through indigenous labor.
d) the discovery of gold in Minas Gerais provoked an economic crisis in Rio de Janeiro, which was then specialized in sugar.
e) the discovery of the mines in Goiás was the result of the search for alternatives by the people of São Paulo, defeated in the War of the Emboabas.
Question 16 - FUVEST 2012 - 1st Phase - Indigenous people were also used at certain times, and especially in the initial phase [of Brazil's colonization]; nor could there be any problem of greater or better “fitness” for slave labor (...). What perhaps mattered is the demography of the aborigines, and the difficulties of catching them, transporting them, etc. But the “preference” for the African reveals, once again, the mechanism of the mercantilist system of colonization; this takes place in a system of relationships tending to promote the primitive accumulation of capital in the metropolis; Now, the slave trade, that is, the supply of slaves to the colonies, opened a new and important sector of the colonial trade, while the capture of the indigenous people was an internal business of the colony. Thus, the commercial gains resulting from the aborigines' pressure were maintained in the colony, with the colonists engaged in this “genre of life”; the accumulation generated in the African trade, however, flowed to the metropolis; it was carried out by the metropolitan merchants, engaged in the supply of this “merchandise”. This may be the secret of the best “adaptation” of the black to the... slave farming. Paradoxically, it is on the basis of the slave trade that colonial African slavery can be understood, and not the other way around. Fernando A. Novais. Portugal and Brazil in the crisis of the Old Colonial System. São Paulo:Hucitec, 1979, p. 105. Adapted.
In this passage, the author states that, in Portuguese America,
a) indigenous slaves were easier to obtain than those of African origin, and that is why the metropolis opted for the use of first, since they were more productive and more profitable.
b) African slaves accepted the hard work of the cane fields better than the indigenous people, which justified the commitment of metropolitan merchants to spend more to obtain, in Africa, of those workers.
c) the slave trade could only prosper because some metropolitan merchants were concerned with the living conditions of African workers, while others considered them a “commodity”.
d) the profitability provided by the use of indigenous labor contributed decisively to the fact that, from a certain point onwards, African slaves were also employed in farming, which resulted in a profitable trade in people.
e) the main reason for the adoption of the hand of original work was the fact that it needed to be transported from another continent, which implied the opening of a profitable trade to the metropolis, which was perfectly articulated to the structures of the colonization system.
Question 17 - UDESC 2009/1 - Morning - About the movements that questioned colonial domination in Portuguese America, tick (V) for true statements and (F) for false statements.
( ) The Inconfidência ou Conjuração Mineira (1789) brought together intellectuals, clergymen, lawyers , miners, landowners, military, etc.; among other objectives, he intended to proclaim a republic in Minas Gerais.
( ) The feelings of freedom and independence of the Minas Gerais inconfidentes were fed by the Enlightenment ideals and influenced by the Independence of the USA (1776). But they did not even declare the revolution, as they were denounced by one of their companions.
( ) The Bahian movement (1798), also influenced by the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity of the French Revolution (1789), had a It was popular and had the participation of small traders, soldiers, artisans, tailors, freed blacks, mulattos and slaves.
( ) The movements from Minas Gerais and Bahia were harshly repressed by the Portuguese authorities. Some conspirators, especially the most powerful, managed to get rid of the charges or received lighter sentences.
( ) In the Minas Gerais movement, the only person sentenced to death was Tiradentes; and in the Bahian movement, only blacks and mulattoes were severely punished, with four members sentenced to death, executed and quartered, like Tiradentes.
Check the alternative that contains the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
a) V F V V F
b) V V F V V
c) F F V V F
d) F V F V V
e) V V V V V
Question 18 - PUC-Rio 2019 - Different social and political movements marked the end of the 18th century in Portuguese America. Comparing the Inconfidência Mineira of 1789 with the Conjuração Baiana of 1798, mark the INCORRECT statement:
(A) In the Inconfidência Mineira, more anti-colonial proposals prevailed that social. The Inconfidência Baiana, in addition to being anti-colonial, was more focused on social reforms, defending better living conditions for the less favored.
(B) Both the Inconfidência Mineira and the Conjuração Baiana aimed to create a Republic and put an end to the slave trade and the slavery in Brazil
(C) The Inconfidência Mineira was configured as a movement of the Minas elite, while the Conjuração Baiana also had the participation of people of humble origins, such as tailors, soldiers and slaves.
(D) The Inconfidência Mineira was more influenced by the separatist movement in English America, while the Bahian insurgents were more influenced by the egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution.
(E) Dissatisfaction with the metropolitan tax system played an important role in both movements.
Question 19 - FGV-SP 2012 - Economics - 1st phase - The presence of the West India Company in the northeast of Portuguese America, especially during the administration of Maurício de Nassau (1637-1644), was characterized by
a) offering privileges to Pernambuco converts to Judaism, such as tax exemption and the possibility of obtaining bank loans.
b) encouraging the use of free labor, considered by the Dutch to be more productive, to the detriment of compulsory labor for Africans.
c) favoring the participation of Luso-Brazilian landowners in instances of power in Dutch Brazil, as in the Chamber of Escabinos.
d) confiscation of the properties of the New Christians from Pernambuco who fought against the Dutch presence, as well as all the assets of the Catholic Church.
e) reorganization process of economic activities in Pernambuco, especially with the change from cotton production to manufacturing.
Question 20 - FUVEST 2018 - Transfer – 1st Phase - Regarding the process of occupation of the territory of Portuguese America, consider the following four statements and the map:

II. It was marked by the establishment of an internal market between the Portuguese and Spanish possessions, which allowed the flow of colonial production.
III. It took place from the coastal regions linked to the voluminous maritime trade that developed between the 16th and 18th centuries.
IV. It was stimulated by the economic activities developed there, such as mining, livestock and extractivism. It is only correct what is stated and
a) I and II.
b) I and III.
c) II and III.
d) II and IV.
e) III and IV
Question 21 - FGV - 2016 - SME - SP -

Based on the map, on the territorial evolution of Portuguese America, mark the correct statement.
(A) The demarcation established by the Treaty of Tordesillas was part of the dispute over the control of the routes that guaranteed access to the Indies:the African journey to Castile and the passage through the Cape of Good Hope to Portugal.
(B) ) The Treaty of Madrid revoked that of Tordesillas and used a new concept of frontier, based on effective land tenure and geographic and natural features, including portions of the territory that the flags had cleared.
(C) The consequence of the Treaty of 1750 was the renunciation, by Spain, of the Colonia del Sacramento, founded on the Rio de la Plata and close to Montevideo, in exchange for defining the Uruguay River as Brazil's western border with Argentina.
(D) The Treaties of Madrid and Santo Ildefonso focused on the occupation of the Amazon region and the role of gold smuggling and the indigenous population in that territory.
(E) The Treaty of Santo Ildefonso expanded Portuguese possessions in America, in accordance with the territories that had been effectively occupied by the Portuguese Crown in the Platinum basin.
01 - A
02 - C
03 - E
04 - D
05 - E
06 - A
07 - C
08 - C
09 - C
10 - A
11 - C
12 - D
13 - B
14 - C
15 - E
16 - E
17 - E
18 - B
19 - C
20 - E
21 - B