History quiz

Ku Klux Klan History Exercises - With Answers

Question 01 - FUVEST 2012 - Transfer – The Ku Klux Klan was founded in the United States in 1866, formed entirely by white people, mixing an uncompromising defense of the Protestant religion and white supremacy with strongly racist, xenophobic and anti-Catholic content. Throughout its troubled existence, it was extinguished and recreated several times, having its image associated with the clothes and hats worn by its members, the practice of burning crosses, destroying houses, committing attacks and murdering blacks, Indians and opponents. About it, it is correct to say that a) it lost a lot of strength with the end of the Civil War in the United States, declining until its total extinction at the beginning of the 20th century. b) it was transformed into a purely nationalist organization with the republican democratization of the United States at the end of the 19th century. c) ceased to exist, due to the successful performance of racial equality and human rights groups operating in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. d) developed negotiation strategies with their opponents after World War II, since these were, like her, anti-communist, and thus became the republican organization that it is today. e) continues to exist, keeping intact the foundations of its original creation, although it is much less strong than it was in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Question 02 - UTFPR 2016-1 - Summer - The abolition of slavery in the USA was decreed by Abraham Lincoln in January 1865. However, it was not accompanied by any program that would allow the integration of freed blacks into American society. This situation of social disadvantage tended to perpetuate itself, mainly due to the emergence of secret societies in the South, which through segregationism and violent intimidation prevented former slaves from fully assuming their citizenship. The most radical group, against the abolition of American slaves was:
A) Natural group.
B) Ku Klux Klan.
C) White Defenders.
D) Congressman from Washington.
E) Lecturer from Yalta.

Question 59 - FGV-SP 2001 - 1st phase - The Ku Klux Klan represents, among the organizations of racial segregation, one of the best known. Appeared and banned in the second half of the 19th century, it still has supporters who make it reappear in isolated and often only symbolic acts. About the KKK it is correct to say that:
a) was an intimidating response to the victory of the South in the Civil War and the abolition of slaves in the USA;
b) is an organization that started in the North of the USA, after the assassination of Lincoln, representing the interests of the Republicans wounded by the defeat in the Civil War;
c) its creation is related to the repudiation of southern segregating sectors to the approval of the 13th and 14th Constitutional Amendments, which sought to define interracial relations in the USA, after the Civil War;
d) constituted a secret organization of racial segregation, responsible for the campaign and for the victory of Lincoln, in the presidential elections of 1860, by the republican party;
e) was a response, by southern blacks, to a policy of racial, authoritarian and unequal integration, proposed by the Confederate States.

Question 04 - Mackenzie 2018/Morning -
https://www.google.com.br/search?q=imagens+da+revolta+em +Charlottesville-+USA
“The new racism is also racism of reaction:of the disinherited and non-rich whites against the even more disinherited and impoverished blacks. Poor against poor, but in the name of race, never class.” Nadia Urbinati, in an article published in the newspaper La Repubblica, 14-08-2017.

The photograph above, taken on 08/12/2017, published in several newspapers around the world, depicts the extreme right-wing march, which took place in the city of Charlottesville, USA, against blacks, immigrants, gays and Jews. Regarding this conflict, which points to contemporary social problems faced by the US, it is correct to say.
I. Today's racial resentments have roots that date back to the end of the Civil War. Defeated and economically devastated, southerners refused to accept black freedom as well as their integration into society. At that time, associations of racist terrorism emerged, such as the Ku Klux Klan.
II. For the reconstruction of the USA, after the civil war, and for accelerating its industrial development, the liberation of the slaves was fundamental. However, the North American labor movement has always been marked by racism, giving job opportunities, firstly, to white Americans; then to the European immigrant and, finally, to the North American black.
III. Despite the extreme right having supported his candidacy and all-right politicians holding high government positions, President Donald Trump severely criticized the episode and publicly took a radical stance against these extremists.
Check the correct statement.
a) I is correct, only.
b) II is correct, only.
c) III is only correct.
d) I and II are correct only.
e) II and III are only correct.

Question 05 - Instituto Machado de Assis - 2016 - Municipality of Matões do Norte - MA - Professor of History -
The American Civil War, also called the Secession, as it was the conflict between the South and the North of the USA, brought serious ideological political developments to the formation of the country's national identity. Point out the fact that further deepened the radicalization of ethnic conflicts in American territory throughout the 20th century.
(A) the creation of the Ku-Klux-Klan in southern territory at the end of the war.
(B) the formation of the Confederate States led by Abraham Lincoln.
(C) the establishment of the Monroe doctrine, which guaranteed civil liberties to all races in the USA.
(D) the laws in favor of apartheid, enacted after the end of the conflict.
03 - C
04 - D
05 - A