History quiz

History Exercises on Ancient Egypt - With Answers

Question 01 - Subsequent Technician - Palmas - IFTO - 2013/2 - The Egyptian Civilization began in the 4th millennium BC. but it was not until the 19th century that scholars had access to the written sources of Egypt, with the deciphering of the hieroglyphs by Jean Francois Champolion. From then on, knowledge about Egypt multiplied. The text above draws our attention to the various knowledge that has been multiplied from the study of this magnificent African people. Mark the alternative that does not correspond to the contributions of this civilization. a) Chemistry:It was in Ancient Egypt that the manipulation of chemical substances, such as arsenic, copper, petroleum, alabaster, salt, ground flint, appeared, which gave rise to the manufacture of various medicines and compositions. The word chemistry itself comes from the Egyptian Kemi, which means black earth.
b) Painting and sculpture:Sculpture and painting were directly influenced by humanistic motivations. The representation of the human figure is called laterality and constitutes a general characteristic of Egyptian art.
c) Astronomy:The sky has always been observed in Egypt, as the stars were the guides of navigators and also served to determine the times of the agricultural activities. The Egyptians made maps of the sky, enumerating and grouping the stars into constellations.
d) Medicine:The practice of mummification contributed to the study of the human body, although there was a religious respect for the dead that prohibited the dissection of the corpse for purposes of research.
e) Architecture:The Egyptians built great architectural works, highlighting the pyramids, whose monumental aspect excites us to this day. Also noteworthy are the mastabas and hypogeus.

Question 02 - Bombinhas City Hall - SC - 2018 - Bombinhas City Hall - SC - Teacher - Elementary School - History -
The Egyptian Civilization was located in northeast Africa, in a predominantly desert region, it developed in the fertile Nile valley, benefiting from its flood regime. Regarding the various periods of Egyptian history, analyze the alternatives below and tick the option that does not correspond to the period of the Old Kingdom.
A) During this period Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos and the Hebrews;
B ) The vast majority of the population worked in agriculture;
C) The great pyramids of Giza were erected;
D) Sometimes field workers (farmers) were summoned to work on large architectural projects;
Question 03 - IFS 2014.2 - Subsequent - The Greek historian Herodotus, visited Egypt in the 5th century BC and called it a “gift of the Nile”. Regarding the Egyptians, it is correct to say:
a) The Egyptians were skilled surgeons, knew how to relate diseases to natural causes, developed mathematics, including algebra and geometry, and had a belief in life after death;
b) The river trade was carried out through the Aegean Sea and agriculture was practiced within the capitalist mold;
c) For the Egyptians the Pharaoh was considered a living god, the supreme king and he was allowed only political power;
d) Egypt was the land of the pharaohs, papyrus, mummies, and used the pyramids for astronomical observation;
e) The Egyptians were the great disseminators of science and monotheistic religion.

Question 04 - UVA 2007.2 - According to Herodotus, the embalming techniques in ancient Egypt were diverse. Of the techniques described below, one does NOT correspond to the description made by HERODOTO
(Heródoto Apud Mota, Myriam Becho and BRAICK, Patrícia Ramos. History of caves in the third millennium, p.17.) A. "First, they extract the brain through the nostrils (...). Then they make an incision in the flank with a cutting stone from Ethiopia and remove, through the opening, the intestines, cleaning them carefully and bathing them with palm wine and aromatic oils. - it with pure ground myrrh, cinnamon and various essences (...). Once this is done, they salt the body and cover it with natro, leaving it like that for seventy days. After seventy days, they wash it and wrap it entirely with strips of cotton cloth soaked in commi, (...)" B. "They fill a syringe with a greasy liquor taken from the cedar and inject it into the corpse of the dead, without making any incisions and without removing the intestines. through the posterior orifice and cork it to prevent the liquid from coming out, then salt the body, leaving it like that for a certain period, after which they make the injected liqueur flow from the belly. This liquid is so strong that it dissolves the bowels, dragging them with it as it leaves. The natro consumes the meats, and nothing remains of the body but the skin and bones."
C. "The liqueur called surmais is injected into the body, the corpse is wrapped in natro for seventy days,( ...)".
D. "The body is washed with bitumen, the viscera and brain are removed, soaked in ether and chlorine, then wrapped in a shroud".

Question 05 - UVA 2004.1 - The formation of Egypt took place between the end of the Paleolithic and the beginning of the Neolithic. At this time, part of the population had already settled in the Nile River Delta. About Egyptian culture, we can correctly state that:
1. Egyptian thought was not based on general theories or logic, as later Greek thought would be. The Egyptians always thought from the acquisition of previous experiences, from the accumulation of examples.
2. In general, culture was a privilege of the upper classes, and letters were linked to the pharaonic state. Scribes, for example, played an important role in the Egyptian state, because with their skills and knowledge, they helped to organize the government.
3. Ancient Egyptians were deeply believers and mystics. They were always monotheists, worshiping Yahweh, who did not allow them to erect statues in his honor.
4. There was in the Egyptians an absolute belief in rebirth. In order for the dead to be reborn, he needed to preserve some material things in his own tomb. They believed, therefore, that the preservation of the corpse was essential to guarantee the rebirth of the dead in the other world, hence the development of the technique of mummification.
A. 1, 3 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 3 and 4
D. 1, 2 and 3

Question 06 - UECE-CEV - 2018 - SEDUC-CE - Professor - History - The battle of Kadesh (modern Syria) fought between Ramesses II's Egypt and the Hittite Empire, led by Muwatalli II, in 1274 BC, left several results, possibly the most significant is the detailed and recorded documentation that allows to know all of the phases of the dispute, the military strategies and the weapons used in the combats, and it includes the first international treaty of which it is possible to know clearly all the clauses. This agreement, also known as “eternal peace”, was recorded in different places after it was written in A) Syriac and Assyrian. B) cuneiform and Semitic. C) hieroglyphic and Akkadian. D) hieratic and demotic.

Question 07 - IMA - 2019 - City Hall of Paço do Lumiar - MA - The State was considered such an important element in the life of the ancient Egyptian people that many scholars of this civilization established the divisions of Egypt's history around the different dynasties that succeeded over time in government. About this division, associate the second column according to the first and mark the alternative in which the CORRECT sequence of association is found:
(1) Pharaohs regained power successfully facing military anarchy, but the period was of several invasions, the main one being that of the Hyksos.
(2) Pyramids were built; at the end of the period, the nomarchs, supported by the nobility, weakened the Pharaoh's authority.
(3) The Pharaoh's army plunders neighboring Assyrians and Hittites, expanding the Egyptian domains. There were technological and military improvements obtained from the Hyksos. At this time, the activity of merchants gained momentum.
( ) Old Empire.
( ) Middle Empire.
( ) New Empire.
A) 2, 3, 1.
B) 3, 1, 2.
C) 2, 1, 3.
D) 3, 2, 1.

Question 08 - FUNDATEC - 2019 - Novo Horizonte City Hall - SP - Considering the culture, religion and historical divisions in ancient Egypt, analyze the following statements and mark T, if true, or F, if false.
( ) Regarding religion, the Egyptian people had an empirical knowledge, believed that the world had been ruled by gods.
( ) With regard to culture, there were no privileges between social classes, because the organization of access to culture was the responsibility of the scribes, allowing equal access to the knowledge.
( ) Mathematics and Astronomy were knowledge used for the cultivation of agriculture and to prevent the flooding of the Eurotas River in the flood period.
( ) In ancient Egypt, there were several gods linked to animals and represented in the cities in the form of humans; in other words, the Egyptian gods had a mystical function, in which images in the form of animals and humans represented the ancestors. The correct order to fill in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
A) V – F – V – F.
B) V – V – V – F.
C) V – F – F – V.
D) F – F – F – F.
E) V – V – V – V.

Question 09 - FURB - 2019 - Timbó City Hall - SC - The pharaoh, as ruler of Ancient Egypt, occupied the top of the social hierarchy. He was considered the son of AmunRa and the reincarnation of Horus. Considered a deity, the pharaoh ruled with absolute power, characterizing:
(A) The Theocentric Power.
(B) The Patriarchal Regime.
(C) The Paternalist Regime.
(D) Theocratic Power.
(E) The Diarchy.

Question 10 - IMA - 2019 - City Hall of Paço do Lumiar - MA - Located in northeast Africa, Egypt is an immense oasis irrigated by the Nile River, and as Herodotus wrote, “Egypt is a gift from the Nile”. But like every civilization, it had social classes. Egyptian society was hierarchical and tended toward immobility, and at the top of the class pyramid was the Pharaoh. Thus, regarding Egyptian society and its characteristics, it is INCORRECT to state that:
A) The Egyptian slave had legal personality, being able to acquire property and marry a free person.
B) In the status of wife, some women enjoyed enormous powers. Hatshepsut, Nefertari and Nefertiti were some of the many women who stood out in the history of Egypt, as being respected in society, they had a series of rights.
C) Below the pharaoh, came the high officials, the nobles, the warriors , the priests, the scribes, the artisans, the common workers, the peasants, and lastly, the slaves.
D) The woman in the Egyptian society was treated the same as the European woman of the beginning of the 20th century, as subaltern to the men, without political and social rights.

01 - B
02 - A
03 - A
04 - D
05 - B
06 - C
07 - C
08 - C
09 - D
10 - D
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