Pol Pot assumed power in Cambodia in 1975, after conquering the capital Phnom Penh during the civil war that had dragged on since 1970. Which event was responsible for the outbreak of this war that led to the Khmer Rouge to power:
a) the defeat of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970 general election.
b) the invasion of American troops as a result of the Vietnam War.
c) the military coup led by Lon Nol, which had American support.
d) the Vietnamese coalition that aimed to execute Pol Pot.
e) the dispute for power held between the Vietnamese and Cambodian ethnicities that inhabited the country.
question 2During the period in which he was in power, Pol Pot promoted intense persecution against existing ethnic minorities in the country. Which of the groups below not suffered ethnic persecution from Pol Pot's tyrannical government?
a) call
b) Thai
c) Vietnamese
d) Uzbeks
e) Chinese
question 3Which of the measures below is not was implemented by Pol Pot during the period he was in power in Cambodia?
a) promoted the compulsory evacuation of large Cambodian cities.
b) encouraged teaching as a basis for the population's class consciousness to carry out the revolution.
c) promoted intense ethnic persecution, especially against Vietnamese.
d) abolished any religion in the country and persecuted mainly Buddhist monks.
e) instituted year zero in Cambodia as a milestone for the cultural revolution he was leading.
question 4Pol Pot's government was overthrown in January 1979, thus ending a period of tyranny that was responsible for the deaths of at least 1.5 million of people. Pol Pot's fall is related to:
a) invasion of the country by Vietnamese troops.
b) invasion of the country promoted by the US army as a result of the Vietnam War.
c) popular mobilization with the formation of a revolutionary militia that ousted Pol Pot.
d) US-sponsored economic embargoes that forced Pol Pot to resign.
e) defeat for Norodom Sihanouk's troops in the Cambodian civil war.
answers Question 1Letter C
The reason that led to the outbreak of civil war was the military coup carried out under the leadership of Lon Nol. This coup was supported by the United States and removed Norodom Sihanouk from Cambodia's power. As a result, Sihanouk started to support the Khmer Rouge, which expanded its struggle to seize power. The conclusion of that war, in 1975, brought Pol Pot to the power of the country.
Question 2Letter D
Pol Pot's government promoted intense ethnic persecution during his period in power, mainly against the Vietnamese. Pol Pot expelled thousands of Vietnamese from the country and caused the death of around 10,000. In addition to this ethnic group, about 200,000 Chinese, 90,000 Cham and about 10,000 Thais were killed. Cambodia had no Uzbek population.
Question 3
Letter B
Pol Pot's government did not encourage education in Cambodia during his time in power, on the contrary. There was intense persecution against anyone who demonstrated any kind of instruction, with persecution against university professors and students being recorded. In addition to these, anyone with knowledge of a foreign language was also persecuted.
Question 4Letter A
The invasion of Cambodia by Vietnamese troops took place in 1979 and resulted in the fall of the Pol Pot regime. With this invasion, Pol Pot fled and spent the rest of his life sheltered in isolated parts of the country. The Vietnamese invasion took place as a reprisal for attacks promoted by Pol Pot against the Vietnamese population in the border region of the two countries.