The unification of Germany (1871) took place:
- the great economic and social development of the German States and ended the Austrian hegemony in Continental Europe.
- the great economic and social development of the Germanic States and ended the French hegemony in Continental Europe.
- the social disputes between the bourgeoisie and the military in the German States and ended the Russian hegemony in continental Europe.
- the great military development of the Germanic States and ended the hegemony of the Third French Republic in Continental Europe.
- the great economic and social development of the Germanic States and ended the hegemony of Italy in Continental Europe.
After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, in 1815, there was a process of reorganization of European monarchies that resulted:
- In Italian Unification.
- In the formation of the German Confederation.
- In the creation of the Second French Empire, commanded by Napoleon III.
- On the weakening of the Russian Empire.
German unification into a national state took place only in the 19th century. A late unification, compared to countries like England and France. However, this fact did not prevent Germany from showing itself as one of the main economic and military forces in Europe at the end of that century. About the German unification process, answer the following questions:
- Which of the German states stood out in driving the unification process?
- What were the reasons that led the German states to unify?
Indicate the alternative that correctly associates the information presented in the two columns below.
1 - Zollverein | I - Conflict between Prussia and Austria, which took place in 1866, which resulted in the supremacy of Prussia among the Germanic States. | ||
2 - Seven Weeks War | II – Alliance of 38 independent States of German origin, committed to defending the sovereignty of the monarchies of the participating states. | ||
3 - Franco-Prussian War | III - Customs zone that abolished customs fees between some Germanic monarchies. | ||
4 - German Confederation | IV - Conflict between Prussia and France, which took place from 1870 to 1871, which definitively made possible the unification of Germany. |
- 1-IV; 2-III; 3-II; 4-I.
- 1-III; 2-I; 3-IV; 4-II.
- 1-II; 2-IV; 3-I; 4-III.
- 1-IV; 2-I; 3-II; 4-III.
Between 1870 and 1871, an event occurred that influenced later historical processes, resulting in the outbreak of World War I and II. What fact was that?
- The rise of the bourgeoisie in England, facilitated by the adoption of protective tariffs on trade with other countries.
- Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian War and consequent German unification.
- The American Civil War and the end of slavery in the US.
- The fall of the monarchy in France, resulting from yet another bourgeois revolution.
- Italian unification.
Letter B . In addition to the economic and social development of the German States, there was a military strengthening of Prussia that guaranteed hegemony among the German States, leading the process of unification.
question 2Letter B. The German Confederation was formed after the fall of Napoleon, consisting of the alliance of 38 independent states.
question 3Letter A: The state that stood out in the process of German unification was Prussia.
Letter B: The main reasons were the economic development of the German ruling classes, mainly the junkers, large landowners. In addition, in several states, an intense process of industrialization was taking place, providing an increase in wealth for the ruling classes and states, with the collection of taxes. Added to these facts, there was an increase in military actions against neighboring countries, as in the case of the Franco-Prussian War. The result was the conquest of territories and the strengthening of Prussia, which could take the unification process forward, even eliminating internal opposition to the German states, as was the case with the conflicts with Austria.
question 4
Letter B
question 5Letter B . The Prussian victory led to German unification, a situation that would have consequences of worldwide impact, such as the imperialist partitions and the outbreak of the two World Wars.