(UFF) The time of Bismarck (1871-1890) was associated with some elements that came to reinforce industrial and financial capitalism in newly unified Germany. Check the option that contains references linked to the mentioned political moment.
a) Victory of the more moderate Christian-socialists in imposing labor system reforms in the 1880s, Ruhr miners' strike, massive emigration to the American continent, imposition of free trade in imports and exports in 1879.
b) "Zollverein" or German customs union, abolition of the federal political regime in the German Empire, waning influence of the Prussian Junkers, dissolution of the Rye and Steel Alliance.
c) German monetary unification and foundation of the "Reichsbank", extension of the railways, disappearance of numerous small businesses after the financial crisis of 1873, imposition of customs protectionism in 1879.
d) Funding of social insurance by the "Reichsbank" to ease tensions, ushering in a period of social peace through German unity, privatization of railways, Germany's entry into the colonial race by annexing Ethiopia.
e) Sacrifice of agriculture to industry, reinforcement of the position of industrialists determined by the "new course" linked to Chancellor Caprivi, training, in the "Reichstag", of the majority called "of the Cartel", favorable to the great capitalism and anti-union measures in 1879.
question 2Otto von Bismarck was appointed Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1815 by William I. Among the political-economic measures taken by Bismarck were:
a) the establishment of military agreements with the French Empire of Napoleon III.
b) the modernization of the infrastructure and the war industry of the Prussian State.
c) the weakening of the political power of King William I, since Bismarck feared the formation of the Second Reich.
d) the political isolation of the Kingdom of Prussia from the German principalities and Austria.
e) the war plan against the United Kingdom.
question 3(UFRS-2007) German Unification, skillfully engineered by Otto Von Bismarck, was built around successful wars against neighboring powers. Mark the correct alternative in relation to the motivations and events that triggered this unification process.
a) Political fragmentation hampered the region's full commercial and industrial development. The unification would promote an agile and expanded market, with conditions to face the English competition through government protection.
b) The unification was led by Austria, the most powerful of the Germanic states and successor of the extinct Holy Empire, capable of eliminating the pretensions of Prussia. An ally of France, the Austrian country counted on its support to overcome the Germanic resistance in the south.
c) The Constitution, written by Bismarck, inaugurated a democratic era in the German states, under the influence of the ideals of the French Revolution, based on sovereignty and popular participation.
d) The decisions of the Congress of Vienna, by recognizing Germany's right to independence, were fundamental for the consolidation of unification, as they inhibited Italian pretensions to the territories of southern Germany.
e) The process of German unification had the support of France, which, beset by British supremacy, saw the new state as an important ally in the imperialist race.
question 4The importance of the Battle of Sadowa for the unification process of Germany, desired by Bismarck, lay in the fact:
a) that the annexation of the Kingdom of Prussia was promoted by the Austrian Empire after such a battle.
b) that it was possible to form the Confederation of Germany after such a battle.
c) that, with the battle of Sadowa, the German principalities started to support Denmark against Prussia.
d) that, after this battle, Germany no longer had to enter in conflict with its main enemy, the French Empire.
e) that this battle was the antechamber to the First World War.
answers Question 1Letter C
With the unification of Germany after the Franco-Prussian War, one of Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck's most urgent actions consisted of promoting integration between industries (which, by the way, benefited from infrastructure improvement) and financial capital, that is, the credit system associated with banks and stock exchanges.
Question 2Letter B
In order for Germany to become a powerful state (since it had been unified from 1870 onwards), it was necessary to modernize its industry and have as its main focus the defense of its borders. To this end, investment in infrastructure (especially for product mobility), such as railways, and in the production of sophisticated weapons was of crucial importance.
Question 3Letter A
The joining of the hitherto fragmented Germanic States (German Principalities and Prussia) under the guidance of Otto Von Bismarck, who articulated a series of wars against common enemies in order to establish unification, guaranteed a extremely competitive economy for Germany in the last decades of the 19th century.
Question 4Letter B
After the Battle of Sadowa, fought against the Austrians, the Prussian Kingdom annexed territories previously belonging to Austria, thus forming the Confederation of Germany, which would prepare for the formation of the Second Reich.