History quiz

Exercises on the Civil War

question 1

Conducting a brief review of concepts about the Civil War, answer:

Research and record the meaning of the word “secession” (Indicate the source used).

question 2

Briefly describe the economy of the Northern and Southern States of the United States before the Civil War:



question 3

Indicate three reasons that explain the decision of the Southern States to secede from the rest of the United States.

question 4

Why, even with such different characteristics, did the Northern States not accept the separation from the Southern States?

question 5

Give an explanation that justifies the victory of the North over the South in the Civil War (1861 – 1865).

question 6

Make a brief comparison, pointing out similarities and differences between the abolition of slavery in the United States and in Brazil.

answers Question 1

Searching in any dictionary of the Portuguese language, the student must answer that secession refers to any and all events where there is a separation in relation to the one that was previously united.

question 2

a) The Northern States based their economy on the development of the industrial sector, the employment of wage labor and small and medium-sized agriculture aimed at domestic consumption.

b) The Southern States had a basically agro-export economy, supported by large monoculture properties that produced agricultural products for the foreign market and made systematic use of slave labor.

question 3

Among other reasons, the Southern States were against the economic project of the Northern States, which wanted the end of slavery, the distribution of small plots to the West for foreign families and the emphasis on the industrialization process of the country's economy.

question 4

Even with such different political pretensions, the Northern States knew that political and territorial unity would be of great importance for the US economy to develop. With that, the declaration of war was of fundamental importance so that the economic intentions of the northerners were harmed.

question 5

Despite offering resistance, the southerners could not stand the superiority of war and all the infrastructure that put the northern soldiers at an advantage. Weapons, ships and railroads fueled the military attacks organized by northern troops.

question 6

The end of slavery in Brazil was carried out through an imperial decree and there was no significant movement of opposition to such a feat. In the United States, the issue of abolition was the reason for intense disputes and was even one of the fundamental points that justified the civil war. Furthermore, we can see that, in none of the cases, abolition was followed by projects that thought about the insertion of the black community in society.