Millennium History

Historical Figures

  • George Boulanger

    Born in Rennes in 1837, Georges Boulanger joined Saint-Cyr, a school for army officers, at the age of 17. He participated in several military campaigns and became the youngest general of his promotion in 1880.His entry into the political world began in 1886, when he was appointed Minister of War. He

  • George W. Bush

    Born in 1946 in Connecticut, George W. Bush is the son of George Bush (41e President of the United States). He studied at Yale University and became a businessman in the oil industry. Very pious and a member of the Republican Party, he was twice elected Governor of Texas between 1994 and 2000. He de

  • Gandhi

    Coming from the Indian administrative bourgeoisie, Gandhi became a lawyer after studying law in India, then in London. He worked in South Africa, where he developed his political thought based on non-violence and passive resistance, and defended communities against racial discrimination.In 1915, Gan

  • Galileo

    Galileo was born in Tuscany into a very cultured old family, where he was assigned to medicine. Passionate about science, he is as interested in mathematics (he is a professor in Pisa then Padua) as in physics. Thus, he worked on the speed of fall of bodies, the principle of inertia of movement... T

  • Francois Ravaillac

    Originally from Angoulême, François Ravaillac was born in a France torn apart by religious wars. A devout Catholic, Ravaillac has visions and seems unhinged for the monks to whom he wishes to pronounce his vows. If he comes from a family of the robed bourgeoisie, his father, brutal, squanders the fo

  • François Rabelais

    Originally from the upper middle class of Chinon, François Rabelais was first a Benedictine monk, then a Cordelier, before swapping his homespun robe for a doctors coat (1537). Gradually, he turned to writing. Writer and above all a great humanist, François Rabelais tinted the French language writte

  • François Mitterrand

    A soldier during the Second World War, he was taken prisoner and escaped in 1939. François Mitterrand began working in 1942 for the Vichy government, but in 1943 he joined the ranks of the Resistance. At the Liberation, he was appointed minister. Opposed to the return of General de Gaulle and the pr

  • Francis I

    Son of the Count of Angoulême Charles de Valois and of Louise de Savoie, François Ist succeeded Louis XII in 1515. He married Claude de France, daughter of the latter in 1415. The Italian campaigns and the Protestant threat shook his reign during which he fought fiercely against Charles Quint and th

  • Francois Hollande

    He was born into a Rouen bourgeoisie family in 1954. After a law degree, he joined HEC before joining the Paris Institute of Political Studies. A graduate of the ENA in 1980, he is in the same promotion as Dominique de Villepin and Ségolène Royal. It was in 1979 that he joined the Socialist Party. C

  • Flora Tristan

    Born in Paris to a Peruvian noble father and a French mother from the petty bourgeoisie, Flora Tristan quickly experienced poverty after the premature death of her father. She became a colorist worker in Paris, where she met her future husband.Flora Tristans personal experience would determine her p

  • Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro became interested in politics when he was in college. Opposed to the social and economic inequalities of the country, in 1953 he attempted an armed reaction against the government of Batista. He was arrested and exiled to Mexico. In 1956, he returned clandestinely to Cuba in order to ov

  • Ferdinand of Magellan

    He was born in 1480 into a family of minor nobility. He is a page at the court of Portugal then goes to the arms sector. In 1505, having become an officer, he took part in Francisco de Almeidas expedition to the East Indies, a first military and maritime experience which gave him a taste for travel

  • Ferdinand of Aragon

    Ferdinand of Aragon, known as Ferdinand II the Catholic, was born in Castile. In 1461, his father designated him as his heir:he became King of Sicily when he came of age, in 1468. He married Isabella of Castile in 1469:Castile and Aragon became two united kingdoms. It reinforces the royalty by esta

  • Erwin Rommel

    Born in a small town not far from Stuttgart in Germany, Erwin Rommel was passionate about history and aviation at school. He joined the army a few years later. For this, he joined the military school and, in 1910, he was promoted to corporal and then sergeant. During the First World War, Rommel is a

  • Erasmus

    Born in Rotterdam in Holland, his father is a priest. He himself was ordained in 1492. In 1499, he made a trip to England during which he met Thomas More. It is to this philosopher that Erasmus dedicates one of his major works:Eloge de la folie , published in 1511, a true satire of social classes.

  • Emperor Theodosius

    Originally from Spain, of high birth, Theodosius 1st says the Great is the son of Theodosius Senior. He follows his father on the military path and is illustrated during his fight against the Sarmatians (people coming from present-day Russia). After the assassination of his father and the death of t

  • Emperor Justinian

    Although of low birth, Justinien inherited the throne thanks to his uncle the Emperor Justin who called him to court. Dreaming of reunifying the then Great Roman Empire, Justinian, Emperor of the East, legislates and wishes to impose this code (Justinian code) on all the territories he sets out to c

  • Immanuel Kant

    Coming from a modest family, Emmanuel Kant was born in Königsberg, in East Prussia. After studying theology, philosophy and science, he became a tutor (from 1746 to 1755) then a teacher at the University of Königsberg.Kants thought developed in a context where Copernicus and Newton revolutionize thi

  • Emile Zola

    Born in 1840 in Paris, Zola led a literary career. Successively a literary and political journalist, he enjoyed success thanks to his naturalist novels in which he depicted French society. In 1897, he became involved in the Dreyfus Affair, convinced of the innocence of the officer and revolted by an

  • Edouard Daladier

    Born in Carpentras in the Vaucluse, Édouard Daladier began his career as a history teacher. He became mayor of Carpentras in 1911, then joined the front during the 1914 war. He was elected deputy of the radical party between 1919 and 1940 and became president of the radical party (1927-1930 and 1936

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