Millennium History

Historical Figures

  • Merovée (v.420 - v.457)

    Legendary king, presumed son of Clodion, he is king of the Franks. He is said to have helped Aetius defeat Attila at the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields. He is the probable father of Childeric I. It gives its name to the Merovingian dynasty.

  • Murat Joachim(1767 - 1815)

    Bonaparte had him appointed chief of brigade, he helped him during his coup detat. He will marry Caroline Bonaparte and thus become close to the Emperor. He is a remarkable horseman, he obtains a saber of honor in Marengo, he is decisive in Eylau thanks to his charge. Murat was distinguished by his

  • Mounier Jean-Joseph(1758 - 1806)

    Deputy of the Third Estate in 1789, he had the Tennis Court oath adopted. He was very influential in the Constituent Assembly. Leader of the monarchians (supporters of an English-style parliamentary monarchy), discouraged by the turn of events, he preferred to emigrate from 1790 to 1801.

  • Mortar Adolphe-Edouard-Casimir-Joseph (1768-1835)

    Marshal of France, elected captain by the volunteers of the North in 1791, he participated in various battles including that of Fleurus . Masséna made him general of division, he commanded the infantry of the guard in 1805, he commanded the left wing at Friedland. In Russia, he will command the youn

  • Moreau Jean-Victor(1763 - 1813)

    Volunteer in the National Guard, he took part in the conquest of Holland under the orders of Pichegru. He was then general-in-chief of the Armée du Nord. He helps Bonaparte during the 18 Brumaire which entrusts him with the Army of the Rhine. He won the great victory of Hohenlinden against the Austr

  • Moncey Bon-Adrien-Jannot de(1754 - 1842)

    Moncey enlisted in the Army at the age of 15, he won his ranks during the Revolution. But after the Fructidor coup, he is accused of being a royalist. He takes part in 18 Brumaire and supports Napoleon, he leaves the army of Italy for disagreements with Brune and Murat. He was then Inspector General

  • Madame de Stael (1766 - 1817)

    French woman of letters, she is the daughter of the famous banker Necker and the wife of the Swedish ambassador in Paris. At first favorable to the Revolution, it then condemns it after the fall of royalty. She retired to Switzerland with her father, where she met Benjamin Constant. But on her retur

  • Mirabeau Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Count of (1749-1791)

    His youth, very turbulent, was marked by disputes with his father who had him imprisoned several times, notably in the château de Vincennes, where he wrote letters to his mistress with whom he escaped in 1776. Elected deputy by the Third Estate of Aix in 1789, he imposed himself on the National Asse

  • Michel de LHospital (1505 – 1573)

    Having trained as a lawyer, Michel de LHospital was a great humanist of his time. Alongside the Queen Mother Catherine de Medici, he ensured the Regency of the kingdom during the minority of Charles IX, as Chancellor. Being himself a concealed Protestant, he advocated a policy of tolerance towards t

  • Merlin Philippe Antoine said Merlin of Douai (1754 -1838)

    Elected to the States General, then deputy to the Legislative and conventional, he actively participated in the legislation committee. He was one of the architects of the Thermidorian reaction and of the Directory (director and member of the Council of Elders). Bonaparte, recognizing his skills as a

  • Merlin Antoine Christophe called Merlin de Thionville (1762 - 1833)

    Lawyer in Metz, he was elected to the Legislative. A member of the Jacobins, he sits on the far left. He is the head of the August 10 rioters. Conventional mountaineer, he was a representative on mission in Mainz during the siege of the city (1793) then left for Vendée. He contributed to the fall of

  • Matilda of Flanders(? - 1083)

    Daughter of Baudouin V, Count of Flanders, she married in 1053 William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy. Following the conquest of England, Mathilde becomes queen. Legend attributes to him the fabulous Bayeux tapestry, a veritable document of the time on the costumes, architecture, and customs of the 1

  • Massena André (1758 - 1817)

    A young orphan, he was first a cabin boy on a ship. But he will quickly distinguish himself during the siege of Toulon, he accompanies Bonaparte to Italy where he forces the passage of the Lodi bridge. His performances in Italy earned him the nickname The darling of victory by Bonaparte himself. His

  • Marmont Auguste de(1774 - 1852)

    Marmont was Bonapartes second aide-de-camp in Toulon with Junot. From then on, he will follow him in the East, in Italy and will participate in the coup detat. He distinguished himself at Marengo, then he commanded the reserve at Wagram. Marshal of the Empire, he confronts Wellington in Portugal. He

  • Marie-Louise of Habsburg Lorraine (1791 -1847)

    Daughter of the Emperor of Austria Francis II, she married Napoleon in 1810, divorced from Josephine. She gave him a son:the King of Rome Napoleon II. Regent in 1813, she joined her father during the invasion of the allies. She would later marry the Count of Neipperg and then the Count of Bombelles.

  • Marie-Antoinette of Austria (1755 -1793)

    Queen of France in 1774, and daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I. Imprudent, enemy of the reforms, it made itself unpopular (affair of the necklace). She influenced Louis XVI to oppose the Revolution. He was criticized for his links with foreign countries. Incarcerated in the Temple after Augus

  • Margaret of France (1553 – 1615)

    Daughter of Henry II and Catherine de Medici, Marguerite de Valois married at the age of 19 the Protestant Henri III of Navarre (other negotiations had been started with Philip II of Spain and Henri de Guise). This marriage which was to seal a reconciliation between Catholics and Protestants ends a

  • Marceau François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers, known as (1769 - 1796)

    As soon as the Bastille was taken, he joined the National Guard under the orders of La Fayette. As a general, he fought the Vendeans (victories at Le Mans and Savenay, 1793), then the Austro-Dutch at Fleurus (1794). He defeated the Austrians at Neuwied (1795), but in 1796, while ensuring the retreat

  • Marat Jean-Paul(1743 - 1793)

    He is the kings bodyguard doctor. Marat is an embittered and solitary man, he writes alone his newspaper LAmi du Peuple where his violent articles have notably encouraged the massacres of September. He works to defend the sans-culottes within the Cordeliers club. Once the republic was proclaimed, he

  • Malesherbes Christian Guillaume de Lamoignon de(1721 - 1794)

    French magistrate and statesman. First president of the Cour des aides and director of the Librairie, he favored the Encyclopédie. In 1775, he was secretary to the kings household, but he had to resign in 1776. He defended Louis XVI before the Convention, and he was guillotined during the Terror.

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