Millennium History

Ancient history

  • Republicanism in Empire Brazil

    By Rainer Sousa From the 1870s onwards, Imperial Brazil began to suffer different types of opposition to its regime and the defense of the installation of a Republic in its place. At first, we can think that this situation demonstrated the crisis of the system that consolidated the independence and

  • What is Microhistory?

    The main characteristic of Micro-History is to analyze the “outsiders” of History, that is, to tell the stories of unknown but important characters. By Fabrício SantosHistory has long emphasized the great “heroes”. For some historians, history was seen from the top down and the great events conceal

  • The First President Elect

    The establishment of the republican regime in Brazil was justified by the tensions undertaken by the political centralization of the monarchical government. In this way, the Republic promised to lead Brazil to the indispensable changes that would take the nation out of the backwardness promoted by c

  • The poet Vinicius de Moraes and the atomic bomb

    For those interested in the History of the Second World War, it is essential to know the relationship between Vinicius de Moraes and the atomic bomb expressed in the poem written by this author. The World War II (1939-1945) ) is, by consensus, the most catastrophic and impacting event in human hist

  • The New Deal

    The New Deal was a package of economic and social measures adopted by the US to lift the country out of the 1929 Crisis. The Crisis of 1929 called into question the feasibility of the measures liberal economics, which pointed to the capitalist market as the ideal instrument to achieve economic and

  • The fear of the slaveholder and the Malê Revolt of 1835

    Despite having only lasted one day, the Malê Revolt led again to fears of an insurrection by Africans against the slave order. By Tales PintoThe Male Revolt occurred on January 25, 1835 , in Salvador – Bahia, was part of the series of revolts that endangered the Brazilian imperial state during the

  • Evita's body

    By Rainer Sousa The process of urbanization and industrialization in Latin America was an economic experience that determined profound changes in several countries. The strength of rural elites ended up losing its dominance to the rise of new leaders who reached the great mass of urban workers and l

  • Communism in China

    By Lilian AguiarOn October 1, 1949, the Peoples Republic of China was proclaimed, the result of successive years of clashes between the peasantry and Chiang Kai-sheks Kuomitang Party. Despite old disagreements, Mao Tse-tung, then supreme chief, sought to build Chinese socialism along the Soviet mode

  • The so-called Economic Miracle

    In the government of President Medici, an economic growth measure was implemented in Brazil, the main creator of this measure was the minister of finance, who worked since the Costa e Silva government, Antonio Delfim Netto , this project was based on rapid growth. What happened to bring about this s

  • Crystal Night

    Crystal Night is the name given to the great pogrom organized by the Nazi government against German Jews between November 9 and November 10, 1938. The Night of the Crystals it was a big pogrom organized by the Nazi government against Jews in Germany between November 9 and November 10, 1938. The wor

  • Neo-Nazism

    Neo-Nazism is a rescue of Nazi ideals applied to the present. In neo-Nazi ideology, nationalism, racism and xenophobia are found. Neo-Nazism it is an ideology that rescues ideals and practices of German Nazism, applying it to the current context. Neo-Nazism emerged shortly after the Second World Wa

  • neoliberalism

    The concept of neoliberalism is one of the most complex and controversial among those coined in the 20th century and concerns both theories and political-economic practices. Neoliberalism it is one of the most complicated concepts among those that were coined in the 20th century. This is because it

  • Neocolonialism - History of Neocolonialism

    Between the 16th and 17th centuries, European economic interests were essentially directed towards America, in search of markets that supplied tropical products and precious metals. Portugal and Spain took the lead in colonialism, guided by the mercantilist economic policy and supported by the mon

  • Nazism

    Nazism was a political movement, led by Adolf Hitler, that developed in Germany in the 1920s. It is characterized by racism, anti-Semitism and eugenics. By Me. Cláudio FernandesThe expression “nazismo ” derives from the acronym “nazi”, which was used as an abbreviation for the National Socialist Ge

  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte was a French soldier who saw his career rise meteorically due to his military deeds against his countrys enemies during the French Revolution. He became an important personality in France and came to power through a coup known as the 18th Brumaire Coup.How ruler of France, Napoleo

  • Nationalism

    By Rainer SousaWhen we work with nationalism, we always have to go back to a first definition, capable of deducing what the nation is. At first, we understand “nation” as a set of historical experiences, behaviors, beliefs and other habits that define the identity of a people. However, when we think

  • Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was a structure built in 1961 that surrounded the boundaries of West Berlin, capital of West Germany. This wall was one of the great symbols of the Cold War and was built by decision of the authorities of East Germany and the Soviet Union. Their objective was to isolate West Berlin o

  • Zapatista Movement

    The Zapatista movement is a manifestation of the EZLN (Zapatista Army) of National Liberation) in the form of a guerrilla formed by peasants and indigenous groups who demand Mexicos participation in NAFTA. It began to actively participate publicly on January 1, 1994, when the territory of Chiapas, h

  • chartist movement

    Chartism during the Industrial Revolution. By Fabrício SantosEngland, through the Industrial Revolution, caused thousands of changes in the daily life of European individuals from the 18th century onwards. Industrial and technological development, the move from the countryside to the city and the e

  • Total mobilization according to Ernst Jünger

    The concept of Total Mobilization, according to Ernst Jünger, is of paramount importance for understanding the type of society that was formed at the turn of the 19th century to the 20th century. By Me. Cláudio FernandesThe German writer Ernst Jünger (1895-1998) was also a combatant during World W

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