Ancient history

Zapatista Movement

The Zapatista movement is a manifestation of the EZLN (Zapatista Army) of National Liberation) in the form of a guerrilla formed by peasants and indigenous groups who demand Mexico's participation in NAFTA. It began to actively participate publicly on January 1, 1994, when the territory of Chiapas, headquarters of the movement and predominantly agrarian region, began to be debated in the international market. Chiapas is a territory inhabited by peasants and indigenous people who seek to live in their own way as they were taught by their ancestors.

In February 1996, the federal government committed itself to guaranteeing the indigenous rights of the entire Mexican territory, but they did not comply with the agreement, causing the Zapatistas to strengthen themselves militarily in order to defend their territory. Despite not being violent and not seeking war, the Zapatistas needed to be prepared.

The main objective of the Zapatista movement is to continue being Mexican citizens, but who are proud of the country's indigenous past and seek to develop and disseminate the culture, customs and rights of their ancestors .

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