Millennium History

Ancient history

  • In Southern Africa the first home of Homo sapiens

    An Australian study rewrites the dawn of modern man by identifying the exact place of its appearance through the analysis of DNA. The first homeland of modern man was located in a large area of ​​southern Africa, in present-day northern Botswana, where our ancestor lived between 200,000 and 130,00

  • Oddities of the Middle Ages

    In the Middle Ages , it was believed that children they had an undeveloped brain and that this did not allow them to feel pain . The interventions on children were therefore performed without any natural anesthesia, and if they cried, it was thought to be for bad behavior. It was also believe

  • The Medieval Dwellings

    In the buildings of the 13th-14th centuries, several generations lived under the same roof. The buildings all had a single central hall that allowed access to the other rooms in such a way as to allow easy control of the house. On the ground floor the floors were paved or paved, while the upper fl

  • The Bent Pyramid is open to the public

    For the first time since 1965 , two pyramids built by the ancient Egyptians, including the exclusive Bent Pyramid “, Have been open to the public. The two pyramids - the Bent Pyramid and its satellite in the royal necropolis of Dashur - they are approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers) sou

  • Rome, Via Alessandrina, a bust emerges from the excavations

    19 JULY 2019 A bust of a statue of a warrior was found Dace in white marble by the archaeologists of the Superintendence Capitolina to Goods cultural engaged in the archaeological excavation of via Alexandrina . The bust probably belongs to one of the approximately 60-70 statues

  • Largest Neolithic settlement discovered in Israel

    Archaeologists learned of this location, called the Motza site , for decades. However, now that the government plans to build a new highway entrance and new roundabouts, the Israel Antiquities Authority sent a team to carry out a large-scale excavation of the Neolithic settlement. The humans w

  • The Philistines, biblical enemies of the Israelites, descended from Europeans, revelations of DNA

    The ancient Philistines, famous for their appearances in the Hebrew Bible, including the story of David and the giant Philistine Goliath - were not from present-day Israel. The Philistines are descended from a group of seafaring Europeans. After analyzing the DNA of 10 people buried in a Phili

  • The tomb of Jesus is open for restoration for 60 hours

    Located in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem, the tomb consists of a long rock bank (the funerary bed), on which, according to tradition, the body of Jesus Christ was laid after the crucifixion:a typical burial of the wealthy Jews who lived in Jerusalem in the first centu

  • The oldest analog calculator in history

    Antikythera , the island in front of Kythera, today it has only 44 inhabitants on an area of ​​20 km2. In 1902 it was some sponge fishermen who found the wreck of an ancient sailing ship that was carrying a load of precious objects, statues, vases of fine workmanship and silver coins. They soug

  • The first charter of human rights in history

    “I am Ciro , King of the world, great King, mighty King, King of Babylon, King of the Land of Sumer and Akkad , King of the four corners of the earth, son of Cambyses , great King, King of Anshan , grandson of Ciro , great King of Anshan , descendant of an infinite royal line ... When

  • Islam and Mohammed

    ISLAM The region of origin of the pre-Islamic Arab populations is the Arabian peninsula, a territory consisting for the most part of a large desert with few oases scattered in the immense sea of ​​land and sand. An exception to this type of environment is the southern coastal strip of the penin

  • The profession of the historian was born in Germany

    The first country in which the profession of historian it defines itself on the institutional level as Germany . In 1819 is established in Berlin by the former minister von Stein, the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde [ Society for the Ancient History of Germany ]:the fi

  • Hammurabi

    Hammurabi , in Akkadian Khammurabi , from the Amorite Ammurapi , that is, “Ammu heals” was the sixth king of Babylon of the so-called Babylonian I dynasty. he is remembered for having unified lower Mesopotamia and above all for having promulgated a collection of laws known as the Code o

  • The Arameans

    Semitic nomadic tribes present in the regions between PALESTINE and the EUFRATE river , imposed themselves from the III millennium BC in MESOPOTAMIA and in SYRIA , but nevertheless they preferred to merge with the local populations, trying to enter the wealthy classes; their best period fa

  • The Phoenicians

    Around 2000 BC , the Phoenicians they lived in the lands of present-day Lebanon and in a small part of Syria; later, they also occupied other territories along the coasts of the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians they did not have a unitary state. In fact, their cities were independent, each wi

  • The Kingdom of the Franks

    The Franks occupied the territories of a large part of what is now France and a part of Germany . They were the first Germanic people to convert to Catholicism , at the beginning of the VI century , with king Clovis of the Merovingian dynasty (from the name of Meroveo , a legendary a

  • Sargon

    The real name of this mythical character is Sharrukenu . he Lived in central Mesopotamia around 2150 BC It was the cupbearer of the king of Kish (Sumerian city) that became Ensi (lord) and became, after the victory over the ruler of Uruk Lugalzagesi, ruler of the entire Mesopotamia: Lord o

  • The invention of the stirrup

    The first stirrups found in Europe are attributable to the fourth century AD and come from the tombs of the Sarmatian knights in the Kuban river basin in the north of the Caucasus . Just as some iron brackets belong to the fifth century AD, with the slit for the passage of the lash and the usua

  • Expressions born in the Middle Ages

    There are very curious expressions born in the Middle Ages . Like “ is a different kettle of fish ”And“ tip . The first derives from the medieval use of washing only the sleeves of clothes, which when they were dirty were removed and replaced with a clean pair, the second recalls the traditio

  • Brain and Posture:how they have changed

    Humans have extraordinarily developed brains compared to other animals. Mammals weighing 60 Kg. they have an average brain of 200 cubic centimeters . The Sapiens modern has a brain that averages 1200-1400 cubic centimeters . The brain of the Neanderthal it was even bigger. In Homo Sap

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