History quiz

History Exercises on the Constitution of 1824 - with feedback

Question 01 - MPE-GO - 2018 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - The Political Constitution of the Empire of Brazil, of 1824, inaugurated the history of the Brazilian Constitutions and was, among all, the one that lasted the longest. Regarding the aforementioned constitutional letter, judge the following items:I - It was granted by a Constituent and Legislative General Assembly, with markedly liberal ideals, convened by Dom Pedro I.
II - It recognized four Political Powers, namely:the Legislative Power, Moderating Power, Executive Power and Judicial Power.
III – It consecrated the Roman Catholic Catholic Church as the Official Religion of the Empire. The other religions were allowed, as long as the respective cults were carried out in a private or domestic way, without externalizing the external manifestation of temples.
IV – It was marked by a monarchical, hereditary and constitutional government.
It is correct. state that:
a) Only I and II are true.
b) Only II, III and IV are true.
c) Only I, II and III are true.
d) Only III and IV are true.
e) Only IV is true.

Question 02 - MPE-GO - 2017 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - Goiatuba -
In the Constitution of 1824, granted to the nation by D. Pedro, there was a power that should guarantee the balance between the other powers and that would be exercised by the emperor. Power:
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judiciary
d) Moderator
e) Republican

Question 03 - MPE-GO - 2017 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary -
After the independence of Brazil, formalized by the famous Grito do Ipiranga, delivered by D. Pedro I on September 7, 1822, Brazil was granted, on March 25, 1824, its first Federal Constitution as an independent country . Regarding the Constitution of 1824, it is INCORRECT to state:
a) It was imposed by the king on the people, a people here comprised of a minority of whites and mestizos who voted and who somehow participated in political life
b ) It was a pioneer in expressly dealing with the individual rights and guarantees of all slaves, paving the way for the extinction of slavery in Brazil
c) It divided legislative power into the Chamber and Senate, providing for elections for both houses
d) It provided for the Emperor's prerogative to nominate a senator to hold the position for life.
e) It instituted the Council of State and the Moderating Power, which would play an important role in the political history of the Empire.
Question 04 - MPE-GO - 2016 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - Guapó -
In 1824, the Carmelite Frei Caneca, an important figure in the Confederation of Ecuador, criticized the Constitution granted by D. Pedro I. Frei Caneca said that it, in addition to oppressing the Brazilian Nation, did not guarantee its Independence, it threatened its integrity and attacked its sovereignty, because there was a device in that, adopted from the ideas of the French philosopher Benjamin Constant, considered by Frei Caneca the master key of oppression. Identify this device in the following alternatives:
a) The Additional Act.
b) The Council of State
c) The Moderating Power.
d) The Life Senate.
/>e) The Law of Interpretation of the Additional Act.

Question 05 - MPE-GO - 2016 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - Guapó -
Read the following text:
“The system created by the 1824 letter and based on Portuguese tradition assumes a character close to the oligarchy that the emperor presides over. The supremacy of the crown is mitigated by control bodies that emerged from the bowels of the monarchy, the Senate and the Council of State, and by means of an organ dependent on the election, the Chamber of Deputies.”
(Faoro, Raymundo. Os Donos do Poder. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Globo, 1989,p.291).
By granting the constitution of 1824, D. Pedro I instituted an absolutist model for Brazil, as the text above shows in the words of historian Raymundo Faoro.
The political model imposed by D. Pedro I to Brazil through the Charter granted in 1824, allowed:
a) the balance between the constituted powers of the Brazilian state.
b) the abolition of the Brazilian slave model.
c) the implementation of the universal male vote restricted to the literate.
d) the direct election of members of the Imperial Senate who had a lifetime mandate.
e) the subordination of power from the Church to the Power of the Emperor.

Question 06 - PUCRS 2003.1 - The Constitutional Charter of 1824 established a nucleus of political power whose exercise would be remarkable in Brazilian monarchical parliamentarism and which included the following attributions:employing armed force; choosing senators from a triple list; sanction and veto legislative acts; dissolve the Chamber; appoint judges. According to the aforementioned Constitution, this set of attributions was exercised
A) by the Prime Minister.
B) by the Supreme Court of Justice.
C) by the Monarch.
/>D) by the Chamber of Deputies.
E) by the Council of State

Question 07 - UNESP - 2018.2. - 1st phase - The first Brazilian Constitution, of 1824, was
a) approved by the Chamber of Deputies and established a census vote.
b) imposed by Portugal and determined the Portuguese monopoly of colonial trade.
c) granted by the Emperor and defined the existence of four powers.
d) promulgated by a Constituent Assembly and concentrated its authority in the Executive Power.
e) determined by England and established the end of the slave trade.

Question 08 - UNIFOR 2009.1 - The 1824 Constitution established the political rights of citizens who could participate in elections in Brazil. Among the proposed situations, identify the one that indicates the person who could vote according to the constitutional precepts.
(A) A freedman, over 21 years old, of Brazilian nationality, exercising the profession of teacher, could only vote in the elections of deputies and senators.
(B) A native or naturalized Brazilian, over 25 years of age, with an annual net income of more than two hundred thousand réis, had the right to vote in the elections of deputies and senators.
(C) ) A free woman, over 30 years old, of Brazilian nationality, with a net income of 50 thousand réis, had the political right to vote at least in Parish Assemblies.
(D) A member of the high clergy, over 25 years old , of Portuguese nationality, financially supported by the leadership of the Church, could vote only in senator elections.
(E) A landowner, over 21 years old, a naturalized foreigner, with an income of less than 200 thousand réis, had the right to vote and be elected in senator elections .

Question 09 - UVA 2007.1 - Important feature of the 1st Brazilian Constitution (1824):
A. Federalism
B. Unitarianism
C. Presidentialism
D. Decentralization

Question 10 - UNIFENAS 2017/1 - The Brazilian imperial society, which had the Constitution of 1824 as its basis, had a contradictory character:the Empire was aligned with liberal principles that spread across Europe, however, it maintained slavery, justified by the predominance of the right to private property. An important element present in the Constitution of 1824 granted by D. Pedro I was
a) the adoption of the Republic as a form of government.
b) the creation of the Moderating Power.
c) the right of voting extended to the entire population.
d) the extinction of the slave trade.
e) the breaking of diplomatic relations with England.

Question 11 - FGV-SP 2003/2 - 1st phase - The Brazilian Constitution of 1824:
a) It was elaborated and approved by the General Constituent Assembly and established the organization of the State from the division into three powers:Legislative, Judiciary and Moderator.
b) It became known as the Constitution of Cassava, due to the adoption of a census system that defined by the criterion of income and assets those who could vote and be voted in the general elections.
c) It was prepared by the Council of State after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and, in addition to the Legislative powers , Executive and Judiciary, established the Moderating Power, to be exercised by the Brazilian monarch.
d) It was elaborated by the Council of State after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and guaranteed strong autonomy to the Provinces, despite the implementation of the Moderating Power, to be exercised by the Brazilian monarch.
e) It was prepared by the Constituent General Assembly and was characterized by the adoption of liberal principles, by guaranteeing the defense of the fundamental rights of man and the adoption of federative principles.

Question 12 - MACKENZIE 2003 - About the Constitution of 1824, we can say that:
a) it generated the conciliation of political forces throughout the country due to its democratic character.
b) the key to all political organization was in the hands of the moderating power , which approved or not the measures, appointed judges and controlled the Executive.
c) established the Secular State, definitively separating Church and State.
d) extended political rights to the entire population, without income restrictions .
e) the emperor had reduced powers, thus controlling the despotic character of his government.

Question 13 - UFPR 2011 - “We tend to assume that all the changes that resulted from an independence movement were for the better. Rarely, for example, do we regard an independence movement as a regression, a triumph of despotism over liberty, of an imposed regime over a representative regime. Nevertheless, in the case of Brazilian independence, these accusations were at the time imputed to the new regime.”
(Adapted from MAXWELL, K. “Why was Brazil different? The context of independence.” In:MOTTA, C.G. (org.). Incomplete journey:the Brazilian experience. São Paulo:Editora Senac, 2000, p 181.) Which of the events mentioned below generated the accusations mentioned in the text? a) The granting of the Constitution of 1824, made by D. Pedro I after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly that prepared the constitutional text. b) The trade treaty that stipulated economic advantages for England. c) The encouragement of European immigration and the gradual emancipation of slaves, the result of public policies carried out in the monarchic period with the objective of promoting the transition from slave labor to free labor. d) The war waged against Paraguay in the 1860s. e) The decree of majority of D. Pedro II who, in 1840, favored the measures of centralization of power, called at the time of “return”.

Question 14 - IFTO Unified Entrance Exam - 2019/1 - Read the fragment below and identify the incorrect sentence:
“The constitution of 1824 sought to guarantee individual and economic freedom and ensure the full right to property. (...) For the men who made independence, people educated in the European style, representatives of the dominant categories, the right to property, liberty and security guaranteed by the Constitution was something very real. It didn't matter to this elite if the majority of the nation was composed of a human mass for which constitutional rights had no validity whatsoever. (...) The Constitution affirmed the freedom and equality of all before the law, but the majority of the population remained slaves. Property rights were guaranteed, but, according to some estimates, 95% of the population, when not slaves, were made up of “residents” of farms, on other people's land, who could be sent away at any time. Torture was abolished, but in the slave quarters the instruments of punishment such as the trunk, the gargalheira and the whip continued to be used, and the lord was the supreme judge of the life and death of his men.”
Source:COSTA , Emilia Viotti da. In:MOTA, Carlos Guilherme (Org.). Brazil in Perspective, p. 123-124.
a) The text above highlights the contradiction of the liberal project, in nascent Brazil, within a slave society.
b) The Brazilian liberal constitution of 1824 guaranteed the right to private property, but , according to the text, 95% of the population were dispossessed.
c) The 1824 constitution was based on an image of a liberal country, but this was severely altered with the distribution of land, through the land law of 1850.
d) Outside the formal political game, the poor population in the monarchic period and the beginning of the republic is more evident in the expressions of popular revolts, such as the Balaiada, Revolta dos Malês and Canudos.
e) Liberal only to guarantee land and slave properties, Brazil was actually born conservative, more resembling the Ancien Régime of the 18th century than the liberalism of the 19th century.

01 - B
02 - D
03 - B
04 - C
05 - E
06 - C
07 - C
08 - B
09 - B
10 - B
11 - C
12 - B
13 - A
14 - C