History quiz

Exercises on the Revolt of the Malês - with feedback

Question 01 - UNESP - 2017/2 - 1st phase - The Malês Revolt, which took place in Bahia in 1835, had wide popular participation and defended, among other proposals,
a) the rejection of Catholicism and the construction of an Islamic order.
b) the maintenance of slavery of Africans and the expansion of the enslavement of indigenous people.
c) the return of D. Pedro I and the reestablishment of the absolutist monarchy.
d) the expansion of diplomatic and commercial relations with African countries.
e) the recognition of the rights and duties of every Brazilian citizen.

Question 02 - FUVEST 2018 - Transfer - 1st Phase - On the night of the 24th to the 25th of January 1835, a group of African slaves and freedmen occupied the streets of Salvador, Bahia, and for more than three hours faced soldiers and armed civilians. The organizers of the uprising were Malês, the term by which Muslim Africans were known in Bahia at the time. J. J. Reis, Slave Rebellion in Brazil. The history of the Malês uprising in 1835, 2004. Regarding the Malês Revolt, it is correct to say:
a) It was the main urban slave rebellion that took place in Brazil.
b) Some of its main leaders were given amnesty by the authorities for not being Christians.
c) The defeat resulted from the lack of knowledge of written language on the part of their leaders.
d) The project of the revolt was to abolish slavery and establish an Islamic society in all over Brazil.
e) Many members of the movement were pardoned after denying Muslim principles and adhering to Catholicism.

Question 03 - IF-MT - 2016 - IF-MT - Vestibular - First Semester - After the Independence of Brazil, the political situation was very delicate. Liberals and conservatives, federalists and nationalists fought for power. It was in this climate of agitation and confusion that black communities fed and gave vent to their revolts. This slave rebellion became known as:
a) War of the Farrapos (1835 -1845).
b) Cabanagem Revolt (1835 - 1840).
c) Confederation of Ecuador (1824) .
d) Balaiada Revolt (1838 -1841).
e) Malês Revolt (1835).

Question 04 - Instituto Machado de Assis 2016 - City Hall of Passagem Franca - MA - In the Regency period, there were several revolts. Which revolt has the following characteristics?
- It took place in Salvador in 1835, and had the participation of blacks and mulattos who were adherents of Islam;
- Because the revolt was carried out by the lower classes, the ruling classes they were threatened by the loss of manpower;
- The defeat was caused by Domingos Fortunato, who stopped being a slave, as he had just been freed; he warned of the revolt to his former master, who transmitted the information to the judge of the city;
- The slaves ended up being killed by the great repression made on them.
A) Revolt of the Malês
( B) Cabanagem
(C) Farroupilha
(D) Sabinada

Question 05 - Itame - 2015 - Padre Bernardo City Hall - GO -
A movement that took place in 1835, which had as one of its main objectives to end Catholicism:
(A) Revolt of the Malês.
(B) Conjuration of the Tailors.
(C) War of Canudos.
(D) Bahia's War of Independence.

Question 06 - Crescer Consultorias - 2017 - Nossa Senhora dos Remédios City Hall - PI -
A unique event in Brazilian history, a revolt that took place in Bahia in 1835, the Levante dos Malês has attracted the attention of many researchers and has already received the most diverse interpretations. On the historical context of the Malês Revolt:
I. Although the Levante dos Malês is situated in a particularly troubled period of national life and is generally classified as another “revolt of the Regency Period”, this connection exists but is secondary. The Levant belongs, above all, to the tradition of slave rebellions in Bahia.
II. It has another singularity in relation to the others:the majority presence of Muslims (hence the name of Malê, as black Muslims were called in Bahia)
III. The rebellion (which must have had up to 600 participants) lasted only a few hours, during which the rebels became lords of the streets of Salvador. The revolt had repercussions throughout the Empire and abroad, remaining for a long time in the memory of the ruling classes of Bahia and even the Court, who took various measures to prevent another similar movement from taking place;
IV. Thousands of poor, black, indigenous and mestizo men and women who lived in simple houses in the city of Salvador participated in the revolt.
V. The rebellion would also have had a class orientation because it was made and directed mainly by slaves and because the anti-landlord language of the prisoners reveals their anti-slavery face.
The alternative(s) are INCORRECT:
A) II and I
C) V

Question 07 - VUNESP - 2014 - PM-SP - On the night of the 24th to the 25th of January 1835, a group of African slaves and freedmen occupied the streets of Salvador, Bahia, and for more than three hours faced soldiers and armed civilians. The organizers of the uprising were Malês, the term by which Muslim Africans were known in Bahia at the time. Although it lasted a short time, only a few hours, it was the most serious urban slave uprising that took place in the Americas and had lasting effects on slave Brazil as a whole.
(REIS, João José. Rebelião Escrava no Brasil. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 2003)
The episode described in the excerpt contributed to
a) the long duration of the slave trade, since, in the face of growing social conflict, defenders of slavery recognized that it was necessary to bring more slaves to the Brazil.
b) the abolition of slavery a few years later, as the large landowners felt threatened and insecure and realized the need to adopt free labor.
c) the intensification of tensions within the elite of large landowners in the context of the Regency, uncomfortable with the various revolts that broke out at the time.
d) the deepening of the crisis that led to the resignation of Dom Pedro I, considered a politically unskilled monarch incapable of maintaining the immense population that of slaves under control.
e) the political crisis that led to the Coup of the Republic and the beginning of the First Republic, due to the discontent of large landowners with the liberal management of the regency period.

Question 08 - (Adapted) CESGRANRIO - 2010 - Salvador City Hall - BA -
“The groups of slaves from the Costa da Mina, under different identities (Nagô, Hauçá, Jeje, Tapa), promoted the largest cycle of African slave revolts in the history of Brazil. The character of systemic resistance to slavery was only equivalent, before, in the Palmares War and, later, in the abolitionist movement of the 1880s. Indeed, between 1807 and 1835, Bahia experienced a period of continuous rebellions by African slaves, whose The culmination was the Revolt of the Malês.”
REIS, João José. Slave Rebellion in Brazil, the History of the Malês Uprising in 1835. Cia. of Letters.
The Malês Revolt, in Bahia, although it did not manage to change the Brazilian slave order, had a very representative aspect, since
(A) it was the uprising of urban slaves, most of them Muslim religion, the most serious one that took place in Brazil.
(B) it was a slave uprising with clear and defined objectives, which justifies its long duration.
(C) it was, through this Revolt, that , for the first time, a group of slaves held power in Salvador, albeit for a short period.
(D) precipitated the signing of the Eusébio de Queirós Law, which extinguished the slave trade.
(E) ) accelerated the introduction of immigrants to replace black slave labor.

Question 09 - IBFC - 2013 - SEAP-DF - The Malês Revolt, in 1835, was a movement:
a) influenced by the Haitian revolution; sought to end slavery in Brazil, promoting the extermination of whites and indigenous people, as soon as it submitted the monarchy and assumed political power in the country.
b) liberation that had the support of quilombolas and indigenous people in the interior of Bahia . Among its proposals, the one that most frightened the slave society at the time was to make white people slaves and destroy the symbols of Catholic churches in addition to killing all priests and the royal family.
c) it was organized by Islamized blacks. and literate, who spread the claims and the form of the uprising by writing on the city walls in Arabic, making it difficult to anticipate any form of repression by the slaveholders of the time. Two of the main intentions in taking power were:to abolish slavery and to have the right to convert to Christianity;
d) it was organized by enslaved Africans of Islamic origin, planned through inscriptions by the Bahian capital. In addition to the intention to end slavery, the insurgents intended to confiscate the assets of the whites, build an Islamic kingdom and turn non-Islamized people into slaves.

Question 10 - Army - 2016 - EsSA - The Malês Revolt was a movement of African slaves, many of whom were Muslims, that took place in 1835 in the following province:
A) Maranhão
B) Grão-Pará
C) Bahia
/>D) Pernambuco
E) Minas Gerais

Question 11 - COLÉGIO NAVAL 2010 -" The revolt of 1835, also called the 'great insurrection', was the culmination of a series that went back to 1807. It will, on the contrary, be planned in detail, preceded by an entire organizational period (...) They met regularly to discuss the insurrection plans, often together with elements of other groups in the center of the city. ..) The movement was also being articulated between the slaves of the mills and the quilombolas of the periphery.(. . . ) The plan was not fully implemented because there was a denunciation. (...) the slaves, seeing that they had to anticipate the revolt, they threw themselves into the charge anyway. (...) After the insurrection was defeated, its leaders behaved with dignity."
(Moura, Clóvis. Os Quilombos e a Rebelião Negra. 7 ed. São Paulo, Brasiliense, 1987. pp. 63-69.) On the reported slave rebellion in the text, it is correct to state that:(A) it was commanded by Ganga Zumba who planned to establish a free territory in the Recôncavo Baiano.
(B) in this rebellion, called Revolta dos Malês, slaves from different ethnic groups participated that intended to end with slavery in Bahia. (C) the revolt occurred due to religious intolerance, since the slaves were prevented from practicing their religion, Candomblé.
(D) their leader Zumbi dos Palmares, after a long resistance to government troops, ended up being arrested and hanged and the quilombo was destroyed.
(And) in this rebellion, called Conjuração Baiana, the rebels wanted the independence of Brazil and the end of slavery.

Question 12 - UFU 2011 -2 - 2nd day - Read the following text. The Malês found in Bahia in 1835 a fertile field where to sow slave rebellion and try to change society in favor of Africans. Founded on ethnoracial and social inequality, Bahia was experiencing an economic and political crisis during this period. The revolts of the free-poor classes and liberal dissidents on the one hand, and those of African slaves on the other, threatened the political hegemony of the great masters of Bahia and the slave order itself.
REIS, João José. Slave rebellion in Brazil:the history of the Malê uprising in 1835. São Paulo:Companhiadas Letras, 2003. p. 545. Considering the text above, mark the correct alternative about the Malês revolt of 1835. A) The Malês represented an African ethnic identity that was rejected by most other groups of slaves, who came from different regions of Africa.
B) The Malês were in an intermediate layer between the poor free classes and the slaves, as they were in a social situation superior to that of the slaves.
C) The free and poor classes joined the great landowners in Bahia to defeat the Malês in their revolt, as both groups wanted to preserve the white supremacy over the slaves.
D) The Malê revolt represented an important resistance to the social structures in force in Brazil, especially the social order linked to African slavery.
D) br />Question 13 - FUVEST 2022 - The Malês revolt, which took place in Salvador in 1835, (A) was a revolt organized by enslaved and freed people, against slavery and the imposition of the Catholic religion. (B) expressed the freedom aspirations of urban slaves prevented from purchasing their manumission letters. (C) expressed the indignation of the white urban population with the practices of violence and public punishment. (D) demanded more autonomy for the provinces, in opposition to the centralizing policy employed by the imperial managers. (E) it failed as a result of the difficulties encountered in enlisting slaves from the Reconcavo plantations.

01 - A
02 - A
03 - E
04 - A
05 - A
06 - D
07 - C
08 - A
09 - D
10 - C
11 - B
12 - D13 - A