Question 02 - (Adapted) Cecierj / Extension - “The perfect understanding between the government and the working and student classes will exist in my government out of obligation and not please.” General-President Costa e Silva – inauguration speech in 1967. Acquired from:Silva, Francisco de Assis. History of Brazil:Colony, Empire and Republic. São Paulo:Moderna, 1992, p. 297

Question 03 - UFT 2016 - Transfer - Institutional Act Nº 5, AI-5, enacted on December 13, 1968, during the government of General Costa e Silva, was the most complete expression of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985). It lasted until December 1978 and produced a cast of arbitrary actions with lasting effects. It defined the hardest moment of the regime, giving the power of exception to the rulers to arbitrarily punish those who were enemies of the regime or considered as such. (D'ARAÚJO, M. C. O AI-5. Available at:http://cpdoc.fgv. br/producao/dossies/FatosImagens/AI5.Accessed on:June 15, 2016).The AI-5 meant, in short, to:(A) Suspension of political rights. (B) Prohibition of autonomous activities. (C) Maintenance of private law only. (D) Compulsory right to vote in union elections. (E) Permanence of forum privilege by function prerogative.
Question 04 - FAAP-SP - Institutional Act nº 5, edited during the government of General Costa e Silva, allowed this President of the Republic, among other measures:a) to convene a National Constituent Assembly b) to create new ministries and state-owned companies c) to decree parliamentary recess and promote cassations of mandates and political rights d) contract larger loans abroad and) promote a reformulation of the party system
Question 05 - VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - In August 1969, President Costa e Silva suffered a serious heart attack. An intense power struggle ensued over the succession. According to the 1967 Constitution, then in force, Vice-President Pedro Aleixo should immediately succeed the president, in the event of his death or incapacity for the duties of the position. But Pedro Aleixo had openly opposed the AI-5, thus not serving the purposes of the armed forces that controlled the state. The High Command of the Armed Forces, endowed with extraordinary powers, concluded that “the constitutional solution was not viable”, deciding that the presidency would be exercised by a junta by the ministers of the Army, Navy and Air Force. (Alves, M. H. M. Estado and opposition in Brazil:1964-1984. Bauru:Edusc, 2005. Adapted) Costa e Silva's succession crisis evidences (A) the political stability that marked the country in the period, guaranteed through agreements between the military and the civilian opposition.(B) ) the reiterated commitment of the military to the prospect of political openness, even though opposition movements have impeded this process. (C) the importance that dialogue with civilians has always had for the military, especially in elections and presidential successions. (D) the authoritarian and politically unstable character of the military regime, insofar as the 1967 Constitution itself was being disrespected. (E) compliance with the law by the military, in such a way that all legal procedures were observed in electoral contexts.
REPORTS 01 - C02 - B03 - A04 - C05 - D