The text allows us to infer that
a) the measures implemented by the government were a response to the strengthening of the Communist Party, led by Luis Carlos Prestes, a charismatic figure who it attracted growing parts of the electorate.
b) the regime was inspired by authoritarian thinking, did not value civil liberties, political parties and universal suffrage, and should be characterized as a dictatorship.
c) the effects the prolonged coffee crisis forced the Vargas government to impose exceptional measures, which were relaxed as soon as the economic recovery began.
d) national unity was seriously threatened since the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, which took place in São Paulo , State which did not recognize Vargas' authority.
e) the constant tenentist revolts put the hierarchy of the armed forces at risk, which forced the government to adopt measures to guarantee public order.
Question 02 - UTFPR 2006-1 - Integrated - The period of Brazilian history known as “Estado Novo” (1937-1945), can be characterized:
A) by a period of full democracy in Brazil, based on the Constitution of 1937.
B) by a dictatorship established by Getúlio Vargas.
C) by the government of Juscelino Kubitschek, based on the slogan “50 years of achievements in 5 years of government”.
D) by the military dictatorship, justified by an intense dispute for power between capitalists and socialists. E) for the return to democracy after many years of military governments.
Question 03 - CEFET-MG - 2013 - Integrated Technician - Between 1937-1945, Brazil lived a political period, known as Estado Novo. The government at the time adopted strategies, among which stands out the
a) use of economic measures to block the pace of industrial growth.
b) expansion of the mass media to stimulate democratic ideals.
b) expansion of the mass media to stimulate democratic ideals.
br />c) promotion of civic celebrations to build the identity between the State and the working class.
d) maintenance of socialist parties to guarantee the effectiveness of Civil Society institutions.
Question 04 - MPE-GO - 2017 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - “On November 10, 1937, troops of the military police surrounded the National Congress and prevented the entry of congressmen. The Minister of War – General Dutra – had opposed the operation being carried out by army forces. At night, Getúlio announced a new political phase and the entry into force of a Constitutional Charter, prepared by Francisco Campos” (excerpt from the book História do Brasil, by Boris Fausto). The Brazilian historical period narrated above describes the beginning:
a) of the Military Dictatorship
b) of the Café com Leite Policy
c) of Tenentism
d) of the Estado Novo
/>e) of the Armada Revolt
Question 05 - UERJ 1997 - 1st Phase - History - Whoever has the radio on, from Monday to Friday from 7pm to 8pm, will hear chords from Carlos Gomes' famous opera, O Guarani. It is the opening of the official program A Voz do Brasil, which has been present on Brazilian radio stations since 1934 – a requirement that today is questioned by various segments of society. This program symbolized a certain period of the republic in Brazil, the Estado Novo (1937-45). The statement that best explains the importance of Voz do Brasil during the Estado Novo is:
(The) exaltation of the actions of the president
(B) expansion of basic education to the lower classes
(C) awareness of the people for the exercise of citizenship
(D) elevation of popular culture stigmatized in the Old Republic
Question 06 - UNIOESTE 2007 - About the period of the History of Brazil known as Estado Novo (1937-1945), it is correct to say:(A) The regime established encompassed a series of changes in the Brazilian political axis, in particular transferring the central power from the Northeast to Rio Grande do Sul, land of then president Vargas. (B) With the support of the PCB (Brazilian Communist Party) and its main leader, Luiz Carlos Prestes, the Vargas Government established a fierce dictatorship, despite the opposition of workers dissatisfied with the creation of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws). (C) Despite its authoritarian nature, the Vargas regime supported, since the beginning of the Second World War, the struggle of the Allies (Germany, Italy and Japan) against the Axis countries (France, England, Russia and the USA).( D) This period was characterized by a visible transition from an industrial-based economy to an agricultural-export economy. (E) In 1939, the DIP (Department of Press and Propaganda) was created with the intention of stopping criticism of the regime and of broadcasting propaganda in favor of the Government of Getúlio Vargas.
Question 07 - PUCRS 2002.1 - In 1939, the Estado Novo created a Department of Press and Propaganda (DIP) that was in charge of censoring ideas contrary to the regime and disseminating the government's political propaganda. citizens with the Estado Novo ideology, aiming to mobilize society around its political program. Among these means of communication and propaganda, we can highlight a new medium, which, in particular, allowed the Estado Novo ideas to reach the urban middle classes and the working class. We are referring
A) to the working class press.
B) to radio.
C) to television.
D) to cinema.
E) to biweekly magazines.
Question 08 - FDF 2017 - “One of the justifications for the 1937 coup was the need for changes capable of placing the country on a level of development that could bring it on a par with the most developed nations in the world. The goal of progress indicated order as its partner:the rationalization of work and social control constituted an essential part of Estado Novo policy.” Maria Helena Capelato. Crowds on stage. Campinas:Papirus, 1998, p. 283.During the Estado Novo, the pursuit of the objectives mentioned in the text included, among other factors,
(A) the implementation of a democratic regime and the creation of mechanisms for popular participation in State decisions.
(B) exchange control to increase profits from exports and the stimulation of coffee production in the Vale do Paraíba.
(C) the assembly of infrastructure to facilitate industrial expansion and government control over union activities.
(D) the end of the commercial blocs that united Brazil to Latin American countries and an intense policy of agrarian reform.
Question 09 - FATEC - 2016 - Look closely at the image.

The cartoon refers to the period
(A) of the Empire (1822- 1889), ruled by D. Pedro II, who had a great interest in technological innovations and used radio as a propaganda tool.
(B) of the First Republic (1889-1930), whose main mark was the censorship of artists , intellectuals and journalists against the government.
(C) of the Estado Novo (1937-1945), under the command of Getúlio Vargas, who used the radio to praise the achievements of his government.
(D) of developmentalism (1955-1961), led by Juscelino Kubitschek, who introduced the mass media in Brazil.
(And) of the civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985), in which artists and journalists could express themselves freely on the radio, but they were censored in the newsrooms of newspapers and TV stations.
Question 10 - MPE-GO - 2017 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - Cachoeira Dourada - About Getúlio Vargas' Estado Novo, it is incorrect to say:
a) that it was implemented by Getúlio Vargas under the justification of containing a new threat of a communist coup in Brazil.
b) that taken by an orientation socialist, the government was concerned with obtaining the favor of workers through concessions and laws to protect workers.
c) it financed the broad development of the Brazilian industrial sector, by carrying out a policy of industrialization through import substitution and with the creation of basic industries.
d) to give the new regime a legal appearance, Francisco Campos drafted a new Constitution inspired by the Italian and Polish fascist constitutions.
e) adopted the so-called “State of Compromise” , where control mechanisms and political negotiation channels were created, responsible for the emergence of a broad front of support for Getúlio Vargas.
Question 11 - PUCRS 2004.1 - Among the characteristics of the new Brazilian political order implemented with the Estado Novo was
A) the formation of a democratic government that would face the escalation of the Brazilian Integralist Action.
B) the political mobilization of the peasantry, to strengthen the bases support of the traditional oligarchies.
C) the participation of the State in the economy, to ensure industrialization in the international context, characterized by the rise of strong regimes.
D) the formation of an alliance between the left and liberals, on a front the only nationalist.
E) the withdrawal of Brazilian support for inter-American agreement systems.
Question 12 - UFPR 2011 - Regarding the Estado Novo, from 1937 to 1945, it is correct to say:
a) It was a period of development of democratic liberalism in the country, thus allowing the consolidation of the political leadership of Getúlio Vargas.
b ) It increased oligarchic conflicts and pressure from international capital, culminating in Vargas' suicide.
c) The developmentalist policy of opening up to foreign capital allowed the growth of political and commercial alliances between Brazil and the United States.
d) Vargas' political proximity to the Nazi-fascist totalitarian regimes led Brazil to militarily support the Axis countries in World War II.
e) It was marked by criticism of liberal democracy and the organization of an authoritarian state , in charge of promoting progress within the order.
Question 13 - IFRR 2015.2 - The expression “Estado Novo” became known for identifying which period in the history of Brazil?
(A) What began in 1937, with the coup d'état launched by Getúlio Vargas, with the support of the military leadership, and if extended until 1945, when Vargas himself, through an Additional Act, called for direct elections for president and announced the convening of a Constituent Assembly.
(B) What began in 1930, with the support of the military leadership, and lasted until 1945, when Vargas himself, by an Institutional Act, overthrew the National Congress.
(C) What began in 1937, when Vargas announced the “new order” that consisted of calling for direct elections for president , and lasted until 1945, when Vargas launched a new coup d'état.
(D)What began in 1945, with the deposition of Getúlio Vargas by general officers, and which ended with the victory of Eurico Dutra to President of the Republic, elected by the PTB.
(E) What began in 1930 when Vargas' bid to power and lasted until 1934, when Vargas's own constitutional government began.
Question 14 - CEFET-MG - 2017 - Técnico External and Subsequent Concomitance -
Watercolor of Brazil, Ary Barroso, year 1939.
“Brazil, my Brazilian Brazil
My inzoneiro mulatto*
I will sing to you in my verses
The Brazil, samba that gives
Bamboleio that makes you sway
The Brazil of my love
Land of Our Lord
Brazil! Brazil!
For me... for me...”
(In:GOMES, Ângela de Castro. (Coord.). History of Brazil-Nation (1808-2010):Looking inside ( 1930-1964). Rio de Janeiro:Ed. Objetiva, 2013, p. 23. v. 4.)
*Inzoneiro:smart, sly.
During the Estado Novo, a cultural project was developed, aimed at
a) strengthening national identity, through radio, literature and cinema.
b) increasing the number of museums, through the incorporation of theaters and publishing houses.
c ) recognition of artistic heritage, through censorship of samba schools.
d) advancement of local education, through the prohibition of historical themes in classrooms.
Question 15 - CEFET -MG - 2005-2 - Subsequent Technician - In Brazil, the Estado Novo project (1937-1945) for Brazilian society was marked by the implementation of a corporatist ideology that aimed at
a) strengthening federalism, with the state militias being responsible for containing right-wing extremism and of the left.
b) the rallying of the popular masses into a single party, organized in order to offer political support to the government.
c) the appeasement of internal social tensions, which implied greater control over the political activities of the workers.
d) the transformation of agricultural activity into a vital strategy for economic development, with the use of existing cultures.
Question 16 - CEFET-MG - 2014 - Integrated Technician - The policy of Getúlio Vargas instituted during the Estado Novo
a) increased the price of iron ore to make it more difficult to export.
b) prioritized economic agreements to create a national steel industry.
c ) adopted neutrality in the war to prevent loss of human life.
d) prevented the installation of military bases to avoid foreign presence.
Question 17 - IFS 2013.2 - Entrance Exam - “Immediately after the coup, Vargas dissolved Congress and granted a new centralizing Constitution, which concentrated broad powers in the hands of the Executive. His proposal for the organization of the State had points in common with the European fascist models in vogue at that period.” BRAICK, Patricia Ramos and MOTA, Myriam Becho. History:from caves to the third millennium. 2nd ed., São Paulo:Moderna, 2010, volume 3. p. 99.
Considering the Vargas government during the Estado Novo (1937/1945), it is correct to say that:
a) it granted individual freedoms and abolished the death penalty in Brazil.
b ) consolidated a soybean agro-export policy to fight inflation.
c) violently repressed the Constitutionalist Revolution in São Paulo.
d) installed the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce in Brazil.
e) created Petrobras, establishing the state monopoly on the exploration of Brazilian oil.
Question 18 - MPE-GO - 2016 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - In 1945, the Estado Novo implemented by President Getúlio Vargas came to an end. Among the causes we had the
a) Revolution of 1945 carried out by the unions and supported by the Brazilian Labor Party at that time.
b) Action by the student movement, led by the UNE, which took power supporting the party of the National Democratic Union.
c) North American pressures forcing Getúlio Vargas to extinguish the Estado Novo and make the country a democracy.
d) Getúlio's adhesion to Fascism, allowing him to implant in Brazil a similar regime after 1945.
e) Brazil's participation in the 2nd World War on the side of the democracies, creating a contradictory internal situation, as the country lived, until that year, a dictatorship.
Question 19 - EAD / UFPR 2009/2010 - In 1945 the Estado Novo came to an end. About the collapse of the Vargas dictatorship, it is correct to say:
a) Due to the prolonged exercise of power, Getúlio Vargas' popularity was at a low point, leading to huge demonstrations by the people and workers who demanded his departure from the government.
b) The economic crisis resulting from the Second World War had left enormous unemployment, the closure of factories and commercial establishments, as well as the near interruption of foreign trade, helping to erode Vargas' popularity.
c) The former -fighters of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), after having fought Nazi-fascism in Europe during the Second World War, mobilized massively to demand the end of the Vargas dictatorship.
d) The process of dismissal of Vargas allowed him to he and his allies formed new political parties that, in turn, dominated the national political scene during almost the entire period from 1945 to 1964.
e) The popular yearning for democratic and civil liberties made the most maintenance of labor and union legislation imposed on the nation by Vargas.
Question 20 - UFPR 2016 - According to historian Regina da Luz Moreira, “the return of the FEB contingents precipitated (...) the fall of Vargas in 1945” (CPDOC. Available at:
Question 22 - CEFET-MG - 2013 - Integrated Technician - Between 1937-1945, Brazil lived a political period, known as Estado Novo. The government at the time adopted strategies, among which stands out the
a) use of economic measures to block the pace of industrial growth.
b) expansion of the mass media to stimulate democratic ideals.
b) expansion of the mass media to stimulate democratic ideals.
br />c) promotion of civic celebrations to build the identity between the State and the working class.
d) maintenance of socialist parties to guarantee the effectiveness of Civil Society institutions.
Question 23 - UVA 2011.1 - CG - Getúlio Vargas was the longest-serving Brazilian president. Altogether there were 18 years of government. The first government of Getúlio Vargas (1930 – 1945) can be divided into three distinct periods:provisional government, constitutional government and Estado Novo:the Vargas dictatorship. as a pretext for its realization:
A. - the danger that the penetration of the right into the Armed Forces represented for the Nation.
B. - the desire to contain the ideology of the right represented by the Brazilian Integralist Action.
C. - the unrest that existed in the Northeast due to the high cost of living.
D. - the possibility of a communist revolution, as stated in a document held by the government - the Cohen Plan.
Question 24 - MACKENZIE 2003 - 2nd day - On November 10, 1937, Getúlio Vargas, in a radio speech, stated:“The presidential dispute was leading the country to disorder. Communists infiltrate national institutions day by day. The nation is in danger of a class struggle and the parties disturb our people.“Vargas' statements served as a pretext for:
a) the Cohen Plan and the implementation of the Estado Novo.
b) the outbreak of the Revolution Constitutionalist of São Paulo.
c) the Communist Intent, led by Luís Carlos Prestes.
d) Queremismo and the continuationist pretensions of Vargas.
e) the military coup that deposed Vargas and elected General Dutra.
01 - B
02 - B
03 - C
04 - D
05 - A
06 - E
07 - B
08 - C
09 - C
10 - B
11 - C
12 - E
13 - A
14 - A
15 - C
16 - B
17 - D
18 - E
19 - D
20 - A
21 - D
>22 - C
23 - D
24 - A