(Nucepe) In an essay he wrote in mid-1949 entitled “On the People's Democratic Dictatorship”, Mao Zedong succinctly explained the ideas that would permeate the governmental orientations of the new Chinese state. . The experience of the revolution so far could be analyzed into two basic categories, wrote Mao. The first was the mobilization of the masses of the nation to build a “united internal front under the leadership of the working class.”
(SPENCE, Jonathan D. In Search of Modern China:Four Centuries of History. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 1995, p. 489)
The “united front” proposed by Mao to lead the revolutionary process in China incorporated
a) the nationalist high bourgeoisie, workers and peasants.
b) small rural landowners (kulaks ), the big urban bourgeoisie and workers.
c) the international bourgeoisie, workers and peasants.
d) the peasantry, workers and national bourgeoisie.
e) small rural landowners (kulaks ), large landowners and workers.
question 2(Upenet/Iaupe) After a long civil war, in the mid-20th century, the revolutionary movement led by Mao Zedong managed to take power in China, defeating the troops of the government of Chiang Kai-Shek. From there, Mao developed a series of changes and transformations in the Chinese economy and culture.
In relation to the “Great Leap Forward” and the “Cultural Revolution”, mark the CORRECT alternative.
a) The “Cultural Revolution” was a pacifist campaign implemented by the Chinese government that sought to follow the teachings of Mahatma Ghandi in order to stop the westernization of the Chinese people.
b) The agricultural communization program, established by the “Grande Leap”, soon reached its objective, organizing agricultural production. Between 1858 and 1960, the Communist Party practically doubled food production compared to 1857.
c) Despite having been successful, the “Great Leap Forward” was limited to the agricultural sector, leaving aside industrial production. This made Maoist China a major agro-exporting power, but industrially dependent on other nations.
d) Officially, the “Cultural Revolution” would have ended in 1969, but until at least 1971 it continued to function, as was evident in the Campaign Against Lin Biao, entitled “Campaign against Lin Biao”. Biao and Confucius.”
e) The “Cultural Revolution” had as one of its main objectives the preservation of the past. It was necessary to inaugurate a “New China”, based on Maoism, which was based on ancient practices and thoughts, notably Confucianism.
question 3(AOCP Institute) Consider the following speech, given on October 1, 1949, and mark the correct alternative.
“The people of all of China have been mired in bitter suffering and tribulation since the reactionary government of Chiang Kai-Shek and his Kuomintang betrayed the motherland, in collusion with the imperialists, having launched into the counter-revolutionary war. Fortunately, our People's Liberation Army, supported by the entire nation, has fought heroically and selflessly to defend the territorial sovereignty of our homeland, to protect people's lives and belongings, to relieve the people of their suffering and fight for their rights. , having finally ended the reactionary troops and overthrown the reactionary order of the Nationalist government.
Now, the People's Liberation War is virtually won, and most of the population in the country is free. On this basis, the first session of the People's Political Consultative Conference
Chinese, made up of delegates from all democratic parties and people's organizations in China, the People's Liberation Army, the various regions and nationalities of the country, as well as Chinese patriots abroad and other elements, was summoned.”
Available at:
a) Probably, from the content of the document, the speech was given by Deng Xiaoping, who resumed the growth of China's economy and promoted a great diplomatic opening.
b) When it is said that the government of Chiang Kai-shek would be in "completion with the imperialists", it can refer to both the Japanese government and the US government.
c) When you say “the majority of the population in the country is free”, it refers to the liberation of the country from communism.
d) About the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, saying that it is “composed of delegates from all democratic parties and popular organizations”, also refers to North American democracy.
e) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is considered when it is defended, in this document, that the Revolution will “relieve the people of their suffering and fight for their rights”.
P> question 4(FCC) In October 1949, Mao Zedong, defeating the nationalists, proclaimed the People's Republic of China. Within the so-called socialist camp, this fact was of paramount importance, since:
a) the Revolution made possible the creation, in 1950, of the block of States detached from the geopolitical blocks of the Cold War:the Non-Aligned Countries.
b) the world was fully experiencing the Cold War and, in that context, China's accession represented a great victory for socialism.
c) the Chinese Socialist Revolution, at the height of the Cold War, almost plunged the world into a new nuclear war between the capitalist and socialist blocs.
d) the conversion of China to the socialist system, in the context of the Cold War, retracted the National Movements for the Liberation of the countries in the Middle East.
e) None of the above.
question 5The Red Guard was a militia that served during which event in Chinese history?
a) Chinese Revolution of 1949.
b) Second Sino-Japanese War.
c) Chinese Cultural Revolution.
d) Chinese Civil War.
e) Great Leap Forward.
question 6The party that fought Mao Zedong and the Chinese communists became known as:
a) Kuomintang.
b) Mukden.
c) Manchukuo.
d) Nanjing.
e) Fujian.
question 7The civil war between nationalists and communists was, in theory, stopped in 1937 because China was invaded by:
a) North Americans.
b) Soviets.
c) British.
d) Japanese.
e) None of the above.
question 8What was the Great March?
a) It was the escape of Communist troops from Jiangxi during the Chinese Civil War.
b) It was the escape of the nationalists after they were defeated in 1949.
c) It was the escape of the Japanese at the end of World War II.
d) It was the flight of the Chinese bourgeoisie from the country during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
e) None of the above.
question 9The great leader of the 1949 Chinese Revolution and communist China was:
a) Sun Yat-sen.
b) Chiang Kai-shek.
c) Liu Shao-Chi.
d) Deng Xiaoping.
e) Mao Zedong.
question 10The Great Famine that hit China between 1959 and 1961 was the result of which Chinese government program?
a) Anti-Rightist Campaign.
b) Three-Anti Campaign.
c) Five-Anti Campaign.
d) Chinese Cultural Revolution.
e) Great Leap Forward.
question 11Regarding the Chinese Cultural Revolution, select the INCORRECT alternative:
a) It was part of a strategy by Mao Zedong to regain control of the CCP.
b) It began with the Circular 16 de Mayo, a document that called on the Chinese population to fight against reactionaryism in China.
c) Mao proposed fighting the “Four Old Ones”.
d) The Chinese Cultural Revolution was peaceful and had no deaths.
e) Millions of Chinese were sent to re-education camps.
question 12The revolutionary ideas formulated by Mao Zedong became known as:
a) State communism.
b) Maoism.
c) tungism.
d) Titoism.
e) None of the above.
answers Question 1Alternative D
Mao Zedong, or Mao Zedong, believed that in order to face imperialist oppression it was necessary to form a united front that would bring together the peasants, workers and the national bourgeoisie. This would make it possible to strengthen China's economy, which would give the country strength to carry out this resistance.
Question 2Alternative D
The Chinese Cultural Revolution was the means found by Mao Zedong to restore his image, eroded after the failure of the “Great Leap Forward” program, which killed millions of people in hungry. Officially, the Chinese Cultural Revolution ended on April 27, 1969, when the Chinese army disbanded the Red Guard. However, even after the event, the repression that marked this event in Chinese history continued, and historians understand that the Cultural Revolution only really ended with the death of Mao Zedong, in 1976.
Question 3Alternative B
In the Chinese revolutionary discourse of the time, the imperialists corresponded to the North Americans, who were very interested in stifling the advance of communism in China, and to the Japanese, who maintained imperialist interests in China during almost the entire first half of the 20th century.
Question 4Alternative B
In the context of the late 1940s, when the socialist and capitalist blocs were being structured in the Cold War scenario, the transformation of China into a nation ruled by the Communist Party of China it was symbolic and demonstrated the strength of socialism in the world.
Question 5Alternative C
Red Guard was the militia formed during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976. This militia followed Mao Zedong's thoughts and ideologically persecuted those who did not fit in. in what was determined in the Red Book, the compilation of the phrases said by Mao.
Question 6Alternative A
The Kuomintang, known in Portuguese as the Nationalist Party, emerged in China in 1919, being founded by Sun Yat-sen. This party came to rule China from the 1920s onwards and began a strong repression of the growth of the Chinese Communist Party. After the defeat of the Kuomintang, its members fled to the island of Formosa.
Question 7Alternative D
In 1937, China was invaded by Japanese troops, starting the Second Sino-Japanese War. This conflict was the result of Japanese interests in creating colonies on Chinese territory in order to exploit its resources and population.
Question 8Alternative A
The Great March took place between 1934 and 1935 and consisted of the escape of communist troops fighting nationalists in the Chinese Civil War. The communists were isolated in Jiangxi and started an escape that covered 10 thousand km through Chinese territory.
Question 9Alternative E
Mao Zedong was the leader of the Chinese Revolution and the great leader of the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1976. In the 1910s, he approached Marxism and in the following decade joined the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP. He became leader of that party from 1935.
Question 10Alternative E
The Great Famine lasted from 1959 to 1961 and caused the deaths of millions of people (data are imprecise and the number of deaths varies). This famine is understood as a consequence of the collectivization of agriculture that took place during the Great Leap Forward, a program created by Mao Zedong for the development of China.
Question 11Alternative D
The Chinese Cultural Revolution was not peaceful, and official estimates put around 34,000 people dead. However, historians say that more than 1 million people may have died as a result of this event.
Question 12Alternative B
Maoism was the political theory formulated by Mao Zedong, and in it, Mao argued that peasant workers were an essential force for the consolidation of communism on the planet. Mao believed that the will of the people to carry out the revolution was decisive for its victory. Furthermore, he believed that armed struggle was essential to the success of the revolution.