(UEM) “In 1976, the Cultural Revolution, which began in 1966, ran out of steam in China. In that year, Mao Tse-tung, its main creator, died. In 1978, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, the country would begin to relax the socialist regime. A difficult conciliation was then sought between the economic opening towards the market economy and the preservation of the authoritarian political regime under the hegemony of the Chinese Communist Party.” (ARRUDA, J. J. de A. and PILETTI, N. All History . São Paulo:Ática, 2003. p. 465.)
About the History of China, mark the correct alternative.
a) Mao Zedong came to power through the socialist-oriented armed revolution that became known as the cultural revolution.
b) The so-called Great Leap Forward made by the Chinese Revolution occurred when Mao-Tse Tung led China to capitalism.
c) The economic opening that began in 1978 with Deng Xiaoping promoted an intense development of China that places it, today, among the largest economies on the planet.
d) The economic opening initiated by Deng Xiaoping also extended to politics and, today, China lives a democracy similar to the countries of Western Europe.
e) Even with a population of over 1.3 billion, China has become the largest food exporter on the planet.
question 2What was Mao Zedong's (or Mao Zendong's) main objective in promoting the Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1966?
a) establish an opening to freedom of thought and expression in China.
b) promote the integration of traditional cultures of East and West.
c) regain hegemony within the Communist Party and the Chinese State.
d) establish links with the United States and the counterculture.
e) to develop Chinese culture in the areas of classical music and the visual arts.
question 3The main vehicle for disseminating Mao Zedong's ideas, which triggered the so-called Maoist movement, was:
a) the movie “The Society of the Spectacle”.
b) the book titled “The Red Book”.
c) the book entitled “Minha Luta”.
d) the movie “The Last Emperor”.
e) the book entitled “Imperialism:New Phase of Capitalism”.
question 4One of the most obvious side effects of the Chinese Cultural Revolution on that country's tradition was:
a) The destruction of religious temples and the expulsion of monks.
b) The spread of traditional Chinese opera throughout the country.
c) The invitation of intellectuals and artists from other regions of the world to study the Chinese tradition.
d) The rejection of the personality cult of Mao Zedong.
e) The rejection of reading the “Red Book”.
answers Question 1Letter C
After Mao Zedong regained control of the Chinese Communist Party and triggered the Cultural Revolution and its effects on Chinese society, his successor, Deng Xiaoping, promoted a grandiose economic opening in the country. , inserting it in the international market. From the 1980s to the 21st century, China became one of the world's leading economies, to which virtually all major powers are linked.
Question 2Letter C
Mao Tse-Tung used the Cultural Revolution strategy to re-establish political hegemony within the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese State, disrupting the party bureaucracy and transferring political organization directly to the mass of workers. Chinese. This maneuver was not possible without establishing a cult of his personality and using force to suppress opposing opinions.
Question 3Letter B
The work “The Red Book” became the primer of the Chinese Maoist youth, which absorbed the doctrines elaborated by Mao and put them into practice. The impact of this book also reached the Western world, so that, in events like May 1968, in Paris, a good part of French youth assumed themselves as Maoists and read the “Red Book”.
Question 4Letter A
The Cultural Revolution promoted by Mao Zedong strongly repulsed Chinese cultural tradition, such as Buddhism, and the practice of ancient theater and operas, among other important aspects of Chinese tradition.