1 – “(...) the use of terror by those who already hold power within the State cannot be listed among the forms of political terrorism, because this qualifies, on the contrary, as as the instrument used by certain groups to overthrow a government accused of maintaining itself through terror.”
2 – In other cases “terrorists fight against a State of which they are not a part and not against a government (which makes their action connoted as a form of war), even when for in turn do not represent another state. His action then appears as irregular; in the sense that they cannot organize an army and do not know territorial limits, since they do not come from a State.”
(Dictionary of Policy(org.) BOBBIO, N., MATTEUCCI, N. and PASQUINO, G., Brasília:Edunb, 1986).
According to the two statements, it is possible to compare and distinguish the following historical events:
I. The guerrilla and national liberation movements carried out in some African and Southeast Asian countries between the 1950s and 70s are examples of the first case.
II. The attacks that took place in the 1990s, such as the Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires, the US, Kenya and Tanzania, and the World Trade Center in 2001, are examples of the second case.
III. The national liberation movements of the 1950s and 1970s in Africa and Southeast Asia, and the terrorism of the 1990s and 2001 were actions against an invading and oppressive enemy, and are examples of the former.
It is correct what is stated only in:
a) I.
b) II
c) I and II
d) I and III
e) II and III.
question 2We can say that the word “guerrilla” derives from the Spanish “guerrilla” (small war), which had its origin in the context:
a) of the wars for the Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century.
b) from the Spanish Civil War.
c) Spanish resistance to the Napoleonic invasions.
d) of the wars for the Independence of the Colonies of South America.
e) from the Cuban War of Independence in 1898.
question 3(Mackenzie) The bombings at the US Embassy in Nairobi and Dar es-Salaan on August 8, 1998 and the September 11, 2001 attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon terrorized and diverted the Western world's attention to radical Islamic fundamentalist groups and Islam. Noam Chomsky on Islam and its relations with terrorist groups.
From the text, it is correct to state that:
a) in Islam, the moral code and norms of behavior are defined by the Koran, and the Holy War, against the western world, is preached by most fundamentalist Islamists.
b) according to Islamic tradition, the word Islam means “polytheistic religious preaching and annual idolatry of deities in the city of Mecca”, a practice defended by Islamic fundamentalists.
c) the conflicts between the Americans and the fundamentalists have their roots in the UN's intention to organize, in Islam, a centralized State, along the lines of the State of Israel.
d) all members of Islamic fundamentalism condemned terrorist actions against the US and conflicts can be attributed to the policies of Osama bin Laden and George W. Bush.
e) fundamentalists do not accept the defense, by some leaders of Islam and Americans, of the right of free religious choice and the conversion of non-Muslims to the Muslim religion.
question 4The adjective “terrorist” first appeared in the writing Letters on a Regicide Peace (Letters about a regicidal peace) by the Irish philosopher Edmund Burke , published in 1796. Burke was referring to a period of the French Revolution, which lasted from September 5, 1793, to July 27, 1794, known as “the Terror”, commanded:
a) by Mirabeau.
b) by the Jacobins.
c) by the Girondins.
d) by Napoleon III.
e) by Napoleon Bonaparte.
answers Question 1Letter C
The use of terror by “national liberation” guerrillas, such as the examples cited in topic I, because they do not have an agenda to attack random civilian targets (as is the case with terrorism perpetrated by Al-Qaeda), but a generally local and restricted revolutionary agenda, cannot be qualified, according to the question (which is based on the definition of the cited authors), as “political terrorism”. The actions of groups such as Al-Qaida are defined as terrorism because they do not target a constituted (and eventually authoritarian) National State, but something that is external to it.
Question 2Letter C
The expression guerrilla appeared for the first time during the popular uprisings of the Spanish population against Napoleonic rule between 1808 and 1812. This resistance was carried out irregularly, that is, without training, the weapons and strategies of regular armies, but with the use of handcrafted weapons, ambushes, sabotage, etc.
Question 3Letter A
The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, guides conduct, laws and the structure of family, social and political organization in Islamic countries. Fundamentalists, or extremists, supporters of radical interpretations of the Islamic tradition, chose, like Sayydi Qutb, the terrorist path.
Question 4Letter B
Burke targeted the French Revolution as a whole, but the application of the adjective “terrorist” was strictly related to the conduct of the Jacobins during the “Terror” or “National Convention” phase. in which thousands of people were sentenced to death by the guillotine.