(FGV) About the formation of absolutism in France, it is incorrect to say that:
a) its antecedents are also located in the reigns of Felipe Augusto, Luís IX and Felipe IV, between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries.
b) it was necessary in this process to centralize armies, taxes, justice and ecclesiastical issues;
c) the abolition of the sovereignty of feudal nobles did not play an important role in this context;
d) the Hundred Years War was fundamental in this process;
e) during this process that the alliance with the bourgeoisie was necessary to contain and control the resistance of feudal nobles.
question 2(Fatec- SP) "France is a monarchy. The king represents the whole nation, and each person represents nothing other than a single individual before the king. Consequently, all power, all authority, resides in the hands of the king, and there should only be in the kingdom the authority he establishes. He must be the owner, he can listen to advice, consult them, but he must decide. God who made the king will give him the necessary light, provided he shows good intentions" (Louis XIV - "Memories of the Art of Governing"). We can characterize the monarchic absolutism put into practice in European countries during the Modern Age as:
a) an alliance between an absolutist monarch and the mercantile bourgeoisie, in order to dominate and exclude the power of the nobility.
b) a successful alliance between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
c) an authoritarian form of government, whose power is centralized in the hands of a person who exercises all the functions of the State.
d) a synonym for tyranny exercised by the monarch over his subjects.
e) total power concentrated in the hands of the nobility, in which judges and deputies were responsible for judging and legislating.
question 3How important was the creation of the Assembly of the Estates General by Philip IV the Beautiful for the consolidation of the French National Monarchy?
a) exempted merchants from taxation, freeing them from the king's influence.
b) guaranteed to the king the imposition of his political figure on the other instances of society.
c) exempted the Catholic Church from having to pay tribute to the crown.
d) solved the problem of lack of distribution of land in the countryside.
e) gave political legitimacy to the bourgeoisie.
question 4The Hundred Years' War was one of the main events that took place in the context of the formation of the French National Monarchy. This war contributed to the solidification of the French absolutist state insofar as:
a) popular uprisings and the reorganization of the army during the war against the English gave King Charles VII powers capable of consolidating a strong and modern state.
b) Joan of Arc ended up causing the French army to be disrupted from the inside out.
c) the English felt sorry for France because of the Black Death in this state and forgave the debts of the war.
d) peasant uprisings played a decisive role in the agrarian reform carried out in the 15th century.
e) the bases of royal power became directly associated with the bourgeoisie, and no longer with aristocratic lineages.
answers Question 1Letter C
In the process of formation of the French National Monarchy, the political centralization in the figure of the king was of paramount importance. For this to happen, it was necessary to dismantle the niches of power distributed among the feudal lords.
Question 2Letter C
The absolutist monarch, who in the French National State had its maximum expression in the figure of King Louis XIV (the “Sun King”), concentrated in himself the very foundations of the State, that is, the person of the It was the king who guaranteed the legitimacy of the nation, from whom the executive, judicial and legislative powers emanated. There was no citizen and democratic constitution, with the proper separation of powers, as it appeared after the French Revolution.
Question 3Letter B
The creation of the Estates-General solidified the monarch's power over society as a whole, subjecting the rising commercial bourgeoisie, nobility and clergy to his yoke, thus centralizing political power.
P> Question 4Letter A
With the end of the war, in 1453, King Charles VII laid the foundations for a fully absolutist state by managing to quell once and for all the threat from the armies of England. Some of Charles VII's measures were:to install a permanent royal army and, associated with the mercantile bourgeoisie, to create a series of new taxes and economic structures that would configure absolutism.