Millennium History

Ancient history

  • Where did branflakes come from?

    The origins of bran flakes can be traced back to 1863 when a physician named James Caleb Jackson developed a food for diabetics from ground wheat bran. The product was called Granula and was commercially available in 1877. Later in 1896, one of Jacksons patients Kellogg Brothers (John Harvey Kellogg

  • What was happiningg in England at the time of Aztecs?

    The Aztec civilization flourished in Mesoamerica from the 14th to the 16th century, while England during the same period was undergoing significant changes and events:1. The Tudor Dynasty:- In 1485, Henry VII of the Tudor family defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, marking the begin

  • How was Athenas life as an adult?

    As a goddess, Athena did not experience a lifespan like mortals do, so she did not have an adult life as such. She was always an adult, from her birth from the head of Zeus. However, if you are asking about her role and activities as a goddess, here is a summary: As the Greek goddess of wisdom, war,

  • Where did the anklet originate?

    Anklets, also known as ankle bracelets or foot jewelry, have a long and diverse history that dates back to ancient civilizations. While their origins are not entirely clear, anklets have been worn for various reasons throughout history, including adornment, cultural significance, and as symbols of s

  • How old is the oldest city in world?

    Damascus, Syria, is considered to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Archaeological evidence suggests that the city was inhabited as early as 9000 BC, making it over 11,000 years old. Damascus is located in southwestern Syria and is the capital of the Rif Dimashq Governorate. It

  • How old is the Aztec civilization?

    The Aztec civilization flourished in central Mexico in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. The Aztecs were a Nahuatl-speaking people who migrated to the Valley of Mexico from Aztlan, a legendary place in the north. They founded their capital city, Tenochtitlan, in 1325 on an island in the middle of

  • Zeus the same in greek and roman mythology?

    Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek mythology, is indeed known as Jupiter in Roman mythology. While the names may differ, Zeus and Jupiter share many similarities in their roles, attributes, and mythological significance.1. Mythological Role: - In Greek mythology, Zeus is the sky and thunder god,

  • Greek and roman names for Zeus?

    Greek name: ZeusRoman name: JupiterOther Greek names:- Diovis- Diovos- Dia Zeus- Kronius

  • What is the answer to this analogy ancient old as what new?

    The answer to the analogy ancient old as what new is modern. Just as ancient and old represent opposite ends of the spectrum of time, modern and new do the same.

  • What role did Hades play in Greeks daily life?

    In Greek daily life, Hades, the god of the underworld, did not have a direct influence or active involvement. However, his presence was acknowledged and feared. Here are a few aspects related to Hades role:Religious Beliefs and Worship:- Hades was primarily associated with the realm of the dead and

  • How many years ago was 10000 BC?

    There was no year 10000 BC. 10,000 BC refers to the year 12,002 calendar years before the current year, which is written as 2023.

  • Where did the word dungarees originate from?

    Dungarees come from the Hindi word dungari which means hill people or hill cloth because they were originally made from coarse cloth woven by the Dongri Koli people and worn by the working class of Mumbai, India.

  • Where did word Aztec come from?

    The word Aztec is derived from the Nahuatl word Azteca, which is a shortened form of Aztlaneca, which means people of Aztlan. Aztlan was the legendary home of the Aztecs, located somewhere in the north of Mexico, and the Aztecs referred to themselves as Mexica or Tenochca, after their capital city T

  • Why is there a movement to use BCE and CE insted of BC AD?

    There are a few reasons why there is a movement to use BCE and CE instead of BC and AD.1. Religious neutrality. The terms BC and AD are derived from the Latin phrases ante Christum (before Christ) and anno Domini (in the year of the Lord), which refer to the birth of Jesus Christ. For people who do

  • What does CE stand for in the year 140 CE?

    The abbreviation CE stands for Common Era. It is used to designate years according to the Gregorian calendar, which is the most widely used calendar in the world today. The term CE is often used in place of AD, which stands for Anno Domini (Latin for in the year of the Lord). The year 140 CE therefo

  • The roman god Janas is the of what?

    Janus is the Roman god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, one looking forward and one looking backward.

  • Is cupid a Roman or greek god?

    Cupid is the Roman god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. He is often portrayed as the son of the Roman goddess Venus, which in Greek Mythology is Aphrodite. In Greek mythology, the equivalent of Cupid is Eros

  • What did Aztecs do to the warriors they captured?

    Sacrifice themThe Aztecs were a highly religious people, and they believed that human sacrifice was necessary to appease the gods and ensure the survival of their society. Warriors who were captured in battle were often considered to be the most valuable sacrifices, as they were seen as strong and c

  • What did the lower class people in 1500s wear?

    The lower class people in the 1500s wore simple and durable clothing made from natural materials such as wool, linen, and leather. Their attire reflected their social status and practical considerations for everyday life.Mens Clothing:1. Shirts: Lower-class men typically wore loose-fitting shirts ma

  • How did the Aztecs and incas build cities without wheel?

    Aztec* Canals: The Aztecs built an extensive network of canals to transport goods and people throughout their empire. The canals were dug by hand and were often lined with stone.* Roads: The Aztecs also built a system of roads that connected their cities and towns. The roads were made of packed eart

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