Millennium History

Ancient history

  • Commercial Renaissance

    The Commercial Renaissance was one of the strands of the Italian Renaissance, a cultural, economic and political movement that emerged in Italy in the 14th century. Alongside the Cultural and Urban Renaissance, the Commercial Renaissance was marked by the intensification of commercial relations bet

  • Perestroika and Glasnost

    Perestroika and Glasnost were the reformist policies carried out by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, from 1985-1991. Shop out of stock in Russia in 1991. Perestroika Perestroika or “restructuring” consisted in ending the economic centralization establis

  • greek comedy

    The Comedy is one of the theatrical genres usually written in verse, which has its beginnings in Ancient Greece. It is a burlesque and humorous critical genre that satirizes various aspects of society from customs, habits, morals, noble figures, political institutions, among others. Abstract Theat

  • Babylonian Empire

    The Babylonian Empire is one of the main periods of the ancient world and was located in the region now known as Iraq, in the lands that cross the Tiger rivers and Euphrates . Divided into two phases, it was located in the southern region of Mesopotamia. The two phases are separated by the rule of

  • Medieval Culture

    The Medieval Culture it is a set of philosophical, literary, religious and scientific manifestations that mix factors from Greco-Roman and Germanic cultures, in a synthesis permeated by Christian aspects. It is worth noting that the Catholic Church had a marked preponderance throughout the medieval

  • It was Meiji

    The Meiji Era (Illuminated Regime or Government) meant the first era of the Empire in Japan and which remained between the years 1868-1912. It was extremely important for Japans development process, as it made it one of the great capitalist world powers. It represented a period of political, economi

  • Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty (in English, The Statue of Liberty ) is a large monument located in the United States. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. One of the most famous in the world, the statue is an icon that symbolizes freedom, democracy and the hope of the American people. Th

  • greek sculpture

    The most famous sculptures are the Greek ones. They achieved perfection never before achieved, so they left a legacy and inspire artists to this day. They were inspired by Egyptian sculptures and were copied by the Romans. Characteristics Egyptian sculptures were static, did not show movements and

  • Roman Emperors

    The Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC. to 476 and was the period when Rome dominated much of Europe, North Africa and also regions of the Middle East. The time of the Emperors begins after the Crisis of the Republic that ends with the assassination of Julius Caesar. Emperors of various patrician fami

  • Roman civilization

    The Roman civilization originates with the expansion and consolidation of Romes power over the Italian Peninsula and neighboring territories. Origin Roman civilization is a mixture of influences from Etruscan, Greek and Oriental cultures. If the Greeks stood out for their philosophy and the Egyptia

  • urban renaissance

    The Urban Renaissance represented one of the strands that formed the Renaissance movement, alongside the Cultural and Commercial Renaissance. It is worth remembering that the Italian Renaissance was an economic, artistic and cultural movement that dominated the European mentality for centuries:from

  • Triple Entente

    The Triple Entente was an alliance formed by England , Russia and France in order to resist and contest the Triple Alliance. It appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1907. The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance divided the continent into two blocs. This system of alliances was based

  • Terrorism:definition, attacks and terrorist groups

    Terrorism are violent acts committed by persons or groups in order to cause fear and material harm to a State or a population. The term emerged during the French Revolution, in order to designate the most radical factions of the revolutionary process, between 1793-1794. This definition would retur

  • Fertile Crescent

    The Fertile Crescent is called the “Cradle of Civilization ”, since several peoples of antiquity (around 10,000 BC) developed in this region, hence its great importance in the history of humanity. Location Map of the Fertile Crescent region Corresponds to a region of the Middle East, with approxi

  • Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa , originally La Gioconda (in Italian), is one of the most famous paintings in the world and the most celebrated work of Leonardo da Vinci. It was produced in the 16th century and is currently on display at the Louvre Museum in France. Because the Mona Lisa is so famous, there are many rep

  • Inquisition

    The Inquisition was a political-religious movement that took place between the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries in Europe and the Americas. The objective was to seek the repentance of those considered heretics by the Church and to condemn theories contrary to the dogmas of Christianity. Holy Inq

  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference or Crimean Conference represented a set of meetings that took place in the year 1945, when the second world war ended. The central objective of this conference was to determine the division of territories, especially European ones, in addition to presenting the international or

  • Roman sculpture

    Roman sculpture was an extremely significant artistic manifestation in the civilization of Ancient Rome. It can be said that it is a mixture of classical perfection with features of realism and Eastern styles, which were translated into stone and bronze pieces of unparalleled beauty. As with paint

  • Medieval Theater

    The medieval theater is one that was produced in the medieval era (5th to 15th century). During this period, medieval theater can be classified in two ways: the sacred theater, related to religious themes; profane theatre, like farces and jesters, with popular, comic and moralizing themes. After

  • Akkadians

    The Akkadians represent one of the ancient peoples who inhabited the region of Mesopotamia. Note that several civilizations developed in the Fertile Crescent region, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Thus, in addition to the Akkadians, the Sumerians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Hittites and Ammo

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