Millennium History

Ancient history

  • Dahomey | historical kingdom, Africa

    Dahomey , kingdom in West Africa , used in the southern region in the 18th and 19th centuries Benin thrived . Tradition has it that in the early 17th century three brothers competed for the kingdom Allada , which like neighboring Whydah (now) Ouidah ), was in Slave Trade got r

  • Angevin Reich | historical empire, Europe

    Angevin Reich , the areas located in the second half of the 12th century from Scotland extended to the Pyrenees and were ruled by the English king Henry II. And its immediate successors Richard I. and John; They were called the Angevin Kings because Henrys father count by Anjou

  • Bunyoro | historical kingdom, East Africa

    Bunyoro , East African Kingdom , that flourished west of from the 16th to the 19th centuries Victoria - See , in the todays Uganda . Bunyoro was founded by invaders from the north; like cattle herders, the immigrants constitutes a privileged social group who ruled over Bantu

  • Somaliland | historical region, Africa

    Somali , historically , now the area , comprehensive Somalia and Djibouti . The name also refers to the Republic of Somaliland, a self-proclaimed independent country on Horn of Africa . Britannica Quiz Exploring Africa:Fact or Fiction? Though this continent is teeming with natu

  • Amūq | Region, Turkey

    ʿAmūq , Turkish Amik , level of Southern Turkey , borders Syria. Framed by mountains, the plain is about 500 square kilometers and forms a triangle between the cities of Antioch (southwest), Reyhanlı (southeast) and Kırıkhan (north). In the center of the plain is Lake Amik (Lake Antioch), which was

  • Al-Hirah | ancient city, Iraq

    Al-Ḥīrah (from Syriac ḥirtā, warehouse), English Hira , ancient city south of al-Kūfah in south-central Iraq; it was prominent in pre-Islamic Arab history. The city was originally a military camp but in the 5th and 6th centuries ad it was the capital of Lakhmiden who were Arab v

  • Kingdom of Anziku | historical kingdom, Africa

    Kingdom of Anziku , also Kingdom called Teke, or Tyo Kingdom , historical African state on and north of the Congo near Malebo Pool . The Teke lived early on in the regions high plains. It is not known when they organized themselves as a kingdom, but by 1600 their state was

  • Arabia Felix | ancient region, Arabia

    Arabia Felix (Latin:Happy or Prosperous Arabia) in ancient geography, the comparatively fertile region of southwestern and southern Arabia ( in today Asir and Yemen), a region that stands out Arabia Deserta in barren central and northern Arabia and with Arabia Petraea (Stony Arabia) in no

  • History of Mesopotamia Definition, Summary and Facts

    History of Mesopotamia , history of the southwest region of Asia where the earliest civilization developed worldwide. The name comes from a Greek word meaning between rivers, referring to the land between Tigris and Euphrates However, the region can generally be defined to encompass the

  • Holy Roman Empire | Map, Definition, History, Capital and Meaning

    Holy Roman Empire , German Holy Roman Empire , Latin Sacrum Romanum Imperium , the separate land complex in west and Central Europe , which was first governed by Franconian and then from German kings for 10 centuries (800–1806). (For the history of the areas that are at diff

  • Armagnac | historical region, France

    Armagnac , Southwest Historical Region France , is now in Department Gers. It is a hilly region reaching 300m in height, drained by the Gers and other rivers that fan out from the Lannemezan Plateau. On the slopes of its hills grow the grapes from which the famous Armagnac Brandy .

  • Nubia | Definition, History, Map &Facts

    Nubia , old northeast region Africa , which extends roughly from the Nil Valley out extends (near the first cataract in Upper Egypt ) east to the banks of the Red Sea , south to about Khartoum (in todays Sudan ) and west to Libyan desert . Nubia is traditionally divided

  • Macedonia | old kingdom, Europe

    Macedonia , ancient plains kingdom in the northeast of the Greek peninsula, at the tip of the Thérmai Golf . In the 4th century v. Chr. Reached es the Hegemony over Greece and conquered territories up to Indus , creating a short-lived empire known as the Hellenistic Ages

  • Prague Castle | History, buildings &facts

    Prague Castle , Czech Pražský hrad , also Hradčany called , Collective term for a collection of palaces, churches, offices, fortifications, courtyards, and gardens in Prague on a area of ​​approximately 45 hectares. The Castle used to be the headquarters of bohemian Kin

  • French West Africa | historical area, West Africa

    French West Africa , French- Afrique Occidentale Française (AOF) , administrative grouping under French rule from 1895 to 1958 of the former French territories of West Africa: Senegal , French Guinea, Ivory Coast and French Sudan, to which Dahomey was added in 1899. Certain areas o

  • La Tene | archaeological site, switzerland

    La Tene (French:The Shallows), archaeological site at the eastern end of the Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland, whose name was extended to include the Late Iron Age Culture of the European Celts to mark . The culture of La Tène originated in the mid-5th century v . Ch. , as the Cel

  • Kaḍiri | historical kingdom, Indonesia

    Kaḍiri , a Hinduized kingdom in Eastern Java , was founded around the 11th century. Little is known about the kingdom. After the Pararaton (Book of Kings), a powerful king of East Java, Airlangga divided his kingdom between his two sons before he died in 1049:the western part was ca

  • Dutch Republic | History &Facts

    Dutch Republic , formal Republic of the United Netherlands , Dutch Republic of the United Netherlands , (1588-1795), state , whose area includes roughly that of the present kingdom the Netherlands and attained a position of world power in the 17th century. The Republic consi

  • Sultanate of Delhi | History, importance and rulers

    Delhi Sultanate , main Muslim sultanate in North India from the 13th to the 16th centuries. It owed its foundation mainly to the campaigns of Muʿizz al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Sām (Muḥammad of Ghūr; brother of Sultan Ghiyāth al-Dīn of Ghūr) and his lieutenant Quṭb al-Dīn Aibak between 1

  • Media | ancient region, Iran

    Media , ancient country in the northwest of the Iran , which generally corresponds to the modern regions of Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and parts of Kermanshah. Mediums appear first in the texts of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III (858–824 v . Ch. ) recording peoples of the land Mada.

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