Ancient history

What days did people celebrate holy in Medieval times?

* Sundays: Sundays were considered holy days of obligation, meaning that all Christians were required to attend Mass.

* Holy Days of Obligation: In addition to Sundays, there were a number of other holy days of obligation, including Christmas, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Corpus Christi, and the Assumption of Mary.

* Saints' Days: Saints' days were also considered holy days, and many people would attend Mass or go on pilgrimage to the shrine of the saint being celebrated.

* Rogation Days: Rogation Days were three days of prayer and fasting that were held before Ascension Day.

* Ember Days: Ember Days were four days of fasting and prayer that were held at the beginning of each season.

* Lent: Lent was a 40-day period of fasting and prayer that preceded Easter.

* Holy Week: Holy Week was the week leading up to Easter, and it was considered to be the most important week of the year.

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