History of Europe

What were the union and confederate nicknames?


- Billy Yank: A nickname for a Union soldier originating in the Confederate states.

- The Boys in Blue: Often in contrast with the Confederate nickname "Butternuts," this was the nickname for the US Army worn blue uniforms.

- Damnyankees: A derogatory term used by Confederates to refer to Union soldiers.

- Federals: A term for Union soldiers or members of the US government as they upheld the federal law.

- Mudsills: A derogatory term for Union soldiers implying that they were inferior manual laborers.

- Roundhead: Refers to the short haircut typically worn by Union soldiers.


- Butternut: A nickname for Confederate soldiers, likely derived from the color of their uniforms.

- Johnny Reb: A southern counterpart of the Union's Billy Yank.

- Rebs: A shortened form of the word "rebels."

- Greybacks: A reference to the Confederate soldiers wearing grey uniforms.

- Secesh: Short for secessionists, the people who broke away from the US.

- Dixie: Nickname for the Confederacy, it may have been inspired by the popular song "Dixie."